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L. Bacchielli:

·      12.718: L. Bacchielli and M. Bonanno Aravantinos (edd.), Scritti di antichità in memoria di Sandro Stucchi. Reviewed by D. M. Bailey.

D. Backendorf:

·      12.526: D. Backendorf, Römische Münzschätze des zweiten und ersten Jahrhunderts v. Chr. vom Italienischen Festland. Reviewed by T. V. Buttrey.

R. S. Bagnall:

·      20.658: R. S. Bagnall and D. W. Rathbone, Egypt from Alexander to the Early Christians: an archaeological and historical guide. Reviewed by R. J. Cook.

·      12.745: R. S. Bagnall et al., The Kellis agricultural account book. Reviewed by D. P. Kehoe.

·      8.483: R. S. Bagnall and B. W. Frier, The demography of Roman Egypt. Reviewed by D. J. Thompson and G. Hawthorn.

·      1.203: R. S. Bagnall, Alan Cameron, S. R. Schwartz and K. A. Worp, Consuls of the later Roman empire. Reviewed by A. Chastagnol

G. Bagnasco Gianni:

·      27.513: M. Bonghi Jovino & G. Bagnasco Gianni (a cura di), Tarquinia. Il santuario dell’Ara della Regina. I templi arcaici. Reviewed by G. Cifani.

D. M. Bailey:

·      13.812: D. M. Bailey, Excavations at El-Ashmunein, vol. 5: Pottery, lamps and glass of the Late Roman and Early Arab periods. Reviewed by J. Magness.

·      10.417: D. M. Bailey, A catalogue of the lamps in the British Museum IV. Lamps of metal and stone, and lampstands. Reviewed by M. Feugère.

·      6.420: D. M. Bailey, A catalogue of the lamps in the British Museum III. Roman provincial lamps. Reviewed by C. Pavolini.

·      3.384: D. M. Bailey, Les lampes de Benghazi (Bérénicè). Reviewed by R. Rebuffat.

G. Bailo Modesti:

·      15.355: G. Bailo Modesti and P. Gastaldi (edd.), Prima di Pithecusa. I più antichi materiali greci del Golfo di Salerno. Reviewed by D. Ridgway.

J. A. Baird:

32.917: J. A. Baird, Dura-Europos. Reviewed by L. Dirven.

P. A. Baker:

·      19.610: P. A. Baker, Medical care for the Roman army on the Rhine, Danube and British frontiers. Reviewed by J. Scarborough.

C. Bakirtzis:

·    25.864: L. Nasrallah, C. Bakirtzis and S. J. Friesen (edd.), From Roman to Early Christian Thessalonike: studies in religion and archaeology. Reviewed by E. Rizos.

J. T. Bakker:

·      9.381: J. T. Bakker, Living and working with the gods. Studies of evidence for private religion and its material environment in the city of Ostia 100-500 AD. Reviewed by R. E. A. Palmer.

P. Baldassarri:

·      14.621: P. Baldassarri, Sebastoi Soteri [Greek]. Edilizia monumentale ad Atene durante il saeculum augustum. Reviewed by G. Schörner.

I. Baldini Lippolis:

·      26.848: I. Baldini, M. Livadiotti (edd.), Archeologia protobizantina a Kos: la Basilica di S. Gabriele. Reviewed by J.-P. Sodini.

·      24.863: R. Farioli Campanati, C. Rizzardi, P. Porta, A. Augenti, I. Baldini Lippolis (edd.), Ideologia e cultura artistica tra Adriatico e Mediterraneo Orientale (IV-X secolo): il ruolo dell’autorità ecclesiastica alla luce di nuovi scavi e ricerche. Reviewed by A. Christ.

V. Baldoni:

·     24.506: V. Baldoni, La ceramica attica dagli scavi ottocenteschi di Marzabotto. Reviewed by C. Reusser.

·      19.511: L. F. Ball, The Domus Aurea and the Roman architectural revolution. Reviewed by P. Stinson.

·      8.403: L. F. Ball, “A reappraisal of Nero’s Domus Aurea,” in Rome Papers (JRA Suppl. 11). Reviewed by E. M. Moormann.

H. R. Baldus:

·      29.886: H. R. Baldus(†) und M. Khanoussi, Simitthus Band IV. Der spätantike Münzschatz von Simitthus/Chimtou. Reviewed by W. E. Metcalf.

C. Balmelle:

·      26.810: C. Balmelle, A. Bourgeois, H. Broise, J.-P. Darmon et M. Ennaïfer, Carthage, colline de l’Odéon. Maisons de la Rotonde et du Cryptoportique (recherches 1987-2000). Reviewed by J. Freed.

·      25.825: C. Balmelle, H. Eristov et F. Monier (edd.), Décor et architecture en Gaule entre l’Antiquité et le Haut Moyen Äge: mosaïque, peinture, stuc. Reviewed by R. Ling.

·      16.701: C. Balmelle, Les demeures aristocratiques d’Aquitaine. Reviewed by D. Perring.

·      6.446: C. Balmelle et al., Xenia. Recherches franco-tunisiennes sur la mosaïque de l’Afrique antique I. Reviewed by D. Parrish.

J. Balty:

·      11.693: J. Balty, Mosaïques antiques du Proche-Orien. Reviewed by G. W. Bowersock.

J.-Ch. Balty:

·      10.381: J.-Ch. Balty and D. Cazes, Portraits imperiaux de Beziers. Le groupe statuaire du Forum. Reviewed by C. B. Rose.

J. Banaji:

·      16.711: J. Banaji, Agrarian change in late antiquity. Reviewed by D. Kehoe.

P. F. Bang:

·      27.685: P. F. Bang & D. Kolodziejczyk (edd.), Universal empire. A comparative approach to imperial culture and representation in Eurasian history. Reviewed by K. Nikolai.

·      22.421: P. F. Bang, The Roman bazaar: a comparative study of trade and markets in a tributary empire. Reviewed by M. Silver.

C. J. Bannon:

·      24. 567: C. J. Bannon, Gardens and neighbors. Private water rights in Roman Italy. Reviewed by C. Bruun.

