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K. Kagan:

·      20.486: K. Kagan, The eye of command. Reviewed by A. Goldsworthy.

H. Kahwagi-Janho:

·      33.894: H. Kahwagi-Janho, Les monuments romains de Tyr extra muros. Étude architecturale de la route antique, de l’arc monumental et de l’aqueduc. Reviewed by G. Mazzilli.

J. Kaimio:

·      29.984: L. Koenen, J. Kaimio, M. Kaimio and R. W. Daniel, The Petra papyri II. Reviewed by U. Yiftach.

·      24.508: J. Kaimio, The cippus inscriptions of Museo Nazionale di Tarquinia. Reviewed by R. E. Wallace. 

M. Kaimio:

·      29.984: L. Koenen, J. Kaimio, M. Kaimio and R. W. Daniel, The Petra papyri II. Reviewed by U. Yiftach.

B. Kainrath:

·      28.699: G. Grabherr, B. Kainrath, T. Schierl (Hsrg.), Verwandte in der Fremde? Fibeln und Bestandteile der Bekleidung als Mittel zur Rekonstruktion von interregionalem Austausch. Reviewed by M. Feugère.

T. Kaizer:

·      33.882: T. Kaizer (ed.), Religion, society and culture at Dura-Europos. Reviewed by J. C. Meyer.

·      16.669: T. Kaizer, The religious life of Palmyra. Reviewed by A. Schmidt-Colinet.

G. Kalas:

·     30.859: G. Kalas, The restoration of the Roman forum in late antiquity: transforming public space. Reviewed by E. Marlowe

A. Kaldellis:

·      23.802: A. Kaldellis, The Christian Parthenon. Classicism and pilgrimage in Byzantine Athens. Reviewed by G. Fowden.

A. V. Kalinowski:

·      19.725: S. T. Stevens, A. V. Kalinowski and H. vanderLeest, Bir Ftouha: a pilgrimage church complex at Carthage. Reviewed by E. Fentress.

Y. Kalman:

·       29.592: R. Porat, R. Chachy, and Y. Kalman, Herodium. Final reports of the 1972-2010 excavations directed by Ehud Netzer, vol. I. Herod’s tomb precinct. Reviewed by P. Gros.

M. Kandler:

·      2.347: M. Kandler and H. Vetters, Der römische Limes in Österreich: ein Führer. Reviewed by J. J. Wilkes.

C. Kanellopoulos:

·      15.691: Z. T. Fiema, C. Kanellopoulos, T. Waliszewski and R. Schick, The Petra Church. Reviewed by J.-P. Sodini.

S. Kansteiner:

·     31.974: S. Kansteiner (ed.), Pseudoantike Skulptur I. Fallstudien zu antiken Skulpturen und ihren Imitationen. Reviewed by R. Cohon. 

·      28.523: S. Kansteiner, K. Hallof, L. Lehmann, B. Seidensticker & K. Stemmer (edd.), Der Neue Overbeck: Die antiken Schriftquellen zu den bildenden Künsten der Griechen, Bd. I-V. Reviewed by M. Squire.

L. Karlsson:

·      27.504: C. Nylander, B. Blomé, L. Karlsson et al., San Giovenale vol. V, fasc. 1.The Borgo. Excavating an Etruscan quarter: architecture and stratigraphy. Reviewed by I. Edlund-Berry.

M. Kasprzyk:

·      32.772: M. Kasprzyk et M. Monteil (edd.), Agglomérations, vici et castra du Nord de la Gaule entre Antiquité tardive et début du haut Moyen Âge. Reviewed by P. Leveau.

U. Kästner:

·   30.557: U. Kästner & D. Saunders (edd.), Dangerous perfection. Ancient funerary vases from southern Italy. Reviewed by B. Peruzzi

C. Katsari:

·      25.894: C. Katsari, The Roman monetary system: the eastern provinces from the first to the third century AD. Reviewed by W. E. Metcalf.

A. Kaufmann-Heinimann:

·    31.971: A. Kaufmann-Heinimann & M. Martin, Die Apostelkanne und das Tafelsilber im Hortfund von 1628. Trierer Silberschätze des 5. Jahrhunderts. Reviewed by C. Johns. 

