Return to Index of Books Reviewed
P. Easterling:
· 18.539: P. Easterling & E. Hall (edd.), Greek and Roman actors. Reviewed by S. Scullion.
W. Eck:
· 12.633: W. Eck, Tra epigrafia, prosopografia e archeologia. Reviewed by W. Kuhoff.
· 11.437: W. Eck, A. Caballos and F. Fernández, Das senatus consultum de Cn Pisone patre. Reviewed by D. Potter.
· 1.181: W. Eck and H. Wolff (edd.), Heer und Integrationspolitik. Die römischen Militärdiplome als historische Quelle. Reviewed by M. Clauss.
H. Eckardt:
· 32.704: H. Eckardt, Writing and power in the Roman world: literacies and material culture. Reviewed by W. V. Harris.
· 23.657: H. Eckardt and N. Crummy, Styling the body in Late Iron Age and Roman Britain: a contextual approach to toilet instruments. Reviewed by H. E. M. Cool.
· 17.665: H. Eckardt, Illuminating Roman Britain. Reviewed by K. Slane.
I. E. M. Edlund-Berry:
· 31.584: F. Silvestrelli & I. E. M. Edlund-Berry (edd.), The Chora of Metaponto 6. A Greek settlement at Sant’Angelo Vecchio. Reviewed by A. M. Small.
· 22.450: I. Edlund-Berry, G. Greco and J. Kenfield (edd.), Deliciae Fictiles III. Architectural terracottas in ancient Italy. Reviewed by A. Rathje.
· 8.335: I. E. M. Edlund-Berry, The seated and standing statue akroteria from Poggio Civitate (Murlo). Reviewed by L. Bonfante.
· 1.95: I. E. M. Edlund, The gods and the place: location and function of sanctuaries in the countryside of Etruria and Magna Graecia (700-400 B.C.). Reviewed by J.-R. Jannot.
J. Edmondson:
· 30.630: C. Bruun & J. Edmondson (edd.), The Oxford handbook of Roman epigraphy. Reviewed by M. Mayer i Olivé
· 23.595: J. Edmondson and A. Keith (edd.), Roman dress and the fabrics of Roman culture. Reviewed by M. Harlow.
· 17.681: J. Edmondson, T. Nogales Basarrate and W. Trillmich, Imagen y memoria. Monumentos funerarios con retratos en la Colonia Augusta Emerita. Reviewed by S. J. Keay.
C. Edwards:
· 21.401: C. Edwards, Death in ancient Rome. Reviewed by D. G. Kyle.
· 13.827: C. Edwards (ed.), Roman presences: receptions of Rome in European culture, 1798-1945. Reviewed by R. Hingley.
M. Edwards:
· 30.894: M. Edwards, Religions of the Constantinian empire. Reviewed by R. Van Dam
C. Eger:
· 32.935: C. Eger & M. Mackensen (edd.), Death and burial in the Near East from Roman to Islamic times. Reviewed by G. Avni.
· 27.926: C. Eger, Spätantikes Kleidungszubehör aus Nord-afrika. I. Trägerkreis, mobilität und Ethnos im Spiegel der Funde der spätesten römischen Kaiserzeit und der vandalischen Zeit. Reviewed by G. Ripoll.
A. Eggebrecht:
· 5.341: A. Eggebrecht (ed.), Albanien, Schätze aus dem Land der Skipetaren. Reviewed by T. F. C. Blagg.
W. Ehrhardt:
· 19.497: W. Ehrhardt, Casa delle Nozze d’Argento (V 2, 1). Reviewed by R. Ling.
· 6.331: W. Ehrhardt, Casa dell’Orso (VII 2, 44-46) Pompeji. Reviewed by R. Ling.
I. Eichner:
· 27.949: I. Eichner, Frühbyzantinische Wohnhäuser in Kilikien … in der Region um Seleukeia am Kalykadnos. Reviewed by G. Varinlioğlu.
J. Eingartner:
· 20.525: J. Eingartner, Templa cum porticibus. Ausstattung und Funktion italischer Tempelbezirke in Nordafrika. Reviewed by P. Gros.
