Return to Index of Books Reviewed
M. S. Pacetti:
· 13.407: M. S. Pacetti, Italia 4, Orvieto (Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum). Reviewed by F. R. Serra Ridgway.
G. Paci:
· 13.568: G. Paci (ed.), Epigrafia romana in area adriatica. Reviewed by A. R. Birley.
J. E. Packer:
· 12.600: J. E. Packer, The Forum of Trajan in Rome. Reviewed by A. Viscogliosi.
M. Pagano:
· 28.620: M. Pagano & R. Prisciandaro, Studio sulle provenienze degli oggetti rinvenuti negli scavi borbonici del Regno di Napoli. Reviewed by E. Dwyer.
· 11.539: M. Pagano, I diari di scavo di Pompei, Ercolano e Stabiae di Francesco e Pietro La Vega (1764-1810): Raccolta e studio di documenti inediti. Reviewed by C. Parslow.
P. Palazzo:
· 28.610: P. Palazzo & C. Pavolini (edd.), Gli dèi propizi. La Basilica Hilariana nel contesto dello scavo dell’Ospedale Militare Celio (1987-2000). Reviewed by E. Fentress.
M. Pallottino:
· 10.318: M. Pallottino, Origini e storia primitiva di Roma. Reviewed by A. J. Ammerman.
D. Palombi:
· 22.549: A. Leone, D. Palombi e S. Walker (edd.), Res bene gestae. Ricerche di storia urbana su Roma antica in onore di Eva Margareta Steinby. Reviewed by E. Papi.
· 21.745: D. Palombi, Rodolfo Lanciani. L’archeologia a Roma tra Ottocento e Novecento. Reviewed by S. L. Dyson.
D. Panariti:
28.803: I. Romeo, D. Panariti, R. Ungaro, La tomba bella. Un heroon giulio-claudio e il suo sarcofago. Reviewed by R. R. R. Smith.
S. Panciera:
· 33.969: Silvio Panciera (1933-2016). In memoria di un maestro. Riflessioni. Roma, 21 marzo 2017. Reviewed by M. Kajava.
· 11.431: S. Panciera (ed.), Iscrizioni greche e latine del Foro Romano e del Palatino. Reviewed by F. Millar.
C. Panella:
· 27.887: C. Panella (ed.), I segni del potere. Realtà e immaginario della sovranità nella Roma imperiale. Reviewed by Y. Perrin.
· 14.661: P. Pensabene and C. Panella, Arco di Costantino tra archeologia e archeometria. Reviewed by F. S. Kleiner.
· 13.549: C. Panella (a cura di), Meta Sudans I: un area sacra ‘in Palatio’ e la valle del Colosseo prima e dopo Nerone. Reviewed by J. T. Peña.
S. Panzram:
· 23.678: S. Panzram (ed.), Städte im Wandel. Bauliche Inszenierung und literarische Stilisierung lokaler Eliten auf der Iberischen Halbinsel. Reviewed by M. Kulikowski.
F. Paolucci:
· 18.747: F. Paolucci, L’arte del vetro inciso a Roma nel IV secolo d.C. Reviewed by A. Oliver.
· 12.806: F. Paolucci, I vetri incisi dall’Italia settentrionale e dalla Rezia nel periodo medio e tardo imperiale. Reviewed by D. Whitehouse.
A. Papaconstantinou:
· 26.941: A. Borrut, M. Debié, A. Papaconstantinou, D. Pieri et J.-P. Sodini (edd.), Le Proche-Orient de Justinien aux Abbassides. Peuplement et dynamiques spatiales. Reviewed by J. Magness.
J. K. Papadopoulos:
· 21.750: C. Lyons, J. K. Papadopoulos, L. S. Stewart & A. Szegedy-Maszak, Antiquity & photography. Early views of Mediterranean sites. Reviewed by F. Barry.
E. Papi:
· 16.495: E. Papi, L’Etruria dei Romani. Reviewed by J. Linderski.