·      19.695: M. A. Guggisberg with A. Kaufmann-Heinimann, Der spätrömische Silberschatz von Kaiseraugst. Die neuen Funde. Reviewed by Alan Cameron. 

·      14.589: A. Kaufmann-Heinimann, Götter und Lararien aus Augusta Raurica: Herstellung, Fundzusammenhänge und sakrale Funktion figürlicher Bronzen in einer römischen Stadt. Reviewed by K. S. Painter.

E. Kavanagh:

·      30.729: E. Kavanagh, Estandartes militares en la Roma antigua: tipos, simbología y función. Reviewed by J. J. Palao Vicente

M. Kbiri Alaoui:

·      30.752: L. Callegarin, M. Kbiri Alaoui, A. Ichkhakh & J.-C. Roux (edd), Rirha: site antique et médiéval du Maroc. Vol. I. Cadre historique et géographique général; vol. II. Période maurétanienne; vol. III. Période romaine; vol. IV. Période médiévale islamique. Reviewed byE. Fentress

S. Keay:

·    27.571: S. Keay (ed.), Rome, Portus and the Mediterranean. Reviewed by P. Berni Millet.

·   27.609: S. Hay, S. Keay & M. Millett, Ocriculum (Otricoli, Umbria): an archaeological survey of the Roman town. Reviewed by F. Vermeulen.

·    26.589: S. Keay and L. Paroli (edd.), Portus and its hinterland: recent archaeological research. Reviewed by C. Pavolini.

·     26.640: F. Vermeulen, G.-J. Burgers, S. Keay and C. Corsi (edd.), Urban landscape survey in Italy and the Mediterranean. Reviewed by D. L. Stone.

·    21.437: S. Keay, M. Millett, L. Paroli & K. Strutt, Portus. An archaeological survey of the port of Imperial Rome. Reviewed by M. Heinzelmann.

·      15.587: S. Keay, J. Creighton and J. Remesal Rodríguez, Celti (Peñaflor). The archaeology of a Hispano-Roman town in Baetica. Survey and excavations. Reviewed by M. Bendala. 

·      15.536: S. Keay and N. Terrenato (edd.), Italy and the West. Comparative issues in Romanization. Reviewed by D. J. Mattingly.

·      9.471: J. M. Carreté, S. Keay, M. Millett, A Roman provincial capital and its hinterland. The survey of the territory of Tarragona, Spain, 1985-1990. Reviewed by R. Járrega.

·      5.378: A. Roura, P. Castanyer, J. M. Nolla, S. J. Keay, La villa romana de Vilauba (Camós). Estudi d’un assentament rural (Campanyes de 1979-85). Reviewed by X. Aquilué.

D. P. Kehoe:

·      32.648: D. P. Kehoe & T. A. J. McGinn (edd.), Ancient law, ancient society. Reviewed by P. du Plessis.

·      12.737: D. P. Kehoe, Investment, profit, and tenancy. The jurists and the Roman agrarian economy. Reviewed by S. Treggiari.

·      7.432: D. P. Kehoe, Management and investment on estates in Roman Egypt during the early empire. Reviewed by D. Rathbone.

·      2.262: D. P. Kehoe, The economics of agriculture on Roman imperial estates in North Africa. Reviewed by D. Flach.

A. Keith:

·      23.595: J. Edmondson and A. Keith (edd.), Roman dress and the fabrics of Roman culture. Reviewed by M. Harlow.

D. Keller:

·     21.687: D. Keller & M. Grawehr, Petra – Ez Zantur III. Die Gläser, Die Lampen. Reviewed by E. M. Stern and I. Kehrberg.

·    21.696: U. Bellwald, M. al-Huneidi, A. Salihi, D. Keller, R. Naser, D. al-Eisawi, edited by I. Ruben, The Petra Siq. Nabataean hydrology uncovered. Reviewed by J. Patrich.

F. Kemmers:

·    33.658: F. Kemmers, The functions and use of Roman coinage. Reviewed by R. Reece.

J. Kenfield:

·      22.450: I. Edlund-Berry, G. Greco and J. Kenfield (edd.), Deliciae Fictiles III. Architectural terracottas in ancient Italy. Reviewed by A. Rathje.

