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A. Caballos:

·      11.437: W. Eck, A. Caballos and F. Fernández, Das senatus consultum de Cn Pisone patre. Reviewed by D. Potter.

P. Cabanes:

·      5.341: P. Cabanes (ed.), L’Illyrie méridionale et l’Épire dans l’antiquité, Actes du colloque international de Clermont-Ferrand 1984. Reviewed by T. F. C. Blagg.

G. Cacciaguerra:

·      27.635: D. Malfitana & G. Cacciaguerra (a cura di), Priolo romana, tardo romana e medievale. Reviewed by N. Christie.

M. Cadario:

·      19.450: M. Cadario, La corazza di Alessandro. Loricati di tipo ellenistico. Reviewed by R. A. Gergel.

F. Cadiou:

·      29.844: F. Cadiou et M. Navarro Caballero (textes réunis par), La guerre et ses traces. Conflits et sociétés en Hispanie à l’époque de la conquête romaine. Reviewed by B. Diaz Ariño.

G. Calcani:

·      4.206: G. Calcani, Cavalieri di bronzo. La torma di Alessandro opera di Lisippo. Reviewed by B. S. Ridgway.

M. L. Caldelli:

·      26.575: M. Cébeillac Gervasoni, M. L. Caldelli e F. Zevi, Epigrafia latina. Ostia: cento iscrizioni in contesto. Reviewed by D. Nonnis and C. Pavolini.

·      16.599: C. Vismara and M. L. Caldelli, Epigrafia anfiteatrale dell’Occidente romano V. Reviewed by G. Chamberland.

·       21.433: M. Cébeillac-Gervasoni, M. L. Caldelli & F. Zevi, Epigraphie latine. Reviewed by C. Bruun.

L. Caldwell:

·      29.635: L. Caldwell, Roman girlhood and the fashioning of femininity. Reviewed by S. Treggiari.

L. Callebat:

·      19.461: L. Callebat, Vitruve. De l’Architecture Livre VI. Reviewed by D. M. Millette.

L. Callegarin:

·      30.752: L. Callegarin, M. Kbiri Alaoui, A. Ichkhakh & J.-C. Roux (edd), Rirha: site antique et médiéval du Maroc. Vol. I. Cadre historique et géographique général; vol. II. Période maurétanienne; vol. III. Période romaine; vol. IV. Période médiévale islamique. Reviewed byE. Fentress

·      16.460: Ma Paz García-Bellido and L. Callegarin (edd.), Los Cartagineses y la monetización del Mediterráneo Occidental. Reviewed by P. Visonà.

J.-P. Callu:

·      5.386: J.-P. Callu, X. Loriot, L’or monnayé II. La dispersion des aurei en Gaule romaine sous l’empire. Reviewed by R. Reece.

M.-T. Cam:

·      10.363: B. Liou and M.-T. Cam, Vitruve De l’Architecture livre VII. Reviewed by R. Ling.

F. Cambi:

·      17.569: A. Carandini and F. Cambi (edd.), Paesaggi d’Etruria. Valle dell’Albegna, Valle d’Oro, Valle del Chiarone, Valle del Tafone. Reviewed by A. Wilson.

Alan Cameron:

·      25.939: Alan Cameron, The last pagans of Rome. Reviewed by M. Vessey.

·      9.566: A. Cameron and J. Long, Barbarians and politics at the court of Arcadius. Reviewed by H. Elton.

Averil Cameron:

·      15.681: Averil Cameron, B. Ward-Perkins and M. Whitby (edd.), The Cambridge Ancient History vol. XIV: Late Antiquity. Reviewed by G. Fowden.

·      13.752: Averil Cameron and P. Garnsey (edd.), The Cambridge Ancient History (2nd edn.) vol. XIII. The late empire, A.D. 337-425. Reviewed by F. Millar.

·      9.598: G. R. D. King and Averil Cameron (edd.), The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East, II, Land use and settlement patterns. Reviewed by J. W. H. G. Liebeschuetz.

F. Camia:

·    33.825: V. Di Napoli, F. Camia, V. Evangelidis et al. (edd.), What’s new in Roman Greece? Recent work on the Greek mainland and the islands in the Roman period. Reviewed by A. Kouremenos.

L. Campagna:

·      33.854: L. Campagna, Hierapolis di Frigia xi. Il ninfeo dei Tritoni. Reviewed by E. Öğüş.

B. Campbell:

·      26.705: B. Campbell, Rivers and the power of ancient Rome. Reviewed by T. V. Franconi.

I. Campbell:

·      32.988: I. Campbell (a cura di), Pirro Ligorio, Libri di diverse antichità di Roma. Libri vi, x, xi, xii, xiv, xvi, xxxiv, xxxvi. Oxford, Bodleian library. Reviewed by M. Mayer.

S. D. Campbell:

·      2.313: S. D. Campbell, The mosaics of Antioch. Reviewed by K. M. D. Dunbabin.

V. L. Campbell:

·      29.786: V. L. Campbell, The tombs of Pompeii: organization, space and society. Reviewed by A. Emmerson.

J. M. Campos Carrasco:

·      29.538: J. M. Campos Carrasco and J. Alvar Ezquerra (edd.), Tarteso. El emporio del metal. Reviewed by N. Rafel Fontanals.