F. Baratte:

·      30.918: F. Baratte, F. Bejaoui, N. Duval, et al., Basiliques chrétiennes d’Afrique du nord (inventaire et typologie) II. Inventaire des monuments de la Tunisie. Reviewed by S. T. Stevens

·       29.716: M. Galinier et F. Baratte (edd.), Iconographie funéraire et société: corpus antique, approches nouvelles? Reviewed by V. H. Penannen.

·      25.954: F. Baratte et F. Bejaoui (edd.), Recherches archéologiques à Haïdra IV. La basilique II dite de Candidus …. Reviewed by S. T. Stevens.

·      25.954: F. Baratte, F. Bejaoui et Z. Ben Abdallah (edd.), Recherches archéologiques à Haïdra III. La basilique VII … les inscriptions païennes. Reviewed by S. T. Stevens.

·      16.692: F. Baratte, J. Lang, S. La Niece and C. Metzger, Le trésor de Carthage. Reviewed by K. S. Painter.

·      14.697: F. Baratte, F. Bejaoui and Z. Ben Abdallah (edd.), Recherches archéologiques à Haïdra, Miscellanea 2. Reviewed by N. Duval.

·      10.481: F. Baratte, La vaisselle d’argent en Gaule dans l’antiquite tardive. Reviewed by A. Oliver.

M. Barbanera:

·      14.710: M. Barbanera, L’archeologia degli Italiani. Reviewed by S. Dyson.

·      14.710: M. Barbanera (ed.), Ranuccio Bianchi Bandinelli e il suo mondo. Reviewed by S. Dyson.

A. Barbet:

·       30.759: A. Barbet, Peintures romaines de Tunisie. Reviewed by S. McFadden

·      28.622: A. Barbet & A. Verbanck-Piérard (dir.), La villa romaine de Boscoreale et ses fresques. Vol. I. É. Dubois-Pelerin, Description des panneaux et restitution du décor. Vol. II. Actes du colloque international organisé du 21 au 23 avril 2010. Reviewed by E. K. Gazda and L. J. McAlpine.

·      17.556: A. Barbet (ed.), La peinture funéraire antique, IVe s. av. J.-C.– IVe s. apr. J.-C. Reviewed by H. Kammerer-Grothaus.

·      15.445: A. Barbet and P. Miniero (edd.), La villa San Marco a Stabia. Reviewed by R. Ling.

G. Barbieri:

·      13.407: G. Barbieri, Italia 5, Viterbo (Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum). Reviewed by F. R. Serra Ridgway.

J. Bardill:

·      23.793: J. Crow, J. Bardill and R. Bayliss, The water supply of Byzantine Constantinople. Reviewed by R. Pfeilschifter.

G. Barker:

·      15.561: P. Leveau, F. Trément, K. Walsh and G. Barker (edd.), Environmental reconstruction in Mediterranean landscape archaeology. Reviewed by J. F. Cherry.

·      12.763: G. Barker and D. Mattingly (edd.), Farming the desert. The UNESCO Libyan Valleys archaeological survey. Reviewed by P. Trousset.

·      12.440: G. Barker and T. Rasmussen, The Etruscans. Reviewed by D. and F. R. Serra Ridgway.

·      10.343: G. Barker et al., A Mediterranean valley. Landscape archaeology and Annales history in the Biferno Valley. Reviewed by M. Millett.

·      10.343: G. Barker (ed.), The Biferno Valley survey. The archaeological and geomorphological record. Reviewed by M. Millett.

·      6.359: G. W. Barker and J. A. Lloyd (edd.), Roman landscapes. Archaeological survey in the Mediterranean region. Reviewed by D. J. Mattingly.

P. Barker:

·      15.639: P. Barker, R. White, K. Pretty, H. Bird and M. Corbishley, The Baths Basilica Wroxeter. Excavations 1966-90. Reviewed by M. Fulford.

T. Barnes:

·      28.923: T. Barnes, Constantine. Dynasty, religion and power in the Later Roman Empire. Reviewed by D. Woods.

M. del C. Barragán Valencia:

·      25.954: M. del C. Barragán Valencia, La necrópolis tardoantigua de Carretera de Carmona (Hispalis), Sevilla. Reviewed by Chr. Eger.

N. Barrandon:

·      26.788: N. Barrandon, De la pacification à l’intégration des Hispaniques (133-27 a.C.). Les mutations des sociétés indigènes d’Hispanie centrale et septentrionale sous domination romaine. Reviewed by W. E. Mierse.

C. E. Barrett:

·      33.679: C. E. Barrett, Domesticating empire: Egyptian landscapes in Pompeian gardens. Reviewed by L. A. Mazurek.

·      26.503: C. E. Barrett, Egyptianizing figurines from Delos. A study in Hellenistic religion. Reviewed by L. Mazurek.

R. J. Barrow:

·      32.605: R. J. Barrow, Gender, identity and the body in Greek and Roman sculpture. Reviewed by J. Trimble.

S. Bartell:

·   28.558: G. S. Aldrete, S. Bartell & A. Aldrete, Reconstructing ancient linen body armor. Reviewed by M. Gleba.

E. Bartman:

·      31.674: E. Bartman, The Ince Blundell Collection of Classical Sculpture, vol. III — The ideal sculpture. Reviewed by M. D. Fullerton.

·      13.529: E. Bartman, Portraits of Livia. Reviewed by S. Walker.

·      8.530: E. Bartman, Ancient sculptural copies in miniature. Reviewed by E. K. Gazda.

M. J. Bartoldus:

·      29.950: M. J. Bartoldus, Palladius Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus. Welt und Wert spätrömischer Landwirtschaft. Reviewed by G. Kron.

G. Bartoloni:

.      29.572: G. Bartoloni e L. M. Michetti (a cura di), Mura di legno, mura di terra, mura di pietra: fortificazioni nel Mediterraneo antico. Reviewed by S. Bernard.

.      27.525: G. Bartoloni & M. G. Benedettini, Veio. Il deposito votivo di Comunità (scavi 1889-2005). Reviewed by H. Di Giuseppe.

·      12.440: G. Bartoloni (ed.), Le necropoli arcaiche di Veio. Reviewed by D. and F. R. Serra Ridgway

I. M. Barton:

·      5.291: I. M. Barton (ed.), Roman public buildings. Reviewed by F. Sear.