D. Kennedy:

·     21.665: D. Kennedy, Gerasa and the Decapolis: a virtual island in northwest Jordan. Reviewed by K. Galor.

·      14.643: D. Kennedy et al.The twin towns of Zeugma on the Euphrates. Rescue work and historical studies. Reviewed by C. S. Lightfoot. 

·      5.467: D. L. Kennedy and D. Riley, Rome’s desert frontier from the air. Reviewed by S. T. Parker.

J. P. C. Kent:

·      9.587: J. P. C. Kent, The divided empire and the fall of the western parts 395-491 (Roman Imperial Coinage X). Reviewed by T. V. Buttrey.

H. K. Kenward:

·      5.388: H. K. Kenward and D. Williams, Biological evidence from the Roman warehouses in Coney Street (Roman York). Reviewed by S. P. Roskams.

·      5.388: A. R. Hall, H. K. Kenward and D. Williams, Environmental evidence from Roman deposits in Skeldergate (Roman York). Reviewed by S. P. Roskams.

·      5.388: H. Kenward, A. R. Hall and A. K. G. Jones, Environmental evidence from a Roman well and Anglian pits in the legionary fortress (Roman York). Reviewed by S. P. Roskams.

L. Keppie:

·      27.746: F. Hunter & L. Keppie (edd.), A Roman frontier post and its people: Newstead 1911-2011. Reviewed by L. M. Anderson.

H. L. Kessler:

·      2.401: K. Weitzmann and H. L. Kessler, The Cotton Genesis. British library codex Cotton Otho B.VI. Reviewed by A. Cutler.

M. Khanoussi:

·      29.886: H. R. Baldus(†) und M. Khanoussi, Simitthus Band IV. Der spätantike Münzschatz von Simitthus/Chimtou. Reviewed by W. E. Metcalf.

·      17.645: M. Khanoussi and V. M. Strocka (edd.), Thugga Bd. 1. Grundlagen und Berichte. Reviewed by S. Polla. 

·      15.597: M. Khanoussi and L. Maurin (edd.), Dougga, fragments d’histoire. Choix d’inscriptions latines. Reviewed by R. B. Hitchner.

P. Kiernan:

·      23.664: P. Kiernan, Miniature votive offerings in the north-west provinces of the Roman Empire. Reviewed by V. Hutchinson Pennanen.

B. Kiilerich:

·      8.535: B. Kiilerich, Late fourth-century classicism in the plastic arts: studies in the so-called Theodosian Renaissance. Reviewed by L. Stirling.

A. C. King:

·      12.798: T. W. Potter and A. C. King et al., Excavations at the Mola di Monte Gelato. Reviewed by E. Fentress with K. Gruspier. 

G. R. D. King:

·      9.598: G. R. D. King and Averil Cameron (edd.), The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East, II, Land use and settlement patterns. Reviewed by J. W. H. G. Liebeschuetz.

H. King:

·      20.500: H. King (ed.), Health in antiquity. Reviewed by A. E. Hanson.

S. Kingsley:

·      29.1000: S. Kingsley, Fishing and shipwreck heritage: marine archaeology’s greatest threat? Reviewed by J. P. Oleson.

F. Kirbihler:

·      23.741: H. Bru, F. Kirbihler and S. Lebreton (edd.), L’Asie Mineure dans l’antiquité: échanges, populations et territoires. Reviewed by C. P. Jones.

A. Kiss:

·      5.395: A. Kiss, Pannonische Architeturelemente und Ornamentik in Ungarn. Reviewed by T. F. C. Blagg.

G. de Kleijn:

·      22.643: O. Hekster, G. de Kleijn and D. Slootjes (edd.), Crises and the Roman empire. Reviewed by H. W. Dey.

D. E. E. Kleiner:

·      20.432: D. E. E. Kleiner,Cleopatra and Rome. Reviewed by S. Walker. 

·      11.546: D. E. E. Kleiner and S. B. Matheson (edd.), I, Claudia: Women in ancient Rome. Catalogue of the exhibition, 1996. Reviewed by E. D’Ambra.

·      7.345: D. E. E. Kleiner, Roman sculpture. Reviewed by R. Ling.

