JRA 29 (2016)

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To view the first pages of the articles in JRA 29, click on the links below:

1.Sant’Omobono: an interim status quaestionis by D. P. Diffendale, P. Brocato, N. Terrenato, and A. L. Brock
2.The early development of concrete in the domestic architecture of pre-Roman Pompeii by M. Mogetta
3.An archaeological analysis of a battlefield of the Second Punic War: the camps of the battle of Baecula by J. P. Bellón, C. Rueda, M. A. Lechuga and M. I. Moreno
4.Un cargamento de sigillatas en el entorno del Estrecho de Gibraltar: el pecio del Guadiaro by M. Bustamante e I. Navarro
5.Boundaries and control in the Roman house by J. Berry
6.Excavation of the approach to the mountain palace-fortress at Herodium by R. Porat, Y. Kalman and R. Chachy
7.Shipwreck cargoes in the western Mediterranean and the organization of Roman maritime trade by C. Rice
8.The Aphrodite of Emesa: miniature marble sculpture and religious life in Roman Syria by A. J. M. Kropp
9.Hadrian, Hercules and griffins: a group of cuirassed statues from Latium and Pamphylia by S. Wood+
10.In ampitζatru Carthaginis: the Carthage amphitheatre and its uses by J. Rossiter
11.Lambs of god: an end of human sacrifice by B. D. Shaw
12.On Giacomo Boni, the origins of the Forum, and where we stand today by A. J. Ammerman
13.Funerary practices and sacerdotal rank in pre-Roman northern and central Italy: new data for interpreting the ‘ritual shovel’ by F. Sacchetti
14.A new Republican temple on the via Appia, at the borders of Rome’s urban space by R. Dubbini+
15.An integrated approach to the study of local production and exchange in the lower Pontine plain by G. Tol and B. Borgers
16.Egyptian blue: modern myths, ancient realities by A. Skovmøller, C. Brøns and M. L. Sargent
17.Last of the naval triumphs: revisiting some key Actian honours by F. J. Vervaet and C. J. Dart
18.Early Roman copper-alloy brooch production: a compositional analysis of 400 brooches from Germania Inferior by M. Roxburgh, S. Heeren, H. Huisman and B. Van Os
19.Exploiting excavation archives: Herculaneum from 1927 to 1961 as a case-study by N. Monteix
20.Tire choices in Roman chariot racing by B. I. Sandor
21.Scritti africani di Antonino Di Vita by G. Montali
22.Light on the water: ritual deposit of lamps in Lake Nemi by F. Diosono and T. Cinaglia
23.An amulet from London and events surrounding the Antonine Plague by C. P. Jones
24.Another eyewitness to the plague described by Cyprian, with notes on the “Persecution of Decius” by K. Harper
25.The manufacturing process of the gold bust of Marcus Aurelius: evidence from neutron imaging by A. de Pury-Gysel, E. H. Lehmann and A. Giumlia-Mair
26.Social clustering in 5th-c. Constantinople: the evidence of the Notitia by B. Anderson
27.The status of Serena and the Stilicho diptych by A. Cameron