G. F. Bass:

·     24. 892: G. F. Bass, R. H. Brill, B. Lledó and S. D. Matthews, Serçe Limani. vol. II. The glass of an eleventh-century shipwreck. Reviewed by E. M. Stern.

P. Bastien:

·      1.170: P. Bastien, Le monnayage de l’atelier de Lyon, de la mort de Julien à la mort de Jovin. Reviewed by W. E. Metcalf.

D. Battaglia:

·      23.510: D. Battaglia, Retiarius vs. secutor et scissor: ricostruzione empirica della tecniche di combattimento e degli armamenti. Reviewed by M. Junkelmann.

·      23.510: D. Battaglia and L. Ventura, De rebus gladiatoriis, dal gymnasion al ludus attraverso i sepolcri. Reviewed by M. Junkelmann.

A. Battisti:

·      27.810: M. De Vos, R. Attoui & A. Battisti, Rus Africum tome 2. Le paysage rural antique autour de Dougga. L’aqueduc Aïn Hammam-Thugga. Reviewed by Ph. Leveau.

F. Battistoni:

·      24.545: F. Battistoni, Parenti dei Romani. Mito troiano e diplomazia. Reviewed by E. Dench.

G. Bauchhenß:

·      8.340: G. Hellenkemper Salies (ed.), H.-H. von Prittwitz und Gaffron, and G. Bauchhenß, Das Wrack der antike Schiffsfund von Mahdia. Reviewed by B. S. Ridgway.

F. A. Bauer:

·   24.868: F. A. Bauer & C. Witschel (edd.), Statuen in der Spätantike. Reviewed by B. Ward-Perkins.

·   21.727: F. A. Bauer (ed.), Visualisierungen von Herrschaft. Frühmittelalterliche Residenzen. Gestalt und Zeremoniell. Reviewed by R. Pfeilschifter.

J. Bayley:

·   29.620: J. Bayley, I. Freestone and C. Jackson (edd.), Glass of the Roman world. Reviewed by C. Lightfoot.

R. Bayliss:

·      23.793: J. Crow, J. Bardill and R. Bayliss, The water supply of Byzantine Constantinople. Reviewed by R. Pfeilschifter.

·      19.691: R. Bayliss, Provincial Cilicia and the archaeology of temple conversion. Reviewed by R. Townsend.

J.-C. Béal:

·      29.833: J.-C. Béal, C. Coquidé et R. Tenu, Ludna et Asa Paulini. Deux étapes antiques du Val de Saône sur la route de Lyon. Reviewed by Ph. Leveau and R. Royet.

M. Beard:

·      28.647: M. Beard, Laughter in ancient Rome. Reviewed by A. Corbeill.

·      22.584: M. Beard, Pompeii. The life of a Roman town. Reviewed by R. Laurence.

·     21.389: M. Beard, The Roman triumph. Reviewed by T. P. Wiseman.

·      20.454: K. Hopkins and M. Beard, The Colosseum. Reviewed by L. C. Lancaster.

·      13.453: M. Beard, J. North and S. Price, Religions of Rome. Reviewed by J. Linderski.

B. Bechtold:

·     23.445: B. Bechtold, Observations on the amphora repertoire of Middle Punic Carthage. Reviewed by M. Lawall.

J. A. Becker:

·     26.482: J. A. Becker and N. Terrenato (edd.), Roman republican villas: architecture, context, and ideology. Reviewed by V. Jolivet.

M. Beckmann:

·     32.991: C. Arnold-Biucchi & M. Beckmann (edd.), Sculpture and coins: Margarete Bieber as scholar and collector. Reviewed by J. DeRose Evans.

·     29.732: M. Beckmann, Diva Faustina. Coinage and cult in Rome and the provinces. Reviewed by A. Alexandridis.

·     25.722: M. Beckmann, The Column of Marcus Aurelius. The genesis & meaning of a Roman imperial monument. Reviewed by K. Nikolai.

R. Bedon:

·      28.669: R. Bedon (ed.), Macellum, taberna, portus. Les structures matérielles de l’économie en Gaule romaine et dans les régions voisines. Reviewed by N. Monteix.

·      14.603: R. Bedon (ed.), Suburbia. Les faubourgs en Gaule romaine et dans les régions voisines. Reviewed by G. Woolf.

·      13.597 and 13.605: R. Bédon (ed.), Les aqueducs de la Gaule romaine et des régions voisines. Reviewed by A. Wilson and by G. Fabre and J.-L. Fiches.

A. Beeson:

·      33.763: A. Beeson, M. Nichol & J. Appleton, The Boxford mosaic. Reviewed by K. M. D. Dunbabin.

V. Begley:

·      7.457: V. Begley and R. D. De Puma (edd.), Rome and India. The ancient sea trade. Reviewed by D. P. S. Peacock.

F. Bejaoui:

·      30.918: F. Baratte, F. Bejaoui, N. Duval, et al., Basiliques chrétiennes d’Afrique du nord (inventaire et typologie) II. Inventaire des monuments de la Tunisie. Reviewed by S. T. Stevens

·      25.954: F. Baratte et F. Bejaoui (edd.), Recherches archéologiques à Haïdra IV. La basilique II dite de Candidus …. Reviewed by S. T. Stevens.

·      25.954: F. Baratte, F. Bejaoui et Z. Ben Abdallah (edd.), Recherches archéologiques à Haïdra III. La basilique VII … les inscriptions païennes. Reviewed by S. T. Stevens.

·      14.697: F. Baratte, F. Bejaoui and Z. Ben Abdallah (edd.), Recherches archéologiques à Haïdra, Miscellanea 2. Reviewed by J. Balty.

G. Bejor:

·      14.641: G. Bejor, Vie colonnate. Paesaggi urbani del mondo antico. Reviewed by S. B. Downey.

T. Bekker-Nielsen:

·      33.831: T. Bekker-Nielsen (ed.), Space, place and identity in northern Anatolia. Reviewed by P. Johnson.

