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C. O’Connor:

·      8.385: C. O’Connor, Roman bridges. Reviewed by R. Taylor.

T. P. O’Connor:

·      5.388: T. P. O’Connor, Bones from the General Accident site, Tanner Row (Roman York). Reviewed by S. P. Roskams.


·      33.524: E. Herring & E. O’Donoghue (edd.), Papers in Italian archaeology VII. The archaeology of death. Reviewed by M. Carroll.

E. Öğüş:

·      32.883: E. Öğüş, Aphrodisias IX. Columnar sarcophagi from Aphrodisias. Reviewed by S. Madole Lewis.

M. Önal:

·      28.862: N. Dieudonné-Glad, M. Feugère & M. Önal, Zeugma V. Les objets. Reviewed by I. R. Scott.

A. Oepen:

·      27.923: A. Oepen, Villa und christlicher Kult auf der Iberischen Halbinsel in Spätantike und Westgotenzeit. Reviewed by D. Fernandez.

I. Östenberg:

·     29.587: I. Östenberg, S. Malmberg and J. Bjørnebye (edd.), The moving city. Processions, passages and promenades in ancient Rome. Reviewed by J. A. Latham.

J. Öztürk:

·      11.665: S. Mitchell, with S. Cormack, R. Fursdon, E. Owens and J. Öztürk, Cremna in Pisidia. An ancient city in peace and in war. Reviewed by C. S. Lightfoot.

C. P. J. Ohlig:

·      19.501: P. J. Ohlig, De aquis Pompeiorum. Das Castellum Aquae in Pompeji. Reviewed by A. Wilson.

J. P. Oleson:

·      25.924: J. P. Oleson, Humayma excavation project, 1. Resources, history and the water-supply system. Reviewed by S. T. Parker.

·    21.526: J. P. Oleson (ed.), The Oxford handbook of engineering and technology in the classical world. Reviewed by G. W. Houston.

·      13.476: J. W. Humphrey, J. P. Oleson and A. N. Sherwood, Greek and Roman technology. A sourcebook. Reviewed by G. W. Houston.

F. Olevano:

·      11.583: F. Guidobaldi, F. Olevano, A. Paribeni, D. Trucchi, Sectilia pavimenta di Villa Adriana. Reviewed by J. E. Packer.

J. H. Oliver:

·      5.431: J. H. Oliver, Greek constitutions of early Roman Emperors from inscriptions and papyri. Reviewed by G. P. Burton.

C. Olovsdotter:

·      19.709: C. Olovsdotter, The consular image. An iconological study of the consular diptychs. Reviewed by A. Cutler.

K. Olson:

·      23.601: K. Olson, Dress and the Roman woman: self-presentation and society. Reviewed by H. Eckardt.

H. Omrani Rekavandi:

·      28.889: E. W. Sauer, H. Omrani Rekavandi, T. J. Wilkinson & J. Nokandeh, Persia’s imperial power in late antiquity: the great wall of Gorgan and frontier landscapes of Sasanian Iran. Reviewed by W. E. Mierse.

J. Onians:

·      4.268: J. Onians, Bearers of meaning. The classical orders in antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Reviewed by T. Noble Howe.

R. Opitz:

·    31.753: R. Opitz, M. Mogetta & N. Terrenato (edd.), A mid-Republican house from Gabii. Reviewed by E. Fentress.

S. Orlandi:

·      20.451: S. Orlandi, Epigrafia anfiteatrale dell’Occidente Romano. VI. Roma. Reviewed by G. Chamberland.

E. Olshausen:

·      25.768: E. Olshausen and V. Sauer (Hrsg.), Die Landschaft und die Religion. Reviewed by R. Häussler.

P. Ørsted:

·      16.585: P. Ørsted, J. Carlsen, L. Ladjimi Sebai and H. Ben Hassen (edd.), Africa Proconsularis: regional studies in the Segermes Valley III. Reviewed by D. L. Stone.

S. Ortisi:

·      16.644: S. Ortisi, Die Stadtmauer der raetischen Provinzhauptstadt Aelia Augusta–Augsburg. Reviewed by P.-A. Schwarz.

R. Osborne:

·      2.143: R. Osborne, Classical landscape with figures: the ancient Greek city and its countryside. Reviewed by S. Dyson.

J. Osgood:

·    26.648: J. Osgood, Claudius Caesar: image and power in the early Roman Empire. Reviewed by L. L. Brice.

·    21.405: J. Osgood, Caesar’s legacy. Civil war and the emergence of the Roman Empire. Reviewed by K. Galinsky.

I. Östenberg:

·    23.478: I. Östenberg, Staging the world: spoils, captives, and representations in the Roman triumphal procession. Reviewed by G. S. Sumi.

J. Ott:

·      12.675: J. Ott, Die Beneficiarier. Reviewed by B. Rankov.

A. Oueslati:

·      19.525: H. Slim, P. Trousset, R. Paskoff et A. Oueslati, Le littoral de la Tunisie. Reviewed by A. I. Wilson.

A. Ovadiah:

·      26.877: A. Ovadiah and Y. Turnheim, Roman temples, shrines and temene in Israel. Reviewed by J. A. Overman.

·      19.659: Y. Turnheim and A. Ovadiah, Art in the public and private spheres in Roman Caesarea Maritima. Reviewed by K. G. Holum.

·      10.557: A. Ovadiah and Y. Turnheim, “Peopled” scrolls in Roman architectural decoration in Israel. The Roman theatre at Beth Shean/Scythopolis. Reviewed by G. Foerster.

·      2.313: R. and A. Ovadiah, Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine mosaic pavements in Israel. Reviewed by K. M. D. Dunbabin.

R. Ovadiah:

·      2.313: R. and A. Ovadiah, Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine mosaic pavements in Israel. Reviewed by K. M. D. Dunbabin.

E. Owens:

·      11.665: S. Mitchell, with S. Cormack, R. Fursdon, E. Owens and J. Öztürk, Cremna in Pisidia. An ancient city in peace and in war. Reviewed by C. S. Lightfoot.

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