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 C. Jackson:

·   29.620: J. Bayley, I. Freestone and C. Jackson (edd.), Glass of the Roman world. Reviewed by C. Lightfoot.

H. Jackson:

·      28.877: H. Jackson & J. Tidmarsh, Jebel Khalid on the Euphrates, vol. 3. The pottery. Reviewed by J. A. Baird.

R. P. J. Jackson:

·    31.827: R. Jackson & G. Burleigh, Dea Senuna. Treasure, cult and ritual at Ashwell, Hertfordshire. Reviewed by V. Hutchinson Pennanen.

·      24.677: R. Jackson, Cosmetic sets of Late Iron Age and Roman Britain. Reviewed by H. Eckardt.

·      13.647: R. P. J. Jackson and T. W. Potter, Excavations at Stonea, Cambridgeshire, 1980-85. Reviewed by J. Taylor.

·      2.299: R. Jackson, Doctors and diseases in the Roman empire. Reviewed by A. E. Hanson.

J.-P. Jacob:

·      3.361: C. Bémont et J.-P. Jacob (edd.), La terre sigillée gallo-romaine. Lieux de production du Haut-Empire. Implantations, produits, relations. Reviewed by R. Guéry.

D. M. Jacobson:

·      23.760: D. M. Jacobson and N. Kokkinos, Herod and Augustus. Papers presented at the IJS conference, 2005. Reviewed by D. W. Roller.

J. Jäger:

·     31.689: J. Jäger, Die mythologischen Lünettenreliefs stadtrömischer Sarkophage. Eine motivgeschichtliche Untersuchung. Reviewed by B. Emme.

P. Jaillette:

·      27.914: S. Crogiez-Pétrequin & P. Jaillette (edd.), Société, économie, administration dans le Code Théodosien. Reviewed by T. D. Barnes.

S. James:

·      26.687: S. James, Rome and the sword. How warriors & weapons shaped Roman history. Reviewed by A. L. Goldman.

·      23.630: S. Trow, S. James and T Moore, Becoming Roman, being Gallic, staying British. Research and excavations at Ditches ‘Hillfort’ and villa. Reviewed by N. Holbrook.

·      20.613: S. James, The excavations at Dura-Europos, Final Report VII: the arms and armour and other military equipment. Reviewed by M. Gschwind.

·      15.546: S. James and M. Millett (edd.), Britons and Romans: advancing an archaeological agenda. Reviewed by J.-L. Fiches.

S. A. James:

·      28.782: S. J. Friesen, S. A. James, & D. N. Schowalter (edd.), Corinth in contrast. Studies in inequality. Reviewed by M. E. Hoskins Walbank.

M. H. Jameson:

·      9.458: M. H. Jameson, C. N. Runnels, T. van Andel, A Greek countryside: the southern Argolid from prehistory to the present day. Reviewed by J. L. Davis.

J.-R. Jannot:

·      11.408: J.-R. Jannot (ed.), Vaisselle métallique, vaisselle céramique. Productions, usages et valeurs en Étrurie. Reviewed by J. P. Small.

M. Janon:

·      1.108. M. Janon, Le décor architectonique de Narbonne. Les rinceaux. Reviewed by G. Hallier.

G. C. M. Jansen:

·      26.723: G. C. M. Jansen, A. O. Koloski-Ostrow and E. M. Moormann (edd.), Roman toilets: their archaeology and cultural history. Reviewed by W. Heinz.

S. Japp:

·      16.659: S. Japp, Die Baupolitik Herodes’ des Großen. Reviewed by M. Fischer.

W. F. Jashemski:

·      18.607: W. F. Jashemski & F. G. Meyer (edd.), The natural history of Pompeii. Reviewed by G. Kron.

·      8.391: W. F. Jashemski, The gardens of Pompeii, Herculaneum and the villas destroyed by Vesuvius, vol. II: Appendices. Reviewed by E. M. Moormann.

M. Jehne:

·      23.464: M. Jehne and R. Pfeilschifter, Herrschaft ohne Integration? Rom und Italien in republikanischer Zeit. Reviewed by P. Herz.

H. Jenni:

·      19.437: U. Hackl, H. Jenni and C. Schneider, Quellen zur Geschichte der Nabatäer. Reviewed by S. G. Schmid.

M.-O. Jentel:

·      8.480: Tran Tam Tinh and M.-O. Jentel, Corpus des lampes à sujets isiaques du Musée Gréco-Romain d’Alexandrie. Reviewed by C. Pavolini.