·   21.602: T. Bekker-Nielsen (ed.), Rome and the Black Sea region. Domination, Romanisation, resistance. Reviewed by I. P. Haynes.

·      19.525: T. Bekker-Nielsen (ed.), Ancient fishing and fish processing in the Black Sea region. Reviewed by A. I. Wilson.

V. Bel:

·      24.708: M. Lert, M. Bois, V. Blanc-Bijon et V. Bel, Atlas topographique des villes de Gaule méridionale 3. Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux. Reviewed by A. Roth Congès.

M. Bell III:

·      10.604: P. Pelagatti e M. Bell III (ed.), Antichita senza provenienza. I siti distrutti, il recupero, il nodo dei prestiti. Reviewed by J. G. Pedley.

S. Bell :

·      31.563: S. Bell & A. A. Carpino (edd.), A companion to the Etruscans. Reviewed by N. T. de Grummond.

·      26.662: S. Bell and T. Ramsby (edd.), Free at last! The impact of freed slaves on the Roman Empire. Reviewed by M. L. Laird.

·      24.512: S. Bell & H. Nagy (edd.), New perspectives on Etruria and Early Rome. Reviewed by D. Ridgway.

·      23.583: S. Bell and I. L. Hansen (edd.), Role models in the Roman world: identity and assimilation. Reviewed by S. Dillon.

R. Belli Pasqua:

·      19.375: R. Belli Pasqua e R. Spadea (edd.), Kroton e il suo territorio tra VI e V secolo a.C. Reviewed by D. Ridgway.

U. Bellwald:

·    21.696: U. Bellwald, M. al-Huneidi, A. Salihi, D. Keller, R. Naser, D. al-Eisawi, edited by I. Ruben, The Petra Siq. Nabataean hydrology uncovered. Reviewed by J. Patrich.

J. Beltrán Fortes:

·    25.809: J. Beltrán Fortes et al., El Mausoleo de los Pompeyos de Torreparedones (Baena, Córdoba). Análisis historiográfico y arqueológico. Reviewed by P. Gros.

C. Bémont:

·      16.594: C. Bémont, Les lampes de Glanum. Reviewed by H. Eckardt.

·      3.361: C. Bémont et J.-P. Jacob (edd.), La terre sigillée gallo-romaine. Lieux de production du Haut-Empire. Implantations, produits, relations. Reviewed by R. Guéry.

Z. Ben Abdallah:

·      25.954: F. Baratte, F. Bejaoui et Z. Ben Abdallah (edd.), Recherches archéologiques à Haïdra III. La basilique VII … les inscriptions païennes. Reviewed by S. T. Stevens.

·      14.697: F. Baratte, F. Bejaoui and Z. Ben Abdallah (edd.), Recherches archéologiques à Haïdra, Miscellanea 2. Reviewed by N. Duval.

A. Ben Abed-Ben Khader:

·      20.689: A. Ben Abed-Ben Khader, M. Fixot, M. Bonifay and S. Roucole, Sidi Jdidi ILa basilique sud. Reviewed by S. T. Stevens.

·      19.558: A. Ben Abed et M. Griesheimer (dir.), La nécropole romaine de Pupput. Reviewed by L. M. Stirling.

·      15.700: A. Ben Abed–Ben Khader et al.Corpus des mosaïques de la Tunisie IV. Karthago (Carthage) fasc. 1. Reviewed by K. M. D. Dunbabin.

·      9.495: M. A. Alexander, A. Ben Abed, D. Soren, M. Spiro, Corpus des mosaïques de Tunisie II.4. Thuburbo Majus. Reviewed by S. Gozlan.

J. Bénard:

·      8.511: J. Bénard and M. Mangin, R. Goguey, L. Roussel, Les agglomérations antiques de Côte-d’Or. Reviewed by M. Reddé.

H. Ben Hassen:

·      19.544: H. Ben Hassen et L. Maurin (dir.), Oudhna (Uthina), colonie de vétérans de la XIIILégion. Reviewed by P. Gros.

·      16.585: P. Ørsted, J. Carlsen, L. Ladjimi Sebai and H. Ben Hassen (edd.), Africa Proconsularis: regional studies in the Segermes Valley III. Reviewed by D. L. Stone.

·      10.567: S. Dietz, L. L. Sebai and H. Ben Hassan, Africa Proconsularis. Regional studies in the Segermes Valley of Northern Tunisia I-II. Reviewed by R. B. Hitchner.

A. Benmansour:

·      9.564: A. Mohamedi, A. Benmansour, A. Amamra, E. Fentress, Fouilles de Sétif 1977-1984. Reviewed by R. B. Hitchner.

M. G. Benedettini:

·      27.525: G. Bartoloni & M. G. Benedettini, Veio. Il deposito votivo di Comunità (scavi 1889-2005). Reviewed by H. Di Giuseppe.

S. Bénoist:

·      22.611: S. Benoist and A. Daguet-Gagey (edd.), Un discours en images de la condamnation de mémoire. Reviewed by R. Brilliant.

·      15.407: S. Bénoist, La fête à Rome au premier siècle de l’Empire. Reviewed by G. Chamberland.

M. Bentz:

·      25.564: M. Bentz und Chr. Reusser (Hrsg.), Etruskisch-italische und römisch-republikanische Häuser. Reviewed by V. Jolivet.

F. Bérard:

·      30.696: F. Bérard, L’armée romaine à Lyon. Reviewed by M. Ng

·      3.211: F. Bérard, D. Feissel et al. (edd.), Guide de l’épigraphiste. Bibliographie choisie des épigraphies antiques et médiévales. Reviewed by J. Reynolds.

J. Bergemann:

·    31.669: K. Fittschen & J. Bergemann, Katalog der Skulpturen der Sammlung Wallmoden. Reviewed by E. Bartman.

·      14.625: J. Bergemann, Die römische Kolonie von Butrint und die Romanisierung Griechenlands. Reviewed by J. Trimble.

F. Berger:

·      7.480: F. Berger, Untersuchungen zu römerzeitlichen Münzfunden in Nordwest-Deutschland. Reviewed by R. Reece.

L. Berger:

·      27.787: L. Berger, Führer durch Augusta Raurica (7. Aufl.). Reviewed by S. Mayer.