J. Eiring:
· 19.421: J. Eiring and J. Lund (edd.), Transport amphorae and trade in the Eastern Mediterranean. Reviewed by J. Freed.
M. Eisner:
· 2.207 and 1.115: M. Eisner, Zur Typologie der Grabbauten im Suburbium Roms. Reviewed by H. von Hesberg and by D. E. E. Kleiner.
Y. Z. Eliav:
· 23.762: Y. Z. Eliav, E. A. Friedland and S. Herbert (edd.), The sculptural environment of the Roman Near East. Reviewed by A. Kropp.
· 19.661: Y. Z. Eliav, God’s Mountain. The Temple Mount in time, place and memory. Reviewed by K. Galor.
N. T. Elkins:
· 33.613: N. T. Elkins, A monument to dynasty and death. The story of Rome’s Colosseum and the emperors who built it. Reviewed by D. L. Bomgardner.
· 29.730: N. T. Elkins, Monuments in miniature: architecture on Roman coinage. Reviewed by F. S. Kleiner.
P. Ellis:
· 15.639: P. Ellis (ed.), The Roman baths and macellum at Wroxeter. Excavations by Graham Webster 1955-85. Reviewed by M. Fulford.
S. J. R. Ellis:
· 33.723: S. J. R. Ellis, The Roman retail revolution: the socio-economic world of the taberna. Reviewed by M. Lépée.
S. P. Ellis:
· 16.582: S. P. Ellis, Roman housing. Reviewed by R. J. A. Wilson.
J. Elsner:
· 32.670: J. Elsner, The art of the Roman Empire AD 100- 450, second edition. Reviewed by F. S. Kleiner.
· 25.631: J. Elsner and J. Huskinson (edd.), Life, death and representation: some new work on Roman sarcophagi. Reviewed by M. Koortbojian.
· 23.622: S. Swain, S. Harrison and J. Elsner, Severan culture. Reviewed by J. Frakes.
· 21.505: J. Elsner, Roman eyes. Visuality and subjectivity in art and text. Reviewed by E. E. Perry.
· 15.651: S. E. Alcock, J. F. Cherry and J. Elsner (edd.), Pausanias. Travels and memory in Roman Greece. Reviewed by D. Knoepfler.
· 11.557: J. Elsner (ed.), Art and text in Roman culture. Reviewed by R. Brilliant.
· 9.375 and 9.580: J. Elsner, Art and the Roman viewer. The transformation of art from the pagan world to the Christian world. Reviewed by J. R. Clarke and by D. Janes.
H. Elton:
· 11.644: H. Elton, Frontiers of the Roman empire. Reviewed by E. L. Wheeler.
· 7.503: J. Drinkwater and H. Elton (edd.), Fifth-century Gaul: a crisis of identity? Reviewed by G. Woolf.
D. Emmanuel-Rebuffat:
· 13.407: D. Emmanuel-Rebuffat, France 1, Paris Louvre III (Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum). Reviewed by F. R. Serra Ridgway.
· 5.279: D. Emmanuel-Rebuffat, Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum: France I, Paris- Musée du Louvre I and II. Reviewed by F. R. Serra Ridgway.
J.-Y. Empereur:
· 17.551: J.-Y. Empereur and M.-D. Nenna (edd.), Nécropolis 2. Reviewed by M. Venit.
H. Engelmann:
· 17.469: B. Dreyer and H. Engelmann, Die Inschriften von Metropolis I. Reviewed by C. P. Jones.
M. Ennaïfer:
· 26.810: C. Balmelle, A. Bourgeois, H. Broise, J.-P. Darmon et M. Ennaïfer, Carthage, colline de l’Odéon. Maisons de la Rotonde et du Cryptoportique (recherches 1987-2000). Reviewed by J. Freed.
C. Entwistle:
· 27.731: C. Entwistle & N. Adams (edd.), ‘Gems of heaven’. Recent research on engraved gemstones in late antiquity, c.AD 200-600. Reviewed by L. Herring-Harrington.