·      5.297: D. E. E. Kleiner, Roman imperial funerary altars with portraits. Reviewed by D. Boschung.

F. S. Kleiner:

·      1.110: F. S. Kleiner, The Arch of Nero in Rome. A study of the Roman honorary arch before and under Nero. Reviewed by R. Brilliant.

C. Kleinwächter:

·      15.591: C. Kleinwächter, Platzanlagen nordafrikanischer Städte. Untersuchungen zum sogenannten Polyzentrismus in der Urbanistik der römischen Kaiserzeit.Reviewed by P. Gros.

D. Klemm:

·      7.361: R. Klemm and D. Klemm, Steine und Steinbrüche im alten Ägypten. Reviewed by D. P. S. Peacock.

R. Klemm:

·      7.361: R. Klemm and D. Klemm,Steine und Steinbrüche im alten Ägypten. Reviewed by D. P. S. Peacock.

W. E. Klingshirn:

·      8.568: W. E. Klingshirn, Caesarius of Arles. The making of a Christian community in late antique Gaul. Reviewed by J. Guyon.

A. Kloner:

·      25.909: G. Avni, U. Dahari and A. Kloner, The necropolis of Bet Guvrin–Eleutheropolis. Reviewed by M. Heinzelmann.

D. A. O. Klose:

·      2.319: D. A. O. Klose, Die Münzprägung von Smyrna in der römischen Kaiserzeit. Reviewed by A. Johnston.

R. C. Knapp:

·      25.716: R. Knapp, Invisible Romans. Reviewed by V. Hutchinson Pennanen.

·      8.452: R. C. Knapp, Latin inscriptions from Central Spain. Reviewed by J. Gómez-Pantoja.

D. Knoepfler:

·      16.673: D. Knoepfler and M. Piérart (edd.), Éditer, traduire, commenter Pausanias en l’an 2000. Reviewed by C. P. Jones.

K. Knoll:

·    29.628: K. Knoll und C. Vorster (Hrgg.), Skulpturensammlung, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. Katalog der antiken Bildwerke III. Die Porträts. Reviewed by E. Bartman.

P. Kobusch:

·      32.787: P. Kobusch, Die Grabbauten im römischen Hispa- nien. Zur kulturellen Prägung der Sepulkral- architektur. Reviewed by A. Jíménez.

G. Koch:

·      22.613: G. Koch (ed.), Akten des Symposiums des Sarkophag-Corpus 2001. Reviewed by D. Piekarski.

·      10.463: G. Koch (ed.), Grabeskunst der römischen Kaiserzeit. Reviewed by E. D’Ambra.

·      5.341: G. Koch, Albanien, Kunst und Kultur im Land der Skipetaren. Reviewed by T. F. C. Blagg.

V. Kockel:

·      2.207: V. Kockel, Die Grabbauten vor dem Herkulaner Tor in Pompeji. Reviewed by H. von Hesberg.

·      1.115: V. Kockel, Die Grabbauten vor dem Herkulaner Tor in Pompeji. Reviewed by D. E. E. Kleiner.

E. Köhne:

·      14.492: E. Köhne and C. Ewigleben (edd.), Caesaren und Gladiatoren. Die Macht der Unterhaltung im antiken Rome. Reviewed by K. Welch.

L. Koenen:

·      29.984: L. Koenen, J. Kaimio, M. Kaimio and R. W. Daniel, The Petra papyri II. Reviewed by U. Yiftach.

N. Kokkinos:

·      23.760: D. M. Jacobson and N. Kokkinos, Herod and Augustus. Papers presented at the IJS conference, 2005. Reviewed by D. W. Roller.

A. Kolb:

·      30.805: A. Kolb & M. Vitale (herausgegeben von), Kaiserkult in den Provinzen des römischen Reiches. Organisation, Kommunikation und Repräsentation. Reviewed by S. Mitchell

B. Kolb:

·      16.653: G. Schmid and B. Kolb, Petra – Ez Zantur II. Reviewed by J. P. Oleson.

D. Kołodziejczyk:

·      27.685: P. F. Bang & D. Kołodziejczyk (edd.), Universal empire. A comparative approach to imperial culture and representation in Eurasian history. Reviewed by K. Nikolai.