M. Bergmann:

·      15.660: M. Bergmann, Chiragan, Aphrodisias, Konstantinopel: Zur mythologischen Skulptur der Spätantike. Reviewed by E. K. Gazda.

·      13.532: M. Bergmann, Die Strahlen der Herrscher. Reviewed by R. R. R. Smith.

B. Bergmann:

·      14.485: B. Bergmann and C. Kondoleon (edd.), The art of ancient spectacle. Reviewed by D. S. Potter.

J. Berkin:

·      18.456: J. Berkin, The orientalizing bucchero from the lower building at Poggio Civitate (Murlo). Reviewed by T. Rasmussen.

A. Berlan-Bajard:

·    21.458: A. Berlan-Bajard, Les spectacles aquatiques romains. Reviewed by K. M. Coleman.

A. M. Berlin:

·    33.836: A. M. Berlin & P. J. Kosmin (edd.), Spear-won land. Sardis from the King’s Peace to the Peace of Apamea. Reviewed by C. P. Jones.

J. Bermejo Tirado:

·    30.745: J. Bermejo Tirado, Arqueología de los espacios domésticos romanos: condiciones de vida y sociedad en la Meseta nordeste durante el período imperial. Reviewed by L. Colominas.

J. M. Bermúdez Lorenzo:

·      33.646: J. Remesal Rodríguez, V. Revilla Calvo & J. M. Bermúdez Lorenzo (edd.), Cuantificar las economías antiguas. Problemas y métodos. Reviewed by P. Komar.

D. Bernal Casasola:

·    27.800: D. Bernal Casasola & A. Ribera i Lacomba, Cerámicas hispanorromanas II: producciones regionales. Reviewed by J. T. Peña.

J. Berry:

·    21.447: J. Berry, The complete Pompeii. Reviewed by P. W. Foss.

M. G. Bertinelli Angeli:

·      27.635: M. G. Bertinelli Angeli & A. Donati (a cura di), Città e territorio. La Liguria e il mondo antico. Reviewed by N. Christie.

J.-Cl. Bessac:

·      23.751: J.-Cl. Bessac, Le travail de la pierre à Pétra: technique et économie de la taille rupestre. Reviewed by J. S. McKenzie.

·      3.351: J.-Cl. Bessac, L’outillage traditionnel du tailleur de pierre de l’antiquité à nos jours. Reviewed by P. Rockwell.

·      2.191: J.-C. Bessac, M. Christol, J.-L. Fiches et al., Ugernum, Beaucaire et le Beaucairois à l’époque romaine, I et II. Reviewed by F. S. Kleiner.

M. Bettelli:

·      12.436: M. Bettelli, Roma. La città prima della città. Reviewed by D. Ridgway.

E. Betts:

·        32.690: E. Betts (ed.), Senses of the empire, multisensory approaches to Roman culture. Reviewed by H. Hunter-Crawley.

·        31.661: E. Betts (ed.), Senses of the empire. Multisensory approaches to Roman culture. Reviewed by M. J. Carter.

T. Bezeczky:

·      27.841: T. Bezeczky, The amphorae of Roman Ephesus. Forschungen in Ephesos XV.1. Reviewed by M. Lawall.

·      13.506: T. Bezeczky, The Laecanius amphora stamps and the villas of Brijuni. Reviewed by S. Martin-Kilcher.

F. Bianchi:

·      30.778: M. Bruno & F. Bianchi, Marmi di Leptis Magna. Reviewed by G. Mazzilli

M. Biddle:

·      15.688: M. Biddle, The Tomb of Christ. Reviewed by J. Patrich.

·      5.504: R. F. J. Jones, J. H. F. Bloemers, S. L. Dyson and M. Biddle (edd.), First millenium papers. Western Europe in the first millennium A.D. Reviewed by G. Woolf.

P. Bidwell:

·      33.752: P. Bidwell, Hadrian’s Wall at Wallsend. Reviewed by M. Symonds.

·      23.651: P. Bidwell, Roman forts in Britain. Reviewed by R. Collins and M. Symonds.

·      23.651: P. Bidwell (ed.), Understanding Hadrian’s Wall. Reviewed by R. Collins and M. Symonds.

·      23.651: P. Bidwell and N. Hodgson, The Roman army in northern England. Reviewed by R. Collins and M. Symonds.

V. Bierbrauer:

·      4.410: V. Bierbrauer, Invillino-Ibligo in Friaul. I. Die römische Siedlung und das spätantik-frühmittelalterliche Castrum. Reviewed by N. Christie.

·      4.410: V. Bierbrauer, Invillino-Ibligo in Friaul II. Die spätantiken und frühmittelalterlichen Kirchen. Reviewed by N. Christie.

A. M. Bietti Sestieri:

·      8.320 and 7.293: A. M. Bietti Sestieri (ed.), La necropoli Laziale di Osteria dell’Osa. Reviewed by D. Ridgway and by C. J. Smith.

·      8.320 and 7.293: A. M. Bietti Sestieri (ed.), The Iron Age community of Osteria dell’Osa: A study of socio-political development in central Tyrrhenian Italy. Reviewed by D. Ridgway and by C. J. Smith.

F. Bigi:

·      25.848: I. Tantillo e F. Bigi (a cura di), Leptis Magna. Una città e le sue iscrizioni in epoca tardoromana. Reviewed by A. Gavini.

G. Bijovsky:

·      28.954: G. Bijovsky, Gold coin and small change: monetary circulation in fifth–seventh century Byzantine Palestine. Reviewed by C. Foss.

J. Bingen:

·      13.702: J. Bingen et al.Mons Claudianus. Ostraca graeca et latina II. Reviewed by R. S. Bagnall.

O. Bingöl:

·      20.578: O. Bingöl, Theatron. Magnesia on the Meander. Reviewed by F. Yegül.

M. P. Bini:

·      11.404: M. P. Bini, G. Caramella, S. Buccioli, I bronzi etruschi e romani (Materiale Tarquinia XIII). Reviewed by F. R. Serra Ridgway.

W. Binsfeld:

·      6.403: W. Binsfeld in Funde und Ausgrabungen im Bezirk Trier 20 (1988). Reviewed by M. C. W. Still.

