JRA 22 (2009)

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To view the first pages of the articles in JRA 22, click on the links below:

1.New light on the production of decorated roofs of the 6th c. B.C. at sites in and around Rome by N. A. Winter, I. Iliopoulos and A. J. Ammerman
2.Magni nominis umbra: entre onomástica y topografía en torno al theatrum Pompei by A. Monterroso Checa
3.In search of Roman economic growth by W. Scheidel
4.Indicators for Roman economic growth: a response to Walter Scheidel by A. Wilson
5.The transport amphoras Lamboglia 2 and Dressel 6A: a central Dalmatian origin? by A. Lindhagen
6.Haec aurea templa: the Palatine temple of Apollo and its polychromy by S. Zink with H. Piening
7.The identification of lead ingots from the Roman mines of Cartagena by P. R. Trincherini, C. Domergue, I. Manteca, A. Nesta and P. Quarati
8.Lead ‘slingshot’ (glandes) by T. Rihll
9.Pastoralism, rural economy, and the evolution of landscape in the western Alps by M. Segard
10.The man in Turia’s life, with a consideration of inheritance issues in the 1st c. B.C. by H. Lindsay
11.Roman birth rites of passage revisited by V. Dasen
12.Costly display or economic investment? A quantitative approach to the study of marine aquaculture by A. Marzano & G. Brizzi
13. Surplus production for the market? The agrarian economy in the non-villa landscapes of Germania Inferior by M. Groot, S. Heeren, L. I. Kooistra and W. V. Vos
14.Totenmahl reliefs in the northern provinces by P. Stewart
15.A mosaic of Aion with the Seasons at Masseria Ciccotti (Lucania) by M. Gualtieri & S. Ferrari
16.The Tetrarchic fort at Nag al-Hagar in the province of Thebaïs: by M. Mackensen
17.Quarries in the region of Aphrodisias: the black and white marbles of Göktepe (Mugla) by D. Attanasio, M. Bruno and A. B. Yavuz
18.Stucco fluting the columns of the temple at Kh. Omrit by M. C. Nelson and J. T. Thole
19.Evidence of demolition and remodeling at Villa A at Oplontis after A.D. 45 by M. L. Thomas & J. R. Clarke
20.The cults of Ituraean Heliopolis (Baalbeck) by A. Kropp
21.New inscriptional evidence and Petra’s rôle in the province of Arabia by T. Gagos
22.Books and libraries in a newly-discovered treatise of Galen by C. P. Jones
23.Antium, the Palatium, and the Domus Tiberiana again by P. L. Tucci
24.The wall-top at castrum Bigorra (Saint-Lézer) by J. Wood
25.A propos du couronnement du rempart de Saint-Lézer by Ch. Darl, A. Badie et J.-J. Malmaryes
26.An early Byzantine ‘élite’ tomb in a domestic context at Kaukana, Sicily R. J. A. Wilson with G. Di Stefano, J. W. Hayes & C. L. Sulosky