A. O. Koloski-Ostrow:

·       26.723: G. C. M. Jansen, A. O. Koloski-Ostrow and E. M. Moormann (edd.), Roman toilets: their archaeology and cultural history. Reviewed by W. Heinz.

H. Komnick:

·       30.710: H. Komnick, Die Fundmünzen der römischen Zeit aus dem Bereich der Colonia Ulpia Traiana. Reviewed by St. Martin

C. Kondoleon:

·      20.595: C. Kondoleon, Antioch, the lost ancient city. Reviewed by G. Brands. 

·      14.485: B. Bergmann and C. Kondoleon (edd.), The art of ancient spectacle. Reviewed by D. S. Potter. 

·      10.524: C. Kondoleon, Domestic and divine. Roman mosaics in the House of Dionysos. Reviewed by G. Hellenkemper Salies.

M. Konrad:

·      16.722: M. Konrad, Der spätrömische Limes in Syrien (Resafa V). Reviewed by S. T. Parker.

K. Konuk:

·     31.916: P. Brun, L. Cavalier, K. Konuk & F. Prost (textes réunis par), EUPLOIA. La Lycie et la Carie antiques. Dynamiques des territoires, échanges et identités. Reviewed by A. Landskron.

L. I. Kooistra:

·      13.631: L. I. Kooistra, Borderland farming. Possibilities and limitation of farming … between the Rhine and Meuse. Reviewed by G. Jones.

M. Koortbojian:

·       33.548: M. Koortbojian, Crossing the pomerium: the boundaries of political, religious, and military institutions from Caesar to Constantine. Reviewed by T. P. Wiseman.

·       29.613: M. Koortbojian, The divinization of Caesar and Augustus. Precedents, consequences, implications. Reviewed by P. Herz.

·      11.554: M. Koortbojian,Myth, meaning and memory on Roman sarcophagi. Reviewed by D. Grassinger.

J. Koren:

·      18.771: Y. D. Nevo & J. Koren, Crossroads to Islam. The origins of the Arab religion and the Arab state. Reviewed by C. Foss.

T. Korkut:

·      22.733: T. Korkut, Girlanden-Ostotheken aus Kalkstein in Pamphylien und Kilikien. Reviewed by M. Feugère. 

P. J. Kosmin:

·    33.836: A. M. Berlin & P. J. Kosmin (edd.), Spear-won land. Sardis from the King’s Peace to the Peace of Apamea. Reviewed by C. P. Jones.

R. Köster:

·      27.758: A. Koster, The cemetery of Noviomagus and the wealthy burials of the municipal elite. Reviewed by R. Reece.

·      19.652: R. Köster, Die Bauornamentik von Milet 1. Reviewed by G. A. Plattner.

A. Kouremenos:

·     31.906: J. E. Francis & A. Kouremenos (edd.), Roman Crete: new perspectives. Reviewed by M. Livadiotti.

P. Kovács:

·     31.890: P. Kovács, A history of Pannonia in the Late Roman period (284-363 AD). Reviewed by E. Fournier.

B. Kramer:

·      22.762: C. Gallazzi, B. Kramer and S. Settis (edd.), Il papiro di Artemidoro (P. Artemid). Reviewed by T. Renner.

C. Krause:

·      17.593: C. Krause, Villa Jovis. Die Residenz des Tiberius auf Capri. Reviewed by P. Gros. 

J.-U. Krause:

·      12.617: J.-U. Krause, Witwen und Waisen im römischen Reich I-IV. Reviewed by T. A. J. McGinn. 

U. Kreilinger:

·      10.467: U. Kreilinger, Römische Bronzeappliken. Historische Reliefs im Kleinformat. Reviewed by A. Oliver.

P.-A. Kreuz:

·    31.656: A. Haug & P.-A. Kreuz (herausgegeben von), Stadterfahrung als Sinneserfahrung in der römischen Kaiserzeit. Reviewed by I. Östenberg. 

E. Krieger:

·      33.778: E. Krieger, Die Wachttürme und Kleinkastelle am raetischen Limes. Reviewed by F. Heimerl.

