JRA 8 (1995)

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To view the first pages of the articles in JRA 8, click on the links below:

1.La identificación de los trofeos de Pompeyo en el Pirineo by G. Castellvi, J. M. Nolla & I. Rodà
2.La primera evidencia arqueológica de la destrucción de Valentia por Pompeyo by A. Ribera i Lacomba
3.Amphorae and amphora stamps from the Laecanius workshop by T. Bezeczky
4.Les ports antiques de Marseille, Place Jules-Verne by A. Hesnard
5.Une statio du quarantième des Gaules et les opérations commerciales dans le port de Marseille by J. France & A. Hesnard
6.Amphores du Ve au VIIe s. à Marseille by M. Bonifay & D. Piéri
7.The Roman villa of El Ruedo (Almedinilla, Cordoba) by D. Vaquerizo Gil & J. R. Carillo
8.The late series of Tunisian cylindrical amphoras at Carthage by J. Freed
9.A Byzantine gold-mining town in the eastern desert of Egypt by C. Meyer
10.Selected Roman and Italian acquisitions in Greek and Roman Antiquities, British Museum, 1980-1992 by B. F. Cook
11.The monopteroi in the west precinct of Diocletian’s Palace at Split by J. Mannell
12.A synagogue at Carthage? Menorah-lamps from the Danish excavations by J. Lund
13.A late-Roman urban population in a cemetery of Vandalic date at Carthage by S. T. Stevens
14.Recent work on villas around Ampurias, Girona, Iluro, and Barcelona by various authors
15.Villa romana de El Val (Alcalá de Henares, Madrid) by S. Rascón
16.La villa de La Quintilla (Lorca, Murcia) by S. F. Ramallo Asensio
17.La villa romana de Torre Águila (Barbaño-Montijo, Badajoz) by F. G. Rodríguez Martín
18.The cemetery at Osteria dell’Osa (Gabii): new light on early Latium by D. Ridgway
19.The wreck off Mahdia and the art-market in the early 1st c. B.C. by B. S. Ridgway
20.Explaining the arena: did the Romans ‘need’ gladiators? by S. Brown
21.Visualizing Pliny’s villas by B. Bergmann
22.The foundations of art history by M. Koortbojian
23.Water-power in North Africa and the development of the horizontal water-wheel by A. Wilson
24.Late Roman Achaea: identity and defence by G. Fowden