M. P. Canepa:

·      24.873: M. P. Canepa, The two eyes of the earth. Art and ritual of kingship between Rome and Sasanian Iran. Reviewed by A. Cutler.

G. Caneva:

·      25.616: G. Caneva, Il codice botanico di Augusto. Rome–Ara Pacis. Parlare al popolo attraverso le immagini della natura. Reviewed by P. E. Knox.

M. G. Canosa:

·      23.449: M. G. Canosa, Una tomba principesca da Timmari. Reviewed by F. Silvestrelli.

G. Capecchi:

·      23.475: E. J. Shepherd, G. Capecchi, G. De Marinis, F. Mosca and A. Patera (edd.), Le fornaci del Vingone a Scandicci. Reviewed by S. Menchelli..

T. Capelle:

·      10.589: T. Capelle, Die Miniaturenketten von Szilágysomlyó. Reviewed by I. M. Ploumis.

R. T. J. Cappers:

·      20.631: R. T. J. Cappers, Roman foodprints at Berenike: archaeobotanical evidence of subsistence and trade in the Eastern Desert of Egypt. Reviewed by M. van der Veen.

G. Capriotti Vittozzi:

·      33.618: M. J. Versluys, K. Bülow Clausen, G. Capriotti Vittozzi (edd.), The Iseum Campense from the Roman Empire to the modern age: temple — monument — lieu de mémoire. Reviewed by S. Pearson.

G. Caputo:

·      3.376: G. Caputo, Il teatro augusteo di Leptis Magna. Scavo e restauro (1937-1951). Reviewed by F. B. Sear with appendix by M. B. Poliakoff.

A. Carafa:

·      26.553: A. Carandini (ed.) with P. Carafa, Atlante di Roma antica. Biografia e ritratti della città. Reviewed by J. E. Packer.

W. Caraher:

·      30.798: W. Caraher, R. S. Moore & D. K. Pettegrew, Pyla-Koutsopetria I. Archaeological survey of an ancient coastal town. Reviewed by M. Rautman

G. Caramella:

·      11.404: M. P. Bini, G. Caramella, S. Buccioli, I bronzi etruschi e romani (Materiale Tarquinia XIII). Reviewed by F. R. Serra Ridgway.

G. L. Carancini:

·      7.303: G. L. Carancini (ed.), Miscellanea protostorica. Reviewed by D. Ridgway.

A. Carandini:

·      26.553: A. Carandini (ed.) with P. Carafa, Atlante di Roma antica. Biografia e ritratti della città. Reviewed by J. E. Packer.

·      25.656: A. Carandini, Le case del potere nell’antica Roma. Reviewed by T. P. Wiseman.

·      22.527: A. Carandini with D. Bruno, La Casa di Augusto dai “Lupercalia” al natale. Reviewed by T. P. Wiseman.

·      17.569: A. Carandini and F. Cambi (edd.), Paesaggi d’Etruria. Valle dell’Albegna, Valle d’Oro, Valle del Chiarone, Valle del Tafone. Reviewed by A. Wilson.

·      5.408: L. Anselmino, M. Bouchenaki, A. Carandini, Ph. Leveau, D. Manacorda, C. Pavolini, G. Pucci, P. Salama, Il Castellum di Nador. Storia di una fattoria tra Tipasa e Caesarea (I-VI d.C.). Reviewed by D. J. Mattingly and J. W. Hayes.

A. Carè:

·      20.663: A. Carè, L’ornato architettonico della Basilica di Massenzio. Reviewed by E. A. Dumser.

J. M. Carlon:

·      23.587: J. M. Carlon, Pliny’s women: constructing virtue and creating identity in the Roman world. Reviewed by S. Treggiari.

J. Carlsen:

·      16.585: P. Ørsted, J. Carlsen, L. Ladjimi Sebai and H. Ben Hassen (edd.), Africa Proconsularis: regional studies in the Segermes Valley III. Reviewed by D. L. Stone.

T. H. Carpenter:

·      28.545: T. H. Carpenter, K. M. Lynch & E. G. D. Robinson (edd.), The Italic people of ancient Apulia: new evidence from pottery for workshops, markets, and customs. Reviewed by E. Lanza Catti.

A. A. Carpino:

·      31.563: S. Bell & A. A. Carpino (edd.), A companion to the Etruscans. Reviewed by N. T. de Grummond.

K. E. Carr:

·      17.747: K. E. Carr, Vandals to Visigoths. Rural settlement patterns in Early Medieval Spain. Reviewed by S. de Brestian.

I. Carradice:

·      13.584: A. Burnett, M. Amandry and I. Carradice, Roman provincial coinage vol. 2: from Vespasian to Domitian. Reviewed by W. E. Metcalf.

J. M. Carreté:

·      9.471: J. M. Carreté, S. Keay, M. Millett, A Roman provincial capital and its hinterland. The survey of the territory of Tarragona, Spain, 1985-1990. Reviewed by R. Járrega.

J.-Y. Carrez-Maratray:

·      16.725: D. Valbelle, J.-Y. Carrez-Maratray, Le camp romain du Bas-Empire à Tell el-Herr. Reviewed by M. Mackensen.

M. Carrive:

·      32.672: M. Carrive (ed.), Remployer, recycler, restaurer: les autres vies des enduits peints. Reviewed by R. Ling.

M. Carroll:

·       33.675: M. Carroll, Infancy and earliest childhood in the Roman world. Reviewed by V. Dasen.