M. Papini:
· 20.428: M. Papini, Antichi volti della Repubblica. La ritrattistica in Italia centrale tra IV e II secolo a.C. Reviewed by S. Dillon.
U. Pappalardo:
· 18.604: D. Mazzoleni with U. Pappalardo, Domus. Wall painting in the Roman house. Reviewed by J. P. Small.
M. Parani:
· 24.880: L. Bouras & M. Parani, Lighting in early Byzantium. Reviewed by K. da Costa.
A. Paribeni:
· 11.583: F. Guidobaldi, F. Olevano, A. Paribeni, D. Trucchi, Sectilia pavimenta di Villa Adriana. Reviewed by J. E. Packer.
R. Paris:
· 9.386: R. Paris (ed.), Dono Hartwig. Originali ricongiunti e copie tra Roma e Ann Arbor. Ipotesi per il Templum Gentis Flaviae. Reviewed by G. Koeppel.
C. Parisi Presicce:
· 33.538: I. Damiani & C. Parisi Presicce (edd.), La Roma dei Re. Il racconto dell’archeologia. Reviewed by A. J. Ammerman.
· 30.615: C. Parisi Presicce & O. Rossini (edd.), Nutrire l’Impero: storie di alimentazione da Roma e Pompei. Reviewed by J. T. Peña
· 29.747: E. La Rocca, C. Parisi Presicce, A. Lo Monaco (curated by), L’età dell’angoscia. Da Commodo a Diocleziano, 180-305 d.C. Reviewed by E. Marlowe.
H. W. Parke:
· 3.471: H. W. Parke (ed. B. McGing), Sibyls and sibylline prophecy in classical antiquity. Reviewed by D. Potter.
A. Parker:
· 33.592: A. Parker & S. McKie (edd.), Material approaches to Roman magic. Occult objects & supernatural substances. Reviewed by A. Alvar Nuño.
S. T. Parker:
· 28.905: S. T. Parker & A. M. Smith II, The Roman Aqaba Project. Final report, vol. 1 – the regional environment and the regional survey. Reviewed by S. Sidebotham.
· 21.669: S. T. Parker, with contributions by others, The Roman frontier in Central Jordan. Final report on the Limes Arabicus Project 1980-1989. Reviewed by D. L. Kennedy.
· 5.473: S. T. Parker, Romans and Saracens. A history of the Arabian frontier. Reviewed by D. L. Kennedy.
· 5.473: S. T. Parker (ed.), The Roman frontier in Central Jordan. Interim report on the Limes Arabicus Project 1980-1985. Reviewed by D. L. Kennedy.
H. M. Parkins:
· 11.511: H. M. Parkins (ed.), Roman urbanism: beyond the consumer city. Reviewed by J. Berry.
L. Parlama:
· 14.629: N. C. Stampolidis and L. Parlama (edd.), The city beneath the city: finds from excavations for the Metropolitan railway of Athens. Reviewed by S. Leigh.
L. Paroli:
· 26.589: S. Keay and L. Paroli (edd.), Portus and its hinterland: recent archaeological research. Reviewed by C. Pavolini.
· 21.437: S. Keay, M. Millett, L. Paroli & K. Strutt, Portus. An archaeological survey of the port of Imperial Rome. Reviewed by M. Heinzelmann.
C. C. Parslow:
· 10.366: C. C. Parslow, Rediscovering antiquity. Karl Weber and the excavation of Herculaneum, Pompeii and Stabiae. Reviewed by E. Moormann.
R. Paskoff:
· 19.525: H. Slim, P. Trousset, R. Paskoff et A. Oueslati, Le littoral de la Tunisie. Reviewed by A. I. Wilson.
M. Pasqualini:
· 26.783: M. Pasqualini, R. Thernot et H. Garcia, L’amphithéâtre de Fréjus. Archéologie et architecture, relecture d’un monument. Reviewed by D. L. Bomgardner.
