JRA 31 (2018)

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To view the first pages of the articles in JRA 31, click on the links below:

1.Rethinking early Carthaginian coinage by P. Visonà
2.A funerary monument on the Capitoline: architecture and painting in mid-Republican Rome, between Etruria and Greece by P. Tucci
3.Roman wall-painting in southern Gaul (Gallia Narbonensis and Gallia Aquitania) by A. Dardenay
4.The Ploutonion of Hierapolis in light of recent research (2013-17) by F. D’Andria
5.The impact of the German frontier on the economic development of the countryside of Roman Gaul by M. Reddé
6.Standardization and mass customization of architectural components: new perspectives on the Imperial marble construction industry by N. Toma
7.The Indirizzo Roman baths at Catania by M. Liuzzo, G. Margani and R. J. A. Wilson
8.Rural churches and settlements in late-antique and Early Mediaeval Tuscany by G. Castiglia
9.The Ludovisi “Suicidal Gaul” and his wife: bronze or marble original, Hellenistic or Roman? by B. S. Ridgway
10.A cork model in Aschaffenburg (Bavaria) giving new evidence for Pompeii’s House of Sallust by V. Kockel
11.The Aschaffenburg model: addenda to JRA Suppl. 98 by A. Laidlaw
12.Gladiators and circus horses in the Iliad frieze in Pompeii’s Casa di D. Octavius Quartio? by A. Pollard
13.A bronze portrait of a slave child from a presumed villa near Medellín (Lusitania) by D. Ojeda
14.Games, banquets, handouts, and the population of Pompeii as deduced from a new tomb inscription by M. Osanna
15.A view from the margin? Roman commonwares and patterns of distribution and consumption at Interamna Lirenas (Lazio) by A. Launaro and N. Leone
16.New investigations of the 6th-c. A.D. “church wreck” at Marzamemi, Sicily by J. Leidwanger
17.Landscape archaeology and urbanism at Meninx: results of geophysical prospection on Jerba (2015) by S. Ritter, S. Ben Tahar, J. W. E. Fassbinder & L. Lambers
18.The relationship between agricultural production and amphora manufacture on Roman Crete by S. Gallimore
19.Josephus’ “Cydasa of the Tyrians” (Tel Qedesh) in eastern Upper Galilee by R. Sabar
20.Designing the cavea of the theatre at Stobi by G. Pavlovski
21.Belt types, identity and social status in late antiquity: the belt set in Emona’s grave 18 by Š. Tomažinčič
22.The Late Roman fort of Can Blai on Formentera and its role in the defence of the Balearic Sea by R. González Villaescusa and J. H. Fernández
23.Two portraits from Aphrodisias: late-antique re-visualizations of traditional culture-heroes? by J. Lenaghan
24.Directing the faithful, structuring the sacred space: funerary epigraphy in its archaeological context in late-antique Tipasa by S. Ardeleanu