·       29.659: M. Carroll and J. P. Wild (edd.), Dressing the dead in classical antiquity. Reviewed by L. M. Stirling.

·       21.566: M. Carroll, Spirits of the dead. Roman funerary commemoration in western Europe. Reviewed by P. Stewart.

·      18.612: M. Carroll, Earthly paradises. Ancient gardens in history and archaeology. Reviewed by K. R. Marino.

R. A. G. Carson:

·      1.170: C. H. V. Sutherland and R. A. G. Carson, The Roman imperial coinage vol. I. revised edition. from 31 BC to AD 69. Reviewed by W. E. Metcalf.

J. C. Carter:

·     32.574: J. C. Carter and K. Swift, The Chora of Metaponto 7. The Greek sanctuary at Pantanello, vols. 1-3. Reviewed by A. M. Small.

·     29.555: J. C. Carter and A. Prieto (edd.), The chora of Metaponto vol. 3. Archaeological field survey Bradano to Basento. Reviewed by M. Gualtieri.

P. Cartledge:

·      26.651: K. Bradley and P. Cartledge (edd.), The Cambridge world history of slavery, vol. I. The ancient Mediterranean world. Reviewed by J. S. Nikolaus.

·      4.231: P. Cartledge and A. Spawforth, Hellenistic and Roman Sparta: a tale of two cities. Reviewed by J. J. Wilkes.

P. Caruso:

·   29.806: P. Caruso (a cura di), Antiqua beneventana. La storia della città romana attraverso la documentazione epigrafica. Reviewed by D. Gorostidi Pi.

M. Carver:

·      5.388: M. Carver, S. Donaghey and A. B. Sumpter, Riverside structures and a well in Skeldergate and buildings in Bishophill (Roman York). Reviewed by S. P. Roskams.

J. Casas I Genover:

·      5.378: J. Casas I Genover, L’Olivet d’En Pujol i els Tolegassos. Dos establiments agrícoles d’època romana a Viladamat (Campanyes de 1982 a 1988). Reviewed by X. Aquilué.

R. Cascino:

·      27.520: R. Cascino, H. Di Giuseppe & H. L. Patterson (edd.), ‘Veii. The historical topography of the ancient city’. A restudy of John Ward-Perkins’ survey. Reviewed by A. Murock Hussein.

P. J. Casey:

·      9.505: P. J. Casey, Carausius and Allectus: the British usurpers. Reviewed by H. Huvelin.

L. Casson:

·      15.469: L. Casson, Libraries in the ancient world. Reviewed by T. K. Dix.

·      3.489: L. Casson, The Periplus Maris Erythraei. Reviewed by D. Whitehouse.

P. Castanyer:

·      5.378: A. Roura, P. Castanyer, J. M. Nolla, S. J. Keay, La villa romana de Vilauba (Camós). Estudi d’un assentament rural (Campanyes de 1979-85). Reviewed by X. Aquilué.

C. Castel:

·      13.796: C. Castel, M. Al-Maqdissi and F. Villeneuve (edd.), Les maisons dans la Syrie antique. Reviewed by C. Foss.

G. Castellvi:

·      22.684: G. Castellvi, J. M. Nolla, I. Rodà, Le trophée de Pompée dans les Pyrénées (71 avant J.-C.). Reviewed by P. Gros.

P. Castrén:

·      8.549: P. Castrén (ed.), Post-Herulian Athens; aspects of life and culture in Athens A.D. 267-529. Reviewed by G. Fowden.

M. Castro:

·      32.956: M. Castro, The function of the Roman army in southern Arabia Petraea. Reviewed by J. P. Oleson.

M. Cataldi:

·      16.463: M. Cataldi (ed.), Tarquinia, Museo Archeologico Nazionale. Guida breve. Reviewed by F. R. Serra Ridgway.

F. Catalli:

·      2.154: F. Catalli, Le monete, Tarquinia. Reviewed by P. Visonà.

G. Cateni:

·      13.407: G. Cateni, Italia 3, Volterra I (Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum). Reviewed by F. R. Serra Ridgway.

L. Cavagnaro Vanoni:

·      12.476: L. Cavagnaro Vanoni, Tombe tarquiniesi di età ellenistica. Reviewed by V. Jolivet.

A. Caravelli:

·      29.562: O. de Cazanove, S. Féret, A. Caravelli, Civita di Tricarico II. Habitat et artisanat au centre du plateau. Reviewed by F. Colivicchi.

L. Cavalieri:

·     31.916: P. Brun, L. Cavalier, K. Konuk & F. Prost (textes réunis par), EUPLOIA. La Lycie et la Carie antiques. Dynamiques des territoires, échanges et identités. Reviewed by A. Landskron.

M. Cavalieri:

·      18.693: M. Cavalieri, Auctoritas aedificiorum. Sperimentazioni urbanistiche nei complessi forum-basilica delle Tres Galliae etNarbonensis. Reviewed by J. F. D. Frakes.

C. Cavallari:

·      20.667: C. Cavallari, Oggetti di ornamento personale dall’Emilia Romagna bizantina. Reviewed by M. Buora.

G. Cavallo:

·      2.401: G. Cavallo, J. Gribomont and W. C. Loerke (edd.), Codex Purpureus Rossanensis. Museo dell’Arcivescovado, Rossano Calabria, Commentarium. Reviewed by A. Cutler.