S. Jilek:

·      17.697: V. Gassner, S. Jilek and S. Ladstätter, Am Rande des Reiches. Die Römer in Österreich. Reviewed by E. M. Ruprechtsberger.

A. Jiménez Díez:

·      26.788: A. Jiménez Díez, Imagines hibridae. Una aproximación postcolonialista al estudio de las necrópolis de la Bética. Reviewed by W. E. Mierse.

W. Jobst:

·      17.699: M. Buora and W. Jobst (edd.), Roma sul Danubio. Da Aquileia a Carnuntum lungo la via dell’ambra. Reviewed by N. Christie.

A. Jodin:

·      2.188: A. Jodin, Volubilis, Regia Iubae. Contribution à l’étude des civilisations du Maroc antique préclaudien. Reviewed by J.-M. Lassère and G. Hallier.

C. Johns:

·      25.804: C. Johns et al., The Hoxne Late Roman treasure: gold jewellery and silver plate. Reviewed by M. Guggisberg.

P. Johnson:

·      27.612: P. Johnson & M. Millett (edd.), Archaeological survey and the city. Reviewed by D. L. Stone.

M. Johnson:

·      32.965: M. Johnson, San Vitale in Ravenna and octagonal churches in late antiquity. Reviewed by O. Brandt.

A. C. Johnston:

·      32.785: A. C. Johnston, The sons of Remus. Identity in Roman Gaul and Spain. Reviewed by M. Kulikowski.

D. Johnston:

·      32.628: D. Johnston (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Roman law. Reviewed by T. A. J. McGinn.

·      13.446: D. Johnston, Roman law in context. Reviewed by B. F. Frier.

V. Jolivet:

·    27.509: V. Jolivet, Tristes portiques. Sur le plan canonique de la maison étrusque et romaine des origines au principat d’Auguste. Reviewed by J. Sewell.

·    21.747: V. Jolivet, Ruines italiennes. Photographies des collections Alinari. Reviewed by A. Szegedy-Maszak.

·      20.397: H. Broise and V. Jolivet, Musarna 2. Les bains hellénistiques. Reviewed by E. Papi.

A. K. G. Jones:

·      5.388: H. Kenward, A. R. Hall and A. K. G. Jones, Environmental evidence from a Roman well and Anglian pits in the legionary fortress (Roman York) Reviewed by S. P. Roskams.

B. Jones:

·      6.433: B. Jones and D. Mattingly, An atlas of Roman Britain. Reviewed by R. J. A. Talbert.

C. P. Jones:

·       26.852: C. P. Jones, New heroes in antiquity: from Achilles to Antinoos. Reviewed by R. Gordon.

D. W. Jones:

·      29.688: D. W. Jones, Economic theory and the ancient Mediterranean. Reviewed by M. S. Hobson.

H. Jones:

·      19.401: H. Jones (ed.), Samnium. Settlement and cultural change. Reviewed by T. D. Stek.

M. Jones:

·    29.913: M. Jones and S. McFadden (edd.), Art of empire. The Roman frescoes and imperial cult chamber in Luxor temple. Reviewed by J. Elsner.

M. E. Jones:

·      13.743: M. E. Jones, The end of Roman Britain. Reviewed by S. Esmonde Cleary.

R. F. J. Jones:

·      12.567: S. E. Bon and R. Jones (edd.), Sequence and space in Pompeii. Reviewed by M. Grahame.

·      5.504: R. F. J. Jones, J. H. F. Bloemers, S. L. Dyson and M. Biddle (edd.), First millenium papers. Western Europe in the first millennium A.D. Reviewed by G. Woolf.

R. H. Jones:

·      26.760: R. H. Jones, Roman camps in Scotland. Reviewed by J. L. Davies.

W. Jongman:

·      4.243: W. Jongman, The economy and society of Pompeii. Reviewed by B. W. Frier.

D. Jordan:

·      22.691: P. Davenport, C. Poole and D. Jordan, Excavations at the New Royal Baths (the Spa), the Bellott’s Hospital 1998-1999. Reviewed by N. Holbrook.

S. R. Joshel:

·      29.650: S. R. Joshel and L. H. Petersen, The material life of Roman slaves. Reviewed by M. George.

·      26.651: S. R. Joshel, Slavery in the Roman world. Reviewed by J. S. Nikolaus.

H. Jouffroy:

·      2.238: H. Jouffroy, La construction publique en Italie et dans l’Afrique romaine. Reviewed by F. Jacques.

I. Jouffroy:

·      9.447: M. Clavel-Lévêque, I. Jouffroy et A. Vignot (edd.), De la terre au ciel I. Paysages et cadastres antiques. Reviewed by J.-L. Fiches.

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