M. Pasquinucci:
· 15.561: M. Pasquinucci and F. Trément (edd.), Non-destructive techniques applied to landscape archaeology. Reviewed by J. F. Cherry.
J. Pásztókai-Szeöke:
· 28.695: M. Gleba & J. Pásztókai-Szeöke (edd.), Making textiles in pre-Roman and Roman times: people, places, identities. Reviewed by W. E. Mierse.
A. Patera:
· 23.475: E. J. Shepherd, G. Capecchi, G. De Marinis, F. Mosca and A. Patera (edd.), Le fornaci del Vingone a Scandicci. Reviewed by S. Menchelli..
J. Patrich:
· 25.901: J. Patrich, Studies in the archaeology and history of Caesarea Maritima, Caput Judaeae, Metropolis Palaestinae. Reviewed by H. W. Dey.
· 25.899: J. Patrich, Archaeological excavations at Caesarea Maritima, Areas CC, KK and NN. Final reports vol. I. The objects. Reviewed by M. Fischer.
· 10.587: J. Patrich, Sabas, leader of Palestinian monasticism. A comparative study in eastern monasticism, fourth to seventh centuries. Reviewed by R. Ousterhout.
H. Patterson:
· 15.561: R. Francovich and H. Patterson (edd.), Extracting meaning from ploughsoil assemblages. Reviewed by J. F. Cherry.
H. L. Patterson:
· 27.520: R. Cascino, H. Di Giuseppe & H. L. Patterson (edd.), ‘Veii. The historical topography of the ancient city’. A restudy of John Ward-Perkins’ survey. Reviewed by A. Murock Hussein.
G. M. Paul:
· 13.591: G. M. Paul and M. Ierardi (edd.), Roman coins and public life under the Empire. Reviewed by T. V. Buttrey.
M. Paul:
· 27.726: M. Paul, Fibeln und Gürtelzubehör der späten römischen Kaiserzeit aus Augusta Vindelicum/Augsburg. Reviewed by M. Buora.
C. Pavolini:
· 28.610: P. Palazzo & C. Pavolini (edd.), Gli dèi propizi. La Basilica Hilariana nel contesto dello scavo dell’Ospedale Militare Celio (1987-2000). Reviewed by E. Fentress.
· 23.548: C. Pavolini, Ostia. Guide Archeologiche Laterza. Reviewed by J. DeLaine.
· 22.582: C. Pavolini, Ostia. Reviewed by A. Martin.
· 13.549: C. Pavolini (a cura di), Caput Africae I and II. Reviewed by J. T. Peña.
· 5.408: L. Anselmino, M. Bouchenaki, A. Carandini, Ph. Leveau, D. Manacorda, C. Pavolini, G. Pucci, P. Salama, Il Castellum di Nador. Storia di una fattoria tra Tipasa e Caesarea (I-VI d.C.). Reviewed by D. J. Mattingly and J. W. Hayes.
Ma Paz García-Bellido:
· 16.460: Ma Paz García-Bellido and L. Callegarin (edd.), Los Cartagineses y la monetización del Mediterráneo Occidental. Reviewed by P. Visonà.
M. Peachin:
· 29.762: M. Peachin (ed.), Greek and Latin inscriptions at New York University. Reviewed by J. P. Bodel.
· 20.460: M. Peachin, Frontinus and the curae of the curator aquarum. Reviewed by C. Bruun.
D. Peacock:
· 20.626: D. Peacock and L. Blue (edd.), Myos Hormos – Quseir al-Qadim vol. 1: Survey and excavations 1999-2003. Reviewed by S. E. Sidebotham.
· 20.628: D. Peacock and D. Williams (edd.), Food for the gods. New light on the ancient incense trade. Reviewed by S. E. Sidebotham.
· 12.721: D. P. S. Peacock and V. A. Maxfield, Survey and excavation Mons Claudianus 1987-1993 vol. I. Reviewed by P. Pensabene.