O. de Cazanove:

·      29.562: O. de Cazanove, S. Féret, A. Caravelli, Civita di Tricarico II. Habitat et artisanat au centre du plateau. Reviewed by F. Colivicchi.

D. Cazes:

·      10.381: J.-Ch. Balty and D. Cazes, Portraits impériaux de Beziers. Le groupe statuaire du Forum. Reviewed by C. B. Rose.

M. Cébeillac-Gervasoni:

·   26.575: M. Cébeillac Gervasoni, M. L. Caldelli e F. Zevi, Epigrafia latina. Ostia: cento iscrizioni in contesto. Reviewed by D. Nonnis and C. Pavolini.

·   21.433: M. Cébeillac-Gervasoni, M. L. Caldelli & F. Zevi, Epigraphie latine. Reviewed by C. Bruun.

C. Cecamore:

·      18.551: C. Cecamore, Palatium. Topografia storica del Palatino tra III sec. a.C. e 1 sec. d.C. Reviewed by Y. Perrin.

M. Ceci:

·   27.552: M. Ceci (ed.), Contesti ceramici dai fori imperiali. Reviewed by J. T. Peña.

B. Cerasetti:

·   21.392: E. Acquaro & B. Cerasetti (edd.), Pantelleria punica. Saggi critici sui dati archeologici e riflessioni storiche per una nuova generazione di ricerca. Reviewed by P. van Dommelen.

O. Cerasuolo:

·     33.514: J. Tabolli with O. Cerasuolo (edd.), Veii. Reviewed by V. Jolivet.

R. Cerri:

·      11.425: A. Ancillotti and R. Cerri, Le tavole di Gubbio e la civiltà degli Umbri. Reviewed by J. B. Wilkins.

·      11.425: A. Ancillotti and R. Cerri, The Tables of Iguvium. Colour photographs, facsimiles, transliterated text, translation and comment. Reviewed by J. B. Wilkins.

R. Chachy:

·       29.592: R. Porat, R. Chachy, and Y. Kalman, Herodium. Final reports of the 1972-2010 excavations directed by Ehud Netzer, vol. I. Herod’s tomb precinct. Reviewed by P. Gros.

J. Chadderton:

·      15.639: J. Chadderton (ed.), The legionary fortress at Wroxeter. Excavations by Graham Webster, 1955-85. Reviewed by M. Fulford.

N. de Chaisemartin:

·      33.840: N. de Chaisemartin & D. Theodorescu, Aphrodisias Bd. viii. Le théâtre d’Aphrodisias: les structures scéniques. Reviewed by A. Monterroso-Checa.

Ruey-Lin Chang:

·      29.903: Ruey-Lin Chang, Un dossier fiscal hermopolitain d’époque romaine conservé à la Bibliothéque nationale et universitaire de Strasbourg. Reviewed by G. Claytor.

J. Chameroy:

·   30.901: J. Chameroy, P.-M. Guihard (dir.), Produktion und Recyceln von Münzen in der Spätantike. 1. Internationales Numismatikertreffen. Reviewed by R. Reece

·      27.752: J. Chameroy, Les fouilles de la Cathédrale de Rouen (1985-1993): tome 1. Le numéraire antique. Reviewed by R. Reece.

E. Champlin:

·      18.545: E. Champlin, Nero. Reviewed by K. Coleman.

A. Chavarría Arnau:

·      20.685: G. P. Brogiolo and A. Chavarría Arnau, Aristocrazie e campagne nell’Occidente da Costantino a Carlo Magno. Reviewed by K. Bowes.

·    21.725: A. Chavarría Arnau, El final de las villae en Hispania (siglos IV-VII d.C.). Reviewed by T. Lewit.

J. F. Cherry:

·      20.509: S. E. Alcock and J. F. Cherry (edd.), Side-by-side survey. Comparative regional studies in the Mediterranean world.Reviewed by S. Keay.

·      15.651: S. E. Alcock, J. F. Cherry and J. Elsner (edd.), Pausanias. Travels and memory in Roman Greece. Reviewed by D. Knoepfler.

·      7.421: J. F. Cherry, J. L. Davis and E. Mantzourani, Landscape archaeology as long-term history: northern Keos in the Cycladic Islands from earliest settlement until modern times. Reviewed by M. Rautman.

R. Chevallier:

·      1.133: R. Chevallier, Ostie antique, ville et port. Reviewed by C. Pavolini.

C. Chiaramonte Treré:

·      16.463: C. Chiaramonte Treré (ed.), Tarquinia. Scavi sistematici nell’abitato, campagne 1981-88. I materiali 1. Reviewed by F. R. Serra Ridgway.

·      12.440: M. Bonghi Jovino and C. Chiaramonte Treré, Tarquinia. Testimonianze archeologiche e ricostruzione storica. Reviewed by D. and F. R. Serra Ridgway.

L. Chioffi:

·      11.431: L. Chioffi, Gli elogia Augustei del Foro Romano. Reviewed by F. Millar.

G. Chouquer:

·      9.447: G. Chouquer and F. Favory, Les paysages de l’antiquité. Terres et cadastres de l’occident romain. Reviewed by J.-L. Fiches.

·      9.447: G. Chouquer et F. Favory, Les arpenteurs romains. Théorie et pratique. Reviewed by J.-L. Fiches.

