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H. Zabehlicky:

·      26.904: G. von Bulow und H. Zabehlicky (edd.), Bruckneudorf und Gamzigrad. Spätantike Paläste und Grossvillen im Donau-Balkan-Raum. Reviewed by A. H. Chen.

A. Zaccaria Ruggiu:

·      17.526: A. Zaccaria Ruggiu, More regio vivere: il banchetto aristocratico e la casa romana di età arcaica. Reviewed by N. Terrenato.

·      12.555: A. Zaccaria Ruggiu, Spazio privato e spazio pubblico nella città romana. Reviewed by A. M. Riggsby.

M. Zagermann:

·      27.792: M. Zagermann, Der Münsterberg in Breisach III. Die römerzeitlichen Befunde … Reviewed by G. Wesch-Klein.

M. Zahariade:

·      11.631: O. Bounegru and M. Zahariade, Les forces navales du Bas Danube et de la Mer Noire aux Ier-VIe siècles. Reviewed by M. Reddé.

N. Zair:

·    31.597: N. Zair, Oscan in the Greek alphabet. Reviewed by U. Roth.

E. Zanini:

·      22.813: L. Lavan, E. Zanini and A. Sarantis (edd.), Technology in transition A.D. 300-650. Reviewed by J. P. Oleson.

P. Zanker:

·      31.678: P. Zanker, Roman portraits: sculptures in stone and bronze in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Reviewed by D. E. E. Kleiner.

·    29.628: K. Fittschen, P. Zanker, aufnahmen von G. Fittschen-Badura, Katalog der römischen Porträts in den Capitolinischen Museen und den anderen kommunalen Sammlungen der Stadt Rom. Band IV. Kinderbildnisse; Nachträge zu den Bänden I-III; neuzeitliche oder neuzeitlich verfälschte Bildnisse; Bildnisse an Reliefdenkmalern. Reviewed by E. Bartman.

·      25.613: P. Zanker, Roman art. Reviewed by F. S. Kleiner.

·      12.533: P. Zanker, The mask of Socrates. Reviewed by F. Sear.

·      6.331: P. Zanker, Pompeji. Stadtbilder als Spiegel von Gesellschaft und Herrschaftsform. Reviewed by R. Ling.

·      3.271: P. Zanker, The power of images in the age of Augustus. Reviewed by E. Bartman.

P. Zanovello:

·      13.597: G. Bodon, I. Riera and P. Zanovello, Utilitas necessaria: sistemi idraulichi nell’Italia romana. Reviewed by A. Wilson.

J. Zant:

·      24.671: J. Zant, The Carlisle Millennium Project: excavations in Carlisle 1998-2001, vol. 1: Stratigraphy. Reviewed by R. Collins & M. Symonds.

M. Zarmakoupi:

·     28.632: M. Zarmakoupi, Designing for luxury on the Bay of Naples. Villas and landscapes (c.100 BCE–79 CE). Reviewed by C. C. Mattusch.

F. Zayadine:

·      19.441 and 19.446: F. Zayadine, F. Larché et J. Dentzer-Feydy, Le Qasr al-Bint de Pétra. Reviewed by J. Patrich and D. F. Graf.

F. Zevi:

·   26.575: M. Cébeillac Gervasoni, M. L. Caldelli e F. Zevi, Epigrafia latina. Ostia: cento iscrizioni in contesto. Reviewed by D. Nonnis and C. Pavolini.

·   21.433: M. Cébeillac-Gervasoni, M. L. Caldelli & F. Zevi, Epigraphie latine. Reviewed by C. Bruun.

J. D. Zienkiewicz:

·      1.142: J. D. Zienkiewicz, “The engraved gemstones” in The legionary fortress baths at Caerleon II. The finds; Reviewed by M. Henig.

·      1.142: J. D. Zienkiewicz, Roman gems from Caerleon. Reviewed by M. Henig.

M. Zink:

·    31.936: P. Ducrey, P. Gros & M. Zink (éd.), Les archives au secours des temples détruits de Palmyre. Reviewed by A. Schmidt-Colinet.

A. Ziółkowski:

·      33.527: A. Ziółkowski, From Roma quadrata to La Grande Roma dei Tarquini: a study of the literary tradition on Rome’s territorial growth under the kings. Reviewed by T. P. Wiseman.

T. Zollt:

·      11.683: T. Zollt, Kapitellplastik Konstantinopels vom 4. bis 6. Jahrhundert n.Chr. Reviewed by M. Dennert.

A. Zuiderhoek:

·      24.773: A. Zuiderhoek, The politics of munificence in the Roman Empire: citizens, elites and benefactors in Asia Minor. Reviewed by C. P. Jones.

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