J. Pearce:
· 16.635: J. Pearce, M. Millett and M. Struck (edd.), Burial, society and context in the Roman world. Reviewed by S. T. Stevens.
L. Péchoux:
· 25.822: L. Péchoux, Les sanctuaires de périphérie urbaine en Gaule romaine. Reviewed by R. Häussler.
J. G. Pedley:
· 25.994: J. G. Pedley, The life and work of Francis Willey Kelsey: archaeology, antiquity, and the arts. Reviewed by S. E. Ostrow.
P. Pelagatti:
· 10.604: P. Pelagatti e M. Bell III (ed.), Antichita senza provenienza. I siti distrutti, il recupero, il nodo dei prestiti. Reviewed by J. G. Pedley.
O. Peleg-Barkat:
· 31.798: O. Peleg-Barkat, The Temple Mount excavations in Jerusalem 1968-1978 directed by Benjamin Mazar. Final reports, vol. V. Herodian architectural decoration and King Herod’s royal portico. Reviewed by P. Gros.
J. T. Peña:
· 21.498: J. T. Peña, Roman pottery in the archaeological record. Reviewed by R. Tomber.
R. G. Penn:
· 10.411: R. G. Penn, Medicine on ancient Greek and Roman coins. Reviewed by A. E. Hanson.
E. Penni Iacco:
· 19.717: E. Penni Iacco, La Basilica di S. Apollinare Nuovo di Ravenna attraverso i secoli. Reviewed by S. E. Bassett.
P. Pensabene:
· 23.548: P. Pensabene, Ostiensium marmorum decus et decor. Reviewed by J. DeLaine.
· 14.661: P. Pensabene and C. Panella, Arco di Costantino tra archeologia e archeometria. Reviewed by F. S. Kleiner.
· 7.350: P. Pensabene, Il teatro romano di Ferento. Architettura e decorazione scultorea. Reviewed by F. Sear.
A. Perez:
· 9.447: A. Perez, Les cadastres antiques en Narbonnaise occidentale. Essai sur la politique coloniale romains en Gaule du Sud (IIe s. av. J.-C.- IIe s. ap. J.-C.). Reviewed by J.-L. Fiches.
P. Perkins:
· 24.523: J. Swaddling & P. Perkins (edd.), Etruscan by definition. The cultural, regional and personal identity of the Etruscans. Reviewed by N. de Grummond.
J. R. Perrin:
· 5.388: J. R. Perrin, Roman pottery from the Colonia: Skeldergate and Bishophill (Roman York). Reviewed by S. P. Roskams.
· 5.388: J. R. Perrin and D. F. Williams, Roman pottery from the colonia 2: General Accident and Rougier St. (Roman York). Reviewed by S. P. Roskams.
M.-Y. Perrin:
· 29.966: Y. Modéran, édité par M.-Y. Perrin, Les Vandales et l’Empire romain. Reviewed by A. H. Merrills.
Y. Perrin:
· 32.612: Y. Perrin, Itinéraires romains. Documents de topographie et d’archéologie historiques pour l’histoire de Rome (de Scipion à Constantin). Reviewed by E. A. Dumser.
D. Perring:
· 29.816: D. Perring and M. Pitts, Alien cities. Consumption and the origins of urbanism in Roman Britain. Reviewed by J. Lundock.
· 15.625: D. Perring, The Roman house in Britain. Reviewed by J. J. Rossiter.
E. Perry:
· 18.419: E. Perry, The aesthetics of emulation in the visual arts of ancient Rome. Reviewed by C. H. Hallett.
M. Peter:
· 15.600: M. Peter, Untersuchungen zu den Fundmünzen aus Augst und Kaiseraugst. Reviewed by R. Reece.
W. J. Th. Peters:
· 11.542: W. J. Th. Peters con E. M. Moormann, T. L. Heres, H. Brunsting, S. L. Wynia, La casa di Marcus Lucretius Fronto a Pompei e le sue pitture. Reviewed by Y. Perrin.