·      2.182: G. Chouquer, M. Clavel-Lévêque, F. Favory and J.-P. Vallat, Structures agraires en Italie centro-méridionale: cadastres et paysage(s) ruraux. Reviewed by O. A. W. Dilke .

P. Christesen:

·      28.563: P. Christesen & D. G. Kyle (edd.), A companion to sport and spectacle in Greek and Roman antiquity. Reviewed by J.-P. Thuillier.

E. Christiansen:

·      20.531: E. Christiansen, Coinage in Roman Egypt. The hoard evidence. Reviewed by W. E. Metcalf.

·      3.465: E. Christiansen, The Roman coins of Alexandria. Quantitative studies I-II. Nero, Trajan, Septimius Severus. Reviewed by W. E. Metcalf.

N. Christie:

·      27.960: N. Christie & A. Augenti (edd.), VRBES EXTINCTAE. Archaeologies of abandoned classical towns. Reviewed by O. Bobou.

·      26.882: N. Christie, The fall of the Western Roman Empire: an archaeological and historical perspective. Reviewed by R. Reece.27.960: N. Christie & A. Augenti (edd.), VRBES EXTINCTAE. Archaeologies of abandoned classical towns. Reviewed by O. Bobou.

·      11.513: N. Christie (ed.), Settlement and economy in Italy 1500 BC–AD 1500. Papers of the Fifth Conference of Italian Archaeology. Reviewed by P. Arthur.

·      10.593: N. Christie and S. T. Loseby (edd.), Towns in transition. Urban evolution in late antiquity and the early Middle Ages. Reviewed by E. Fentress.

M. Christol:

·      24.715: M. Christol, Une histoire provinciale: la Gaule Narbonnaise. Scripta varia. Reviewed by Ph. Leveau.

·      2.245: M. Christol, Essai sur l’évolution des carrières sénatoriales dans la seconde moitié du IIIe s. ap. J.-C. Reviewed by J.-M. Lassère.

·      2.191: J.-C. Bessac, M. Christol, J.-L. Fiches et al., Ugernum, Beaucaire et le Beaucairois à l’époque romaine I et II. Reviewed by F. S. Kleiner.

E. Chrysos:

·      3.399: E. Chrysos (ed), Nikopolis I. Proceedings of the first international symposium on Nikopolis (1984). Reviewed by P. N. Doukellis.

A. Ciancio:

·      15.375: A. Ciancio, Silbíon: una città tra Greci e indigeni. Reviewed by A. M. Small.

M. Ciaraldi:

·      22.591: M. Ciaraldi, People and plants in ancient Pompeii: a new approach to urbanism from the microscope room. Reviewed by M. van der Veen.

M. Cima:

·      14.546: M. Cima and E. La Rocca (edd.), Horti romani: Atti del convegno internazionale, Roma 1995. Reviewed by N. Purcell.

·      1.132: M. Cima and E. La Rocca (edd.), Le tranquille dimore degli dei: la residenza imperiale degli Horti Lamiani. Reviewed by N. Purcell.

M. Cipriani:

·      13.419: M. Cipriani and F. Longo (edd.), I Greci in Occidente. Poseidonia e i Lucani. Reviewed by R. Miller Ammerman.

·      6.285: M. Cipriani, S. Nicola di Albanella. Scavo di un santuario campestre nel territorio di Poseidonia-Paestum. Reviewed by B. Ginge.

A. Claridge:

·      14.536: A. Gallina Zevi and A. Claridge (edd.), ‘Roman Ostia’ revisited. Archaeological and historical papers in memory of Russell Meiggs. Reviewed by F. De Caprariis.

·      12.553: A. Claridge, Rome. Reviewed by F. Sear.

G. Clarke:

·      14.686: G. Clarke (ed.), Identities in the eastern Mediterranean in antiquity. Reviewed by M. Maas.

J. R. Clarke:

·    31.753: J. R. Clarke & N. K. Montasser, Oplontis: Villa A (“of Poppaea”) at Torre Annunziata, Italy, vol. 1. The ancient setting and modern rediscovery. Reviewed by E. Fentress.

·      22.508: J. R. Clarke, Looking at laughter. Humor, power, and transgression in Roman visual culture, 100 B.C.–A.D. 250. Reviewed by R. Ling.

·      19.473: J. R. Clarke, Art in the lives of ordinary Romans. Reviewed by B. Kellum.

·      12.559: J. R. Clarke, Looking at lovemaking. Reviewed by K. Hopkins.

·      8.398: J. R. Clarke, The houses of Roman Italy, 100 B.C.- A.D. 250. Ritual, space, and decoration. Reviewed by E. M. Moormann.

M. Clauss:

·      7.459: M. Clauss, Cultores Mithrae. Die Anhängerschaft des Mithras-Kultes. Reviewed by R. Gordon.

M. Clavel-Lévêque:

·      9.447: M. Clavel-Lévêque, Atlas des cadastres de Gaule – 1 – Le reseau centurié Béziers B. Reviewed by J.-L. Fiches.

·      9.447: M. Clavel-Lévêque, I. Jouffroy et A. Vignot (edd.), De la terre au ciel I. Paysages et cadastres antiques. Reviewed by J.-L. Fiches.

·      2.182: G. Chouquer, M. Clavel-Lévêque, F. Favory and J.-P. Vallat, Structures agraires en Italie centro-méridionale: cadastres et paysage(s) ruraux. Reviewed by O. A. W. Dilke.