P. Erdkamp:
· 20.491: P. Erdkamp, The grain market in the Roman empire. Reviewed by N. Morley.
· 14.465: P. Erdkamp, Hunger and the sword: warfare and food supply in Roman Republican wars (264-30 BC). Reviewed by C. E. P. Adams.
W. Erhardt:
· 3.255: W. Erhardt, Stilgeschichtliche Untersuchungen an römischen Wandmalereien. Reviewed by E. W. Leach.
K. T. Erim:
· 4.356: K. T. Erim, Aphrodisias, city of Venus Aphrodite. Reviewed by M. Le Glay.
H. Eristov:
· 25.825: C. Balmelle, H. Eristov et F. Monier (edd.), Décor et architecture en Gaule entre l’Antiquité et le Haut Moyen Äge: mosaïque, peinture, stuc. Reviewed by R. Ling.
R. Ergeç:
· 27.855: C. Abadie-Reynal & R. Ergeç, Zeugma I. Fouilles de l’habitat (1). La mosaïque de Pasiphae. Reviewed by R. Ling.
R. M. Errington:
· 21.719: R. M. Errington, Roman imperial policy from Julian to Theodosius. Reviewed by F. G. B. Millar.
Y. Er Scarborough:
· 32.900: Y. Er Scarborough, The funerary monuments of Rough Cilicia and Isauria. Reviewed by H. Elton.
A. Erskine:
· 16.479: A. Erskine, Troy between Greece and Rome. Reviewed by C. B. Rose.
C. Ertel:
· 32.615: K. S. Freyberger und C. Ertel(†), Die Basilica Aemilia auf dem Forum Romanum in Rom. Reviewed by P. Gros.
S. Esmonde Cleary:
· 25.781: R. Laurence, S. Esmonde Cleary and G. Sears, The city in the Roman West, c.250 BC–c.AD 250. Reviewed by J. Sewell.
M. J. Estarán Tolosa:
· 32.736: M. J. Estarán Tolosa, Epigrafía bilingüe del Occidente romano. El latín y las lenguas locales en las inscripciones bilingües y mixtas. Reviewed by R. R. Benefiel & S. Cruz Gutiérrez.
S. Estiot:
· 18.741: S. Estiot, Monnaies de l’empire romain XII.1. D’Aurélien à Florien. Reviewed by W. E. Metcalf.
E. Ettlinger:
· 6.411: E. Ettlinger, et al., Conspectus formarum terrae sigillatae italico modo confectae. Reviewed by K. W. Slane.
M. Euzennat:
· 5.401: M. Euzennat, Le Limes de Tingitane. La frontière méridionale. Reviewed by M. Speidel.
V. Evangelidis:
· 33.825: V. Di Napoli, F. Camia, V. Evangelidis et al. (edd.), What’s new in Roman Greece? Recent work on the Greek mainland and the islands in the Roman period. Reviewed by A. Kouremenos.
C. J. Evans:
· 15.621: P. Leach with C. J. Evans, Excavation of a Romano-British roadside settlement in Somerset: Fosse Lane, Shepton Mallett 1990. Reviewed by P. Booth.
E. Evans:
· 14.610: E. Evans, The Caerleon canabae: excavations in the civil settlement 1984-1990. Reviewed by P. Salway.
H. B. Evans:
· 26.525: H. B. Evans, Exploring the kingdom of Saturn: Kircher’s Latium and its legacy. Reviewed by C. J. Smith.
· 16.536: H. B. Evans, Aqueduct hunting in the seventeenth century. Reviewed by C. Bruun.
B. C. Ewald:
· 15.507: B. C. Ewald, Der Philosoph als Leitbild: Ikonographische Untersuchungen an römischen Sarkophagreliefs. Reviewed by J. Trimble.
C. Ewigleben:
· 14.492: E. Köhne and C. Ewigleben (edd.), Caesaren und Gladiatoren. Die Macht der Unterhaltung im antiken Rome. Reviewed by K. Welch.