L. Petersen:
· 29.650: S. R. Joshel and L. H. Petersen, The material life of Roman slaves. Reviewed by M. George.
· 4.331: L. Petersen (ed.), Prosopographia imperii romani saeculi I. II. III. Pars V. Fasc. 3 (N-O). Reviewed by M.-T. Raepsaet-Charlier.
J.-P. Petit:
· 8.511: J.-P. Petit and M. Mangin (edd.), Les agglomérations secondaires: la Gaule Belgique, les Germanies et l’Occident romain. Reviewed by M. Reddé.
· 8.511: J.-P. Petit et M. Mangin (edd.), Atlas des agglomérations secondaires de la Gaule Belgique et des Germanies. Reviewed by M. Reddé.
P. Petrovic:
· 11.635: P. Petrovic (ed.), Roman limes on the middle and lower Danube. Reviewed by J. J. Wilkes.
P. M. Petsas:
· 3.399: W. M. Murray and P. M. Petsas, Octavian’s campsite memorial for the Actian War. Reviewed by P. N. Doukellis.
D. K. Pettegrew:
· 30.798: W. Caraher, R. S. Moore & D. K. Pettegrew, Pyla-Koutsopetria I. Archaeological survey of an ancient coastal town. Reviewed by M. Rautman
· 30.783: D. K. Pettegrew, The Isthmus of Corinth: crossroads of the Mediterranean world. Reviewed by M. E. Hoskins-Walbank
A. Pettinger
· 26.645: A. Pettinger, The Republic in danger: Drusus Libo and the succession of Tiberius. Reviewed by S. Thakur.
G. Petzl:
· 33.836: G. Petzl (ed.), Sardis: Greek and Latin inscriptions. Part II: finds from 1958 to 2017. Reviewed by C. P. Jones.
· 21.610: G. Petzl & E. Schwertheim, Hadrian und die dionysischen Künstler. Drei in Alexandreia Troas neugefundene Briefe des Kaisers an die Künstlervereinigung. Reviewed by W. Slater. Doukellis.
S. D. Pevnick:
· 28.688: S. D. Pevnick (ed.), Poseidon and the sea: myth, cult and daily life. Reviewed by E. Gebhard.
J. Peyras:
· 10.567: J. Peyras, Le Tell nord-est tunisien dans l’antiquite: essai de monographie regionale. Reviewed by R. B. Hitchner.
M. Pfanner:
· 33.653: F. Fless, S. Langer, P. Liverani & M. Pfanner, Vatikanische Museen. Museo Gregoriano Profano ex Lateranense. Katalog der Skulpturen. Bd. IV. Historische Reliefs. Reviewed by F. S. Kleiner.
R. Pfeilschifter:
· 23.464: M. Jehne and R. Pfeilschifter, Herrschaft ohne Integration? Rom und Italien in republikanischer Zeit. Reviewed by P. Herz.
H.-G. Pflaum:
· 17.638: H.-G. Pflaum, X. Dupuis, Inscriptions latines de l’Algérie II. Reviewed by D. Erkelenz.
S. E. Phang:
· 25.750: S. E. Phang, Roman military service. Ideologies of discipline in the Late Republic and Early Principate. Reviewed by J. Roth.
K. M. Phillips Jr.:
· 8.330: K. M. Phillips Jr., In the hills of Tuscany. Recent excavations at the Etruscan site of Poggio Civitate (Murlo). Reviewed by J.-R. Jannot.
R. L. Phillips:
· 24.815: R. L. Phillips, In pursuit of invisibility: ritual texts from Late Roman Egypt. Reviewed by L. LiDonnici.
R. Philpott:
· 6.427: R. Philpott, Burial practices in Roman Britain. A survey of grave treatment and furnishing AD 43-410. Reviewed by R. Jones.
M. Piccirillo:
· 14.693: M. Piccirillo, E. Alliata et al., Mount Nebo: new archaeological excavations 1967-1997. Reviewed by J. Balty.