S. Clews:

·      33.759: V. Anthony, R. Abdy & S. Clews (edd.), The Beau Street, Bath hoard. Reviewed by R. Reece.

F. M. Clover:

·      5.511: F. M. Clover and R. S. Humphreys (edd.), Tradition and innovation in late antiquity. Reviewed by D. Whitehouse.

F. Coarelli:

·      28.569: F. Coarelli, Palatium. Il Palatino dalle origini all’impero. Reviewed by A. Ziolkowski.

·      26.526: F. Coarelli, Palatium. Il Palatino dalle origini alI’Impero. Reviewed by M. A. Tomei.

·      20.467: F. Coarelli, The Column of Trajan. Reviewed by A. Claridge.

·      7.287 and 3.234 and 2.167 and 2.195: F. Coarelli, Il foro boario dalle origini alla fine della repubblica. Reviewed by C. J. Smith and by R. E. A. Palmer and by E. Rodríguez-Almeida and by F. S. Kleiner..

·      7.287 and 2.156: F. Coarelli, Il foro romano I and II. Reviewed by C. J. Smith and by N. Purcell.

·      2.195: F. Coarelli, Il foro romano 2. Reviewed by F. S. Kleiner.

R. Coates-Stephens:

·      20.446: R. Coates-Stephens, Porta Maggiore: monument and landscape. Reviewed by N. Purcell.

M. A. Cobb:

·      33.926: M. A. Cobb, Rome and the Indian Ocean trade from Augustus to the early third century ce. Reviewed by N. Bartos.

P. M. Cobb:

·   25.969: A. Borrut and P. M. Cobb, Umayyad legacies: medieval memories from Syria to Spain. Reviewed by G. Fowden.

S. Cocis:

·      19.625: S. Cocis, Fibulele din Dacia romana. Reviewed by M. Buora.

T. Coello:

·      11.657: T. Coello, Unit sizes in the Late Roman army. Reviewed by J. W. Eadie.

A. Cohen:

·      22.499: A. Cohen and J. B. Rutter (edd.), Constructions of childhood in ancient Greece and Italy. Reviewed by K. Huntley.

G. Colantuono:

·      33.941: G. Colantuono, Unioni tardoantiche: documenti conciliari e giuridici per una storia sociale del matrimonio nella tarda antichità. Reviewed by T. A. J. McGinn.

K. Cole:

·      25.673: E. Poehler, M. Flohr and K. Cole (edd.), Pompeii. Art, industry and infrastructure. Reviewed by S. E. Craver.

K. M. Coleman:

 ·    29.679: K. Coleman et J. Nelis-Clément (edd.), L’organisation des spectacles dans le monde romain. Huits exposés. Reviewed by D. S. Potter.

·     21.465: K. M. Coleman, M. Valerii Martialis Liber Spectacvlorvm, edited with introduction,
translation and commentary.
 Reviewed by J. Edmondson.

F. Colivicchi:

·     25.577: F. Colivicchi (ed.), Local cultures of South Italy and Sicily in the Late Republican period. Reviewed by H. W. Horsnaes.

S. Coll:

·      5.388: A. B. Sumpter and S. Coll, Interval Tower SW5 and the south-west defences: excavations 1972-75 (Roman York). Reviewed by S. P. Roskams.

F. Colleoni:

·     31.834: F. Colleoni (sous la direction de), Stations routières en Gaule romaine. Architecture, équipements et fonctions. Reviewed by R. B. Hitchner.

R. G. Collingwood:

·      6.403: S. Frere in R. G. Collingwood and R. P. Wright, The Roman inscriptions of Britain II. Instrumentum domesticum. Reviewed by M. C. W. Still.

R. Collins:

·   30.923: R. Collins, M. Symonds & M. Weber (edd.), Roman military architecture on the frontiers: armies and their architecture in late antiquity. Reviewed by S. T. Parker.

·      24.817: R. Collins & L. Allason-Jones, Finds from the frontier: material culture in the 4th-5th centuries. Reviewed by E. Swift.

G. Colonna:

·      18.459: G. Colonna (ed.), Il santuario di Portonaccio a Veio I. Reviewed by P. S. Lulof.

P. Columeau:

·      17.678: P. Columeau, Alimentation carnée en Gaule du Sud. Reviewed by M. MacKinnon.

A. Comella:

·      18.464: A. Comella, Il santuario di Punta della Vipera, Santa Marinella I. Reviewed by I. Edlund Berry.

·      6.285: A. Comella and G. Stefani, Materiali votivi del santuario di Campetti a Veio. Reviewed by B. Ginge.

A. Comfort:

·      33.879: A. Comfort & M. Marciak. How did the Persian king of kings get his wine? The upper Tigris in antiquity (c.700 bce to 636 ce). Reviewed by C. S. Lightfoot.

M.-C. Comte:

·      28.941: M.-C. Comte, Les reliquaires du Proche-Orient et de Chypre à la période protobyzantine (IVe-VIIIe siècles). Reviewed by C. Vanderheyde.

J. Conant:

·      27.939: J. Conant, Staying Roman. Conquest and identity in Africa and the Mediterranean, 439-700. Reviewed by R. Whelan.