F. Krinzinger:

·      15.380: F. Krinzinger (ed.), Studien zur hellenistischen Keramik in Ephesos. Reviewed by S. I. Rotroff.

T. M. Kristensen:

·      30.891: T. M. Kristensen & L. Stirling (edd.), The afterlife of Greek and Roman sculpture. Reviewed by S. Barker

K. I. Kritikakou-Nikolaropoulou:

·      22.752: Y. E. Meimaris and K. I. Kritikakou-Nikolaropoulou, Inscriptions from Palaestina Tertia vol. Ia. The Greek inscriptions from Ghor Es-Safi (Byzantine Zoora). Reviewed by D. F. Graf.

·      22.752: Y. E. Meimaris and K. I. Kritikakou-Nikolaropoulou, Inscriptions from Palaestina Tertia vol. Ib. The Greek inscriptions from Ghor Es-Safi (Byzantine Zoora) (Supplement), Khirbet Qazone, and Feinan. Reviewed by D. F. Graf.

L. Kronenberg:

·      23.610: L. Kronenberg, Allegories of farming from Greece and Rome. Reviewed by C. Bannon.

A. Kropp:

·     31.805: A. J. M. Kropp, Images and monuments of Near Eastern dynasts, 100 BC–AD 100. Reviewed by S. G. Schmid. 

·      30.823: A. Kropp & R. Raja (edd.), The world of Palmyra. Reviewed by N. Andrade.

P. Kouki:

·      30.849: P. Kouki & M. Lavento, Petra — the Mountain of AaronThe Finnish Archaeological Project in Jordan, vol. III. The archaeological survey. Reviewed by S. E. Alcock

S. D. Kryzhitskiy:

·      30.849: P. Kouki & M. Lavento, Petra — the Mountain of AaronThe Finnish Archaeological Project in Jordan, vol. III. The archaeological survey. Reviewed by S. E. Alcock

·      22.725: D. Braund and S. D. Kryzhitskiy, Classical Olbia and the Scythian world from the sixth century B.C. to the second century A.D. Reviewed by V. Kozlovskaya.

E. Künzl:

·      22.668 and 670: E. Künzl, Die Germanen. Reviewed by P. S. Wells and B. Hoffmann.

·      16.639: E. Künzl, Medizinische Instrumente der römischen Kaiserzeit im Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum. Reviewed by L. J. Bliquez. 

·      8.514: E. Künzl, Die Alamannenbeute aus dem Rhein bei Neupotz. Reviewed by J. P. Callu.

·      2.195: E. Künzl, Der römische Triumph. Siegesfeiern im antiken Rom. Reviewed by F. S. Kleiner.

A. Küpper-Böhm:

·      11.610: A. Küpper-Böhm, Die römischen Bogenmonumente der Gallia Narbonensis in ihrem urbanen Kontext. Reviewed by F. S. Kleiner.

H.-P. Kuhnen:

·      32.804: H.-P. Kuhnen (ed.), Amphitheater Trier I. Aus- grabungen und Forschungen 1816-1996. Reviewed by T. Hufschmid.

·      28.738: W. Reusch, M. Lutz & H.-P. Kuhnen, Die Ausgrabungen im Westteil der Trierer Kaiserthermen 1960-1966Der Stadtpalast des Finanzprocurators der Provinzen Belgica, Ober- und Niedergermanien. Reviewed by C. Pavel.

M. Kulikowski:

·      20.679: K. Bowes and M. Kulikowski, Hispania in late antiquity. Current perspectives. Reviewed by G. Brands. 

C. Kunze:

·      12.512: C. Kunze, Der Farnesische Stier und die Dirkegruppe des Apollonios und Tauriskos. Reviewed by B. Ridgway. 

A. L. Kuttner:

·      10.377: A. L. Kuttner, Dynasty and empire in the age of Augustus: the case of the Boscoreale cups. Reviewed by F. B. Kleiner.

D. G. Kyle:

·      28.563: P. Christesen & D. G. Kyle (edd.), A companion to sport and spectacle in Greek and Roman antiquity. Reviewed by J.-P. Thuillier.

·      14.478: D. G. Kyle, Spectacles of death in ancient Rome. Reviewed by D. S. Potter.

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