· 11.693 and 11.700: M. Piccirillo, E. Alliata, et al., Umm al-Rasas, Mayfa’ah 1: Gli scavi del complesso di Santo Stefano. Reviewed by G. W. Bowersock and Janine Balty.
· 9.594: M. Piccirillo, The mosaics of Jordan. Reviewed by J. Balty.
· 2.313: M. Piccirillo, I mosaici di Giordania. Reviewed by K. M. D. Dunbabin.
G. Piccottini:
· 9.424: G. Piccottini, Mithrastempel in Virunum. Reviewed by R. Gordon.
A. Pichot:
· 25.841: A. Pichot, Les édifices de spectacle des Maurétanies romaines. Reviewed by J. J. Rossiter.
M. Piérart:
· 16.673: D. Knoepfler and M. Piérart (edd.), Éditer, traduire, commenter Pausanias en l’an 2000. Reviewed by C. P. Jones.
D. Pieri:
· 26.941: A. Borrut, M. Debié, A. Papaconstantinou, D. Pieri et J.-P. Sodini (edd.), Le Proche-Orient de Justinien aux Abbassides. Peuplement et dynamiques spatiales. Reviewed by J. Magness.
C. Pilo:
· 29.545: S. Angiolillo, M. Giuman e C. Pilo (a cura di), Meixis. Dinamiche di stratificazione culturale nella periferia greca e romana. Reviewed by P. van Dommelen.
F. Pina Polo:
· 26.642: F. Pina Polo, The consul at Rome. The civil functions of the consuls in the Roman Republic. Reviewed by C. Williamson.
I. V. Pinto:
· 30.748: I. V. Pinto, R. R. de Almeida & A. Martin (edd.), Lusitanian amphorae: production and distribution. Reviewed by D. Mateo Corredor
J. A. Pinto:
· 11.583: W. L. MacDonald and J. A. Pinto, Hadrian’s Villa and its legacy. Reviewed by J. E. Packer.
I. Piro:
· 28.652: I. Piro, Spose bambine: risalenza, diffusione e rilevanza giuridica del fenomeno in età romana. Dalle origini all’epoca classica. Reviewed by B. W. Frier.
F. Pirson:
· 15.429: F. Pirson, Mietwohnungen in Pompeji und Herkulaneum. Reviewed by E. M. Moormann.
S. Pittia:
· 22.511: J. Andreau, J. France and S. Pittia (edd.), Mentalités et choix économiques des Romains. Reviewed by B. W. Frier and A. Conison.
M. Pitts:
· 29.816: D. Perring and M. Pitts, Alien cities. Consumption and the origins of urbanism in Roman Britain. Reviewed by J. Lundock.
· 28.641: M. Pitts & M. J. Versluys (edd.), Globalisation and the Roman world. World history, connectivity and material culture. Reviewed by A. Van Oyen.
V. Platt:
· 26.701: V. Platt, Facing the gods. Epiphany and representation in Graeco-Roman art, literature and religion. Reviewed by V. H. Pennanen.
J. Poblome:
· 20.418: J. Poblome, P. Talloen, R. Brulet and M. Waelkens (edd.), Early Italian sigillata: the chronological framework and trade patterns. Reviewed by S. Rotroff.
· 14.635: J. Poblome, Sagalassos red slip ware: typology and chronology. Reviewed by K. W. Slane.
· 10.537: M. Waelkens and J. Poblome, Sagalassos I, II and III. Reviewed by J. Russell.
E. Pochmarski:
· 5.294: E. Pochmarski, Dionysische Gruppen: eine typologische Untersuchung zur Geschichte des Stützmotivs. Reviewed by V. J. Hutchinson.
M. Podini:
· 29.858: M. Podini, La decorazione architettonica di età ellenistica e romana nell’Epiro del nord. Reviewed by D. Hernandez.