S. Conti:

·      19.703: S. Conti, Die Inschriften Kaiser Julians. Reviewed by G. Bowersock.

M. Conticello de’ Spagnolis:

·      1.120: M. Conticello de’ Spagnolis, Il tempio dei Dioscuri nel Circo Flaminio. Reviewed by E. Rodríguez-Almeida.

M. Conventi:

·      19.521: M. Conventi, Città romane di fondazione. Reviewed by C. Pavolini.

H. E. M. Cool:

·    31.739: H. E. M. Cool, The small finds and vessel glass from Insula VI.1 Pompeii: excavations 1995-2006. Reviewed by N. Crummy.

·      18.675: H. E. M. Cool, The Roman cemetery at Brougham, Cumbria. Reviewed by R. Reece.

·     21.557: H. E. M. Cool, Eating and drinking in Roman Britain. Reviewed by M. MacKinnon.

A. E. Cooley:

·    31.735: A. E. Cooley (ed.), A companion to Roman Italy. Reviewed by C. J. Smith.

·      18.583: A. E. & M. G. L. Cooley, Pompeii. A sourcebook. Reviewed by P. W. Foss.

M. G. L. Cooley:

·      18.583: A. E. & M. G. L. Cooley, Pompeii. A sourcebook. Reviewed by P. W. Foss.

K. Cooper:

·      23.811: K. Cooper and J. Hillner (edd.), Religion, dynasty and patronage in Early Christian Rome, 300-900. Reviewed by M. R. Salzman.

P. Cope-Faulkner:

·      22.693: B. Simmons and P. Cope-Faulkner, The Car Dyke: past work, current state and future possibilities. Reviewed by I. Longhurst.

·      22.693: B. Simmons and P. Cope-Faulkner, The Car Dyke. Reviewed by I. Longhurst.

C. Coquidé:

·      29.833: J.-C. Béal, C. Coquidé et R. Tenu, Ludna et Asa Paulini. Deux étapes antiques du Val de Saône sur la route de Lyon. Reviewed by Ph. Leveau and R. Royet.

A. Coralini:

·      25.690: A. Coralini (ed.), Vesuviana. Archeologie a confronto. Reviewed by S. E. Craver.

·      22.621: A. Coralini and D. Scagliarini Corlàita (edd.), Ut natura ars. Virtual reality e archeologia. Reviewed by D. Favro.

·      16.500: A. Coralini, Hercules domesticus. Reviewed by E. W. Leach.

M. Corbier:

·      26.634: M. Corbier et J.-P. Guilhembet (edd.), L’écriture dans la maison romaine. Reviewed by Y. Perrin.

·      22.503: M. Corbier, Donner à voir, donner à lire. Mémoire et communication dans la Rome ancienne. Reviewed by W. V. Harris.

M. Corbishley:

·      15.639: P. Barker, R. White, K. Pretty, H. Bird and M. Corbishley, The Baths Basilica Wroxeter. Excavations 1966-90. Reviewed by M. Fulford.

S. Corcoran:

·      11.652: S. Corcoran, The empire of the tetrarchs, imperial pronouncements and government AD 284-324. Reviewed by W. Turpin.

S. Cormack:

·      11.665: S. Mitchell, with S. Cormack, R. Fursdon, E. Owens and J. Öztürk, Cremna in Pisidia. An ancient city in peace and in war. Reviewed by C. S. Lightfoot.

·   21.624: S. Cormack, The space of death in Roman Asia Minor. Reviewed by B. C. Ewald.

T. J. Cornell:

·      9.310: T. J. Cornell, The beginnings of Rome: Italy and Rome from the Bronze Age to the Punic Wars. Reviewed by T. P. Wiseman.

C. Corsi:

·      27.618: C. Corsi & F. Vermeulen (edd.), Ammaia I: The survey. A Romano-Lusitanian townscape revealed. Reviewed by M. Millett.

·      26.640: F. Vermeulen, G.-J. Burgers, S. Keay and C. Corsi (edd.), Urban landscape survey in Italy and the Mediterranean. Reviewed by D. L. Stone.

A. Cortés:

·      30.737: A. Cortés, L’arquitectura domèstica d’època tardorepublicana i altimperial a les ciutats romanes de Catalunya. Reviewed by J. Bermejo Tirado

S. R. Cosh:

·      25.793: S. R. Cosh and D. S. Neal, Roman mosaics of Britain vol. IV. Western Britain. Reviewed by R. Ling.

·      16.624: D. S. Neal and S. R. Cosh, Roman mosaics of Britain I. Reviewed by R. Ling.

F. Costabile:

·      15.411: F. Costabile and O. Licandro, Tessera Paemeiobrigensis: un nuovo editto di Augusto dalla Transduriana provincia e l’imperium proconsulare del princeps. Reviewed by J. S. Richardson.

H. M. Cotton:

·      14.657: H. M. Cotton and A. Yardeni, Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek documentary texts from Nahal Hever and other sites. Reviewed by G. W. Bowersock.

·      4.336: H. M. Cotton and J. Geiger (edd.), Masada II. Final reports: the Latin and Greek documents. Reviewed by G. W. Bowersock.

J. C. N. Coulston:

·      20.488: M. C. Bishop and J. C. N. Coulston, Roman military equipment from the Punic Wars to the Fall of Rome 2nd edition. Reviewed by H. Elton.