·      3.415: W. Binsfeld, K. Goethert-Polaschek and L. Schwinden, Katalog der römischen Steindenkmäler des Rheinischen Landesmuseums Trier. I. Götter und Weihedenkmäler. Reviewed by P. Herz.

J. Bintliff:

·      15.561: J. Bintliff and K. Sbonias (edd.), Reconstructing past population trends in Mediterranean Europe. Reviewed by J. F. Cherry.

·      7.408: J. Bintliff (ed.), The Annales school and archaeology. Reviewed by R. B. Hitchner.

H. Bird:

·      15.639: P. Barker, R. White, K. Pretty, H. Bird and M. Corbishley, The Baths Basilica Wroxeter. Excavations 1966-90. Reviewed by M. Fulford.

S. Birk:

·      28.605: S. Birk, Depicting the dead. Self-representation and commemoration on Roman sarcophagi with portraits. Reviewed by K. Meinecke.

A. R. Birley:

·      13.593: A. R. Birley, Hadrian, the restless emperor. Reviewed by M. T. Boatwright.

E. Birley:

·      2.357: E. Birley, The Roman Army. Papers 1929-1986. Reviewed by H. Devijver.

J.-L. Biscop:

·      13.793: J.-L. Biscop, Deir Déhès, monastère d’Antiochène. Etude architecturale. Reviewed by Y. Patrich.

G. Bisheh:

·    21.734: C. Vibert-Guigue and G. Bisheh, Les peintures de Qusayr ‘Amra. Un bain omeyyade dans l a Bâdiya jordanienne. Reviewed by G. W. Bowersock.

M. C. Bishop:

·      20.488: M. C. Bishop and J. C. N. Coulston, Roman military equipment from the Punic Wars to the Fall of Rome, 2nd edition. Reviewed by H. Elton.

·      7.491: M. C. Bishop and J. C. N. Coulston, Roman military equipment from the Punic wars to the fall of Rome. Reviewed by H. Elton.

J. Bjørnebye:

·     29.587: I. Östenberg, S. Malmberg and J. Bjørnebye (edd.), The moving city. Processions, passages and promenades in ancient Rome. Reviewed by J. A. Latham.

M. Blackburn:

·      3.506: P. Grierson and M. Blackburn, Medieval European Coinage, with a catalogue of the coins in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge I; the early Middle Ages (5th-10th centuries). Reviewed by J. P. C. Kent.

D. Blackman:

·      28.690: D. Blackman & B. Rankov, et al., Shipsheds of the ancient Mediterranean. Reviewed by J. P. Oleson.

T. Blagg:

·      5.349: T. Blagg and M. Millett (edd.), The early Roman empire in the West. Reviewed by G. Woolf.

E. Blake:

·      32.539: E. Blake, Social networks and regional identity in Bronze Age Italy. Reviewed by J. Cherry.

P.-M. Blanc:

·      19.666: J. Dentzer-Feydy, J.-M. Dentzer, P.-M. Blanc (edd.), Hauran II. Les installations de Si’ 8. Du sanctuaire à l’établissement viticole. Reviewed by J. Patrich.

V. Blanc-Bijon:

·      24.708: M. Lert, M. Bois, V. Blanc-Bijon et V. Bel, Atlas topographique des villes de Gaule méridionale 3. Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux. Reviewed by A. Roth Congès.

R. Bland:

·      26.768: R. Bland and X. Loriot, Roman and early Byzantine gold coins found in Britain and Ireland. Reviewed by T. V. Buttrey.

·      7.498: R. Bland (ed.), The Chalfont hoard and other Roman coin hoards (Coin hoards from Roman Britain IX). Reviewed by J. P. Callu.

·      3.449: R. Bland and A. Burnett (edd.), The Normanby hoard and other Roman coin hoards. Reviewed by H. Huvelin.

J. Blänsdorf:

·      27.774: J. Blänsdorf, Die Defixionum Tabellae des Mainzer Isis- und Mater Magna-Heiligtums. Reviewed by R. Gordon.

J. M. Blázquez Martínez:

·      19.563: J. M. Blázquez Martínez, C. Domergue et P. Sillières (dir.), La Loba. La mine et le village minier antiques. Reviewed by J. C. Edmondson.

·      15.707: M. Almagro-Gorbea, J. M. Alvarez Martínez, J. M. Blázquez, S. Rovira (edd.), El disco de Teodosio. Reviewed by A. Oliver, Jr.

·      14.585: J. M. Blázquez Martínez and J. Remesal Rodríguez (edd.), Estudios sobre el Monte Testaccio (Roma) vol. 1. Reviewed by P. P. A. Funari.

L. J. Bliquez:

·      32.624: L. J. Bliquez, The tools of Asclepius: surgical instruments in Greek and Roman times. Reviewed by R. Jackson.

·      12.575: L. J. Bliquez, Roman surgical instruments … in the National Archaeological Museum of Naples. Reviewed by E. Künzl.

J. H. F. Bloemers:

·      5.504: R. F. J. Jones, J. H. F. Bloemers, S. L. Dyson and M. Biddle (edd.), First millenium papers. Western Europe in the first millennium A.D. Reviewed by G. Woolf.

B. Blomé:

·      27.504: C. Nylander, B. Blomé, L. Karlsson et al., San Giovenale vol. V, fasc. 1. The Borgo. Excavating an Etruscan quarter: architecture and stratigraphy. Reviewed by I. Edlund-Berry.

K. Blouin:

·      28.912: K. Blouin, Triangular landscapes. Environment, society, and the State in the Nile Delta under Roman rule. Reviewed by C. P. Elliott.

L. Blue:

·      20.626: D. Peacock and L. Blue (edd.), Myos Hormos – Quseir al-Qadim vol. 1: Survey and excavations 1999-2003. Reviewed by S. E. Sidebotham.

R. Bluer:

·      24.664: R. Bluer, T. Brigham & R. Nielson, Roman and later development east of the Forum and Cornhill: excavations at Lloyd’s Register, City of London. Reviewed by D. Perring.

M. T. Boatwright:

·      14.651: M. T. Boatwright, Hadrian and the cities of the Roman empire. Reviewed by C. P. Jones.