E. Poehler:
· 32.724: E. E. Poehler, The traffic systems of Pompeii. Reviewed by M. Anderson.
· 25.673: E. Poehler, M. Flohr and K. Cole (edd.), Pompeii. Art, industry and infrastructure. Reviewed by S. E. Craver.
M. B. Poliakoff:
· 1.97: M. B. Poliakoff, Combat sport. Reviewed by J.-P. Thuillier.
J. J. Pollini:
· 18.697: J. J. Pollini, Gallo-Roman bronzes and the process of Romanization. The Cobannus hoard. Reviewed by R. Fellmann.
· 6.303: J. Pollini, The portraiture of Gaius and Lucius Caesar. Reviewed by H. R. Goette.
L. Pons Pujol:
· 25.811: L. Pons Pujol (ed.), Hispania et Gallia: dos provincias del Occidente romano. Reviewed by W. Mierse.
· 23.689: L. Pons Pujol, La economía de la Mauretania Tingitana (s. I-III d.C.). Aceite, vino y salazones. Reviewed by E. Papi.
M. Ponsich:
· 4.299: M. Ponsich, Aceite de oliva y salazones de pescado. Factores geo-economicos de Bética y Tingitania. Reviewed by R. I. Curtis.
M. Ponting:
· 29.742: K. Butcher and M. Ponting, The metallurgy of Roman silver coinage: from the reform of Nero to the reform of Trajan. Reviewed by W. E. Metcalf.
C. Poole:
· 22.691: P. Davenport, C. Poole and D. Jordan, Excavations at the New Royal Baths (the Spa), the Bellott’s Hospital 1998-1999. Reviewed by N. Holbrook.
C. N. Popa:
· 33.502: C. N. Popa & S. Stoddart (edd.), Fingerprinting the Iron Age: approaches to identity in the European Iron Age. Integrating south-eastern Europe into the debate. Reviewed by K. Lockyear.
M. L. Popkin:
· 30.592: M. L. Popkin, The architecture of the Roman triumph: monuments, memory, and identity. Reviewed by F. S. Kleiner
R. Porat:
· 29.592: R. Porat, R. Chachy, and Y. Kalman, Herodium. Final reports of the 1972-2010 excavations directed by Ehud Netzer, vol. I. Herod’s tomb precinct. Reviewed by P. Gros.
P. Porena:
· 29.969: P. Porena et Y. Rivière (études réunies par), Expropriations et confiscations dans les royaumes barbares: une approche régionale. Reviewed by A. H. Merrills.
P. Porta:
· 24.863: R. Farioli Campanati, C. Rizzardi, P. Porta, A. Augenti, I. Baldini Lippolis (edd.), Ideologia e cultura artistica tra Adriatico e Mediterraneo Orientale (IV-X secolo): il ruolo dell’autorità ecclesiastica alla luce di nuovi scavi e ricerche. Reviewed by A. Christ.
F. P. Porten Palange:
· 27.607: F. P. Porten Palange & C. Troso, La terra sigillata italica della collezione Stenico. Reviewed by P. M. Kenrick.
S. Pothecary:
· 21.598: D. Dueck, H. Lindsay & S. Pothecary (edd.), Strabo’s cultural geography. The making of a kolossourgia. Reviewed by G. W. Bowersock.
D. Potter:
· 14.492: D. Potter, Gladiators: sports and entertainment in the Roman world (video). Reviewed by K. Welch.
· 13.483: D. S. Potter and D. J. Mattingly (edd.), Life, death and entertainment in the Roman empire. Reviewed by W. J. Slater.
· 9.515: D. S. Potter, Prophecy and history in the crisis of the Roman empire. A historical commentary on the thirteenth Sibylline oracle. Reviewed by K. E. T. Butcher.
T. W. Potter:
· 13.647: R. P. J. Jackson and T. W. Potter, Excavations at Stonea, Cambridgeshire, 1980-85. Reviewed by J. Taylor.