·      7.491: M. C. Bishop and J. C. N. Coulston, Roman military equipment from the Punic wars to the fall of Rome. Reviewed by H. Elton.

D. B. Counts:  

·      31.986: E. W. Averett, J. M. Gordon & D. B. Counts (edd.), Mobilizing the past for a digital future. The potential of digital archaeology. Reviewed by T. Huntsman.

C. Courrier:

·      29.653: C. Courrier, La plèbe de Rome et sa culture (fin du IIe siècle av. J.-C. – fin du Ier siècle ap. J.-C.). Reviewed by E. Meyer.

P. J. Crabtree:

·      32.980: P. J. Crabtree, Early medieval Britain. The rebirth of towns in the post-Roman West. Reviewed by R. Hodges.

J. S. Crawford:

·      6.455: J. S. Crawford, The Byzantine shops at Sardis. Reviewed by J. Russell.

J. Creighton:

·     31.823: J. Creighton with R. Fry, Silchester: changing visions of a Roman town. Integrating geophysics and archaeology: the results of the Silchester Mapping Project 2005-10. Reviewed by W. Bowden.

·      15.587: S. Keay, J. Creighton and J. Remesal Rodríguez, Celti (Peñaflor). The archaeology of a Hispano-Roman town in Baetica. Survey and excavations. Reviewed by M. Bendala.

M. Cristofani:

·      6.277: M. Cristofani, I bronze degli Etruschi. Reviewed by Jean-René Jannot.

·      4.200: M. Cristofani (ed.), La grande Roma dei Tarquini. Reviewed by A. J. Ammerman.

S. Crogiez-Pétrequin:

·      27.914: S. Crogiez-Pétrequin & P. Jaillette (edd.), Société, économie, administration dans le Code Théodosien. Reviewed by T. D. Barnes.

J. H. Crouwel:

·      26.693: J. H. Crouwel, Chariots and other wheeled vehicles in Italy before the Roman Empire. Reviewed by B. I. Sandor.

J. Crow:

·      23.793: J. Crow, J. Bardill and R. Bayliss, The water supply of Byzantine Constantinople. Reviewed by R. Pfeilschifter.

N. Crummy:

·      23.657: H. Eckardt and N. Crummy, Styling the body in Late Iron Age and Roman Britain: a contextual approach to toilet instruments. Reviewed by H. E. M. Cool.

M. Cullhed:

·      9.532: M. Cullhed, Conservator urbis suae. Studies in the politics and propaganda of the emperor Maxentius. Reviewed by T. D. Barnes.

B. W. Cunliffe:

·      22.458: B. Cunliffe, Europe between the oceans. Themes and variations: 9000 BC–AD 1000. Reviewed by P. S. Wells.

·      14.607: B. W. Cunliffe, The Guadajoz Project. Andalucia in the first millennium B.C. vol. 1. Torreparedones and its hinterland. Reviewed by S. Keay.

·      3.419: B. Cunliffe and P. Davenport, The Temple of Sulis Minerva at Bath I. The site. Reviewed by T. F. C. Blagg.

J. Cuno:

·      25.999: J. Cuno (ed.), Whose culture? The promise of museums and the debate over antiquities. Reviewed by S. L. Dyson

N. Cuomo di Caprio:

·      31.704: N. Cuomo di Caprio, Ceramics in archaeology. From prehistoric to medieval times in Europe and the Mediterranean. Ancient craftsmanship and modern laboratory techniques. Reviewed by K. W. Slane.

·      22.647: N. Cuomo di Caprio, Ceramica in Archeologia 2. Antiche tecniche di lavorazione e moderni metodi di indagini. Reviewed by P. M. Kenrick.

M. Cuozzo:

·      18.451: M. Cuozzo, Reinventando la tradizione. Immaginario sociale, ideologie e rappresentazione nelle necropoli orientalizzanti di Pontecagnano. Reviewed by D. Ridgway.

L. A. Curchin:

·      8.465: L. A. Curchin, The local magistrates of Roman Spain. Reviewed by T. Kruse.


·      25.964: S. Ćurčić, Architecture in the Balkans from Diocletian to Süleyman the Magnificent. Reviewed by J. Crow.

J. R. Curran:

·      16.689: J. R. Curran, Pagan city and Christian capital. Rome in the fourth century. Reviewed by M. Salzman.

F. Curta:

·      27.965: F. Curta (ed.), Neglected barbarians. Reviewed by R. Collins.

R. I. Curtis:

·      15.573: R. I. Curtis, Ancient food technology. Reviewed by H. Forbes.

·      5.338: R. I. Curtis (ed.), Studia Pompeiana et Classica in honor of Wilhelmina A. Jashemski I: Pompeiana; Reviewed by R. Ling.

H. Cuvigny:

·      27.880: H. Cuvigny (ed.), J.-P. Brun, A. Bülow-Jacobsen et al.Didymoi. Une garnison romaine dans le désert oriental d’Égypte. Praesidia du désert de Bérénice IV, vol. II — Les textes. Reviewed by A. Bowman.

·      20.635: H. Cuvigny, Ostraka de Krokodilô. La correspondance militaire et sa circulation.Reviewed by A. K. Bowman.

·      18.731: H. Cuvigny et al., La route de Myos Hormos. L’armée romaine dans le désert oriental d’Egypte. Praesidia du désert de Bérénice I. Reviewed by V. A. Maxfield.

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