·      2.219: M. T. Boatwright, Hadrian and the city of Rome. Reviewed by S. Walker.

R. Bockmann:

·      27.943: R. Bockmann, Capital continuous. A study of Vandal Carthage and central North Africa from an archaeological perspective. Reviewed by S. T. Stevens.

J. Bodel:

·     29.692: S. E. Alcock, J. Bodel and R. J. A. Talbert (edd.), Highways, byways, and road systems in the pre-modern world. Reviewed by R. Laurence.

·      10.340: J. Bodel, Graveyards and groves. A study of the Lex Lucerina. Reviewed by N. Purcell.

E. W. Bodnar:

·      18.775: E. W. Bodnar with C. Foss, Cyriac of Ancona. Later travels. Reviewed by G. Fowden.

G. Bodon:

·      13.597: G. Bodon, I. Riera and P. Zanovello, Utilitas necessaria: sistemi idraulichi nell’Italia romana. Reviewed by A. Wilson.

J. S. Boersma:

·      3.332: J. S. Boersma, Amoenissima civitas. Block V, II at Ostia. Description and analysis of its visible remains. Reviewed by C. Pavolini.

Y. Le Bohec:

·      28.769: Y. Le Bohec (ed.), La société de l’Afrique romaine. Reviewed by C. Vismara.

A. Bohne:

·      27.710: A. Bohne, Bilder vom Sport. Untersuchungen zur Ikonographie römischer Athleten-Darstellungen. Reviewed by K. M. D. Dunbabin.

D. Boin:

·      29.796: D. Boin, Ostia in late antiquity. Reviewed by C. Bruun.

·      27.890: D. Boin, Ostia in late antiquity. Reviewed by C. Pavolini.

M. Bois:

·      24.708: M. Lert, M. Bois, V. Blanc-Bijon et V. Bel, Atlas topographique des villes de Gaule méridionale 3. Saint-Paul-Trois-Châteaux. Reviewed by A. Roth Congès.

J. Boislève:

·      28.731: J. Boislève, A. Dardenay et F. Monier (edd.), Peintures murales et stucs d’époque romaine. Révéler l’architecture par l’étude du décor. Reviewed by R. Ling.

F. Boitani:

·      20.383: A. M. Moretti Sgubini and F. Boitani (edd.), I Castellani e l’oreficeria archeologica italiana. Reviewed by F. R. Serra Ridgway.

R. Bol:

·      25.876: R. Bol, Marmorskulpturen der römischen Kaiserzeit aus Milet. Aufstellungskontext und programmatische Aussage. Reviewed by S. Dillon.

K. Bolle:

·        31.967: K. Bolle, C. Machado & C. Witschel (edd.), The epigraphic cultures of late antiquity. Reviewed by J. Weisweiler.

B. Bollmann:

·      13.493: B. Bollmann, Römische Vereinshäuser: Untersuchungen zu den Scholae der römischen Berufs-, Kult- und Augustalen-Kollegien in Italien. Reviewed by W. J. Slater.

D. L. Bomgardner:

·      14.492: D. L. Bomgardner, The story of the Roman amphitheatre. Reviewed by K. Welch.

S. E. Bon:

·      12.567: S. E. Bon and R. Jones (edd.), Sequence and space in Pompeii. Reviewed by M. Grahame.

N. Bonacasa:

·      6.289: N. Bonacasa and G. Rizza (edd.), Ritratto ufficiale e ritratto privato: atti del II conferenza internazionale sul ritratto romano. Reviewed by E. K. Gazda and A. E. Haeckl.

R. M. Bonacasa Carra:

·      12.793: R. M. Bonacasa Carra, Agrigento. La necropoli paleocristiana sub divo. Reviewed by R. Reece.

M. Bonanno Aravantinos:

·      12.718: L. Bacchielli and M. Bonanno Aravantinos (edd.), Scritti di antichità in memoria di Sandro Stucchi. Reviewed by D. M. Bailey.

L. Bonfante:

·      30.956: L. Bonfante & H. Nagy (edd.), The collection of antiquities of the American Academy in Rome. Reviewed by S. L. Tuck

·      25.545 and 552: L. Bonfante (ed.), The barbarians of ancient Europe: realities and interactions. Reviewed by V. Kozlovskaya and by T. Ramsby.

·      20.388: L. Bonfante and J. Swaddling, Etruscan myths. Reviewed by P. Gregory Wardon.

·      13.407: L. Bonfante, USA 3, New York Metropolitan (Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum). Reviewed by F. R. Serra Ridgway.

G. M. Bongard-Levin:

·      13.449: G. M. Bongard-Levin (ed.), Skifskii Roman (Scythian Novel). Reviewed by V. Rudich.

M. Bonghi Jonvino:

·      27.513: M. Bonghi Jovino & G. Bagnasco Gianni (a cura di), Tarquinia. Il santuario dell’Ara della Regina. I templi arcaici. Reviewed by G. Cifani.

·      16.463: M. Bonghi Jonvino (ed.), Tarquinia. Scavi sistematici nell’abitato, campagne 1982-1988. I materiali 2. Reviewed by F. R. Serra Ridgway.

·      12.440: M. Bonghi Jovino and C. Chiaramonte Treré, Tarquinia. Testimonianze archeologiche e ricostruzione storica. Reviewed by D. and F. R. Serra Ridgway.

R. Bonifacio:

·      12.564: R. Bonifacio, Ritratti romani da Pompei. Reviewed by E. Bartman.

M. Bonifay:

·      20.689: A. Ben Abed-Ben Khader, M. Fixot, M. Bonifay and S. Roucole, Sidi Jdidi ILa basilique sud. Reviewed by S. T. Stevens.

C. Bonnet:

·      23.618: C. Bonnet, S. Ribichini and D. Steuernagel (edd.), Religioni in contatto nel Mediterraneo antico. Modalità di diffusione e processi di interferenza. Reviewed by A. Gavini.

J. Bonnet:

·      3.445: J. Bonnet, Lampes céramiques signées. Définition critique d’ateliers du Haut Empire. Reviewed by J. Bussière.