· 12.798: T. W. Potter and A. C. King et al., Excavations at the Mola di Monte Gelato. Reviewed by E. Fentress with K. Gruspier.
· 6.285: T. W. Potter, Una stipe votiva da Ponte di Nona. Reviewed by B. Ginge.
· 2.214: T. W. Potter, Roman Italy. Reviewed by A. M. Small.
C. R. Potts:
· 29.549: C. R. Potts, Religious architecture in Latium and Etruria, c.900-500 B.C. Reviewed by I. E. M. Edlund-Berry.
B. Poulsen:
· 14.648: S. Isager and B. Poulsen (edd.), Patron and pavements in late antiquity. Reviewed by C. Kondoleon.
A. G. Poulter:
· 13.733: A. G. Poulter, R. K. Falkner and J. D. Shepherd, Nicopolis ad Istrum. The pottery and glass. Reviewed by M. Beckmann.
C. Pouzadoux:
· 31.590: F.-H. Massa-Pairault & C. Pouzadoux (sous la direction de), Géants et gigantomachies entre Orient et Occident. Reviewed by B. S. Ridgway.
K. Pretty:
· 15.639: P. Barker, R. White, K. Pretty, H. Bird and M. Corbishley, The Baths Basilica Wroxeter. Excavations 1966-90. Reviewed by M. Fulford.
M. Prevosti:
· 28.761: M. Prevosti & J. Guitart i Duran (dir.), Ager Tarraconensis 2. El poblament. Reviewed byS. de Brestian.
E. Price:
· 15.630: E. Price, Frocester. A Romano-British settlement, its antecedents and successors, vols. 1-2. Reviewed by H. R. Hurst.
A. Prieto:
· 29.555: J. C. Carter and A. Prieto (edd.), The chora of Metaponto vol. 3. Archaeological field survey Bradano to Basento. Reviewed by M. Gualtieri.
R. Prisciandaro:
· 28.620: M. Pagano & R. Prisciandaro, Studio sulle provenienze degli oggetti rinvenuti negli scavi borbonici del Regno di Napoli. Reviewed by E. Dwyer.
J.-L. Prisset:
· 9.502: A. Desbat, O. LeBlanc, J.-L. Prisset, H. Savay-Guerraz, D. Tavernier, La maison des dieux Océan à Saint-Romain-en-Gal (Rhône). Reviewed by M. George.
F. Prost:
· 31.916: P. Brun, L. Cavalier, K. Konuk & F. Prost (textes réunis par), EUPLOIA. La Lycie et la Carie antiques. Dynamiques des territoires, échanges et identités. Reviewed by A. Landskron.
M. Prusac:
· 25.637: M. Prusac, From face to face. Recarving of Roman portraits and the late-antique portrait arts. Reviewed by K. Fittschen.
· 18.631: M. Prusac, Fra ansikt til ansikt: Gjenbruk av romersk skulptur med hovedvekt pa omarbeidelse av portretter i senantikken. Reviewed by R. Brilliant.
F. Pryor:
· 2.267: F. Pryor, C. French, et al., The Fenland project, no.1: archaeology and environment in the Lower Welland valley, vols 1-2. Reviewed by T. W. Potter.
A. Puk:
· 30.904: A. Puk, Das römische Spielewesen in der Spätantike. Reviewed by K. M. D. Dunbabin
G. Pugliese Carratelli:
· 12.507: G. Pugliese Carratelli (ed.), I Greci in Occidente. Reviewed by M. Gualtieri.
P. Puppo:
· 9.316: P. Puppo, Le coppe megaresi in Italia. Reviewed by S. I. Rotroff.
N. Purcell:
· 14.419: P. Horden and N. Purcell, The corrupting sea: a study of Mediterranean history. Reviewed by B. D. Shaw.
M. Py:
· 26.775: M. Feugère et M. Py, Dictionnaire des monnaies découvertes en Gaule méditerranéenne (530-27 av. notre ère). Reviewed by P. Visonà.