F. Bonzano:

·      32.832: F. Bonzano, Fanum Iunonis melitense. L’area centrale del santuario di Tas-Sil Silġ a Malta in età tardo-repubblicana. Reviewed by A. Bonnano.

N. Bookidis:

·      19.632: C. F. Williams II and N. Bookidis (edd.), Corinth, the centenary 1896-1996. Reviewed by T. Gregory.

A. L. Boozer:

·      30.856: A. L. Boozer, A late Romano-Egyptian house in the Dakhla Oasis: Amheida House B2. Reviewed by M. Berenfeld

D. Borbonus:

·      28.591: D. Borbonus, Columbarium tombs and collective identity in Augustan Rome. Reviewed by E. D’Ambra.

B. E. Borg:

·    33.661: B. E. Borg, Roman tombs and the art of commemoration. Contextual approaches to funerary customs in the second century CE. Reviewed by B. Emme.

·    30.620: B. E. Borg, Crisis & ambition. Tombs and burial customs in third-century CE Rome. Reviewed by C. Russenberger

·      21.542: B. Borg, H. von Hesberg, A. Linfert, Die antiken Skulpturen in Castle. Howard Reviewed by E. Bartman.

·      19.643: B. E. Borg (ed.), Paideia. The world of the Second Sophistic. Reviewed by S. Swain.

A. Borrut:

·   26.941: A. Borrut, M. Debié, A. Papaconstantinou, D. Pieri et J.-P. Sodini (edd.), Le Proche-Orient de Justinien aux Abbassides. Peuplement et dynamiques spatiales. Reviewed by J. Magness.

·   25.969: A. Borrut and P. M. Cobb, Umayyad legacies: medieval memories from Syria to Spain. Reviewed by G. Fowden.

D. Boschung:

·       31.960: D. Boschung & J. N. Bremmer (edd.), The materiality of magic. Reviewed by A. T. Wilburn.

·      12.561: D. Boschung, H. von Hesberg & A. Linfert, Die antiken Skulpturen in Chatsworth. Reviewed by M. Koortbojian.

·      7.339: D. Boschung, Die Bildnisse des Caligula. Reviewed by E. Bartman.

·      1.115: D. Boschung, Antike Grabaltäre aus den Nekropolen Roms. Reviewed by D. E. E. Kleiner.

J.-P. Bost:

·      16.611: J.-P. Bost and C. Namin, Les monnaies (Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges). Reviewed by R. Reece.

E. Botte:

·   29.711: E. Botte, V. Leitch (edd.), Fish & ships: production and commerce of salsamenta during antiquity. Reviewed by A. Marzano.

A. Bottini:

·      19.381: A. Bottini e E. Setari, La necropoli italica di Braida di Vaglio in Basilicata. Reviewed by J. C. Carter.

J. Boube:

·      17.641: J. Boube, Les nécropoles de Sala. Reviewed by J.-P. Morel.

·      17.641: J. Boube, Sala III. Les necropolis. Reviewed by J.-P. Morel.

C. Boube-Piccot:

·      8.489: C. Boube-Piccot, Les bronzes antiques du Maroc IV. L’équipement militaire et l’armement. Reviewed by J. Magness.

M. Bouchenaki:

·      5.408: L. Anselmino, M. Bouchenaki, A. Carandini, Ph. Leveau, D. Manacorda, C. Pavolini, G. Pucci, P. Salama, Il Castellum di Nador. Storia di una fattoria tra Tipasa e Caesarea (I-VI d.C.). Reviewed by D. J. Mattingly and J. W. Hayes.

S. Boucher:

·      4.222: S. Boucher, “Bacchus ” in LIMC IV.1. Reviewed by V. J. Hutchinson.

A. Bouet:

·   23.693: A. Bouet, Les latrines dans les provinces gauloises, germaniques et alpines. Reviewed by A. Koloski-Ostrow.

·   21.563: A. Bouet et F. Verdin (edd.), Territoires et paysages de l’âge du Fer au Moyen Âge. Mélanges offerts à Philippe Leveau. Reviewed by G. D. Woolf.

·      19.595: A. Bouet, Les thermes privés et publics en Gaule Narbonnaise vols. I-II. Reviewed by A. Roth Congès.

S. Bouffier:

·        31.603: S. Bouffier & D. Garcia (sous le direction de), Les territoires de Marseille antique. Reviewed by A. G. Sinner.

J. W. Bouma:

·      12.453: J. W. Bouma, Religio votiva I, II, III. Reviewed by C. J. Smith.

O. Bounegru:

·      11.631: O. Bounegru and M. Zahariade, Les forces navales du Bas Danube et de la Mer Noire aux Ier-VIe siècles. Reviewed by M. Reddé.

A. Bounni:

·      9.469: A. Sadurska and A. Bounni, Les sculptures funéraires de Palmyre. Reviewed by S. Downey.

L. Bouras:

·      24.880: L. Bouras & M. Parani, Lighting in early Byzantium. Reviewed by K. da Costa.

A. Bourgeois:

·      26.810: C. Balmelle, A. Bourgeois, H. Broise, J.-P. Darmon et M. Ennaïfer, Carthage, colline de l’Odéon. Maisons de la Rotonde et du Cryptoportique (recherches 1987-2000). Reviewed by J. Freed.

C. Bourgeois:

·      7.397: C. Bourgeois, Divona I. Divinités et ex-voto du culte gallo-romain de l’eau. Reviewed by A. Roth Congès.

·      7.397: C. Bourgeois, Divona II. Monuments et sanctuaires du culte gallo-romain de l’eau. Reviewed by A. Roth Congès.

M.-Fr. Boussac:

·      27.883: M.-Fr. Boussac, J.-Fr. Salles & J.-B. Yon (edd.), Autour du Périple de la Mer érythrée. Reviewed by R. Tomber.

R. Boussoffara:

·     29.887: R. Docter, R. Boussoffara and P. ter Keurs (edd.), Carthage, fact and myth. Reviewed by J. Freed.

R. Boustan:

·     31.542: K. Britt & R. Boustan, The Elephant Mosaic panel in the synagogue at Huqoq. Reviewed by A. Erlich.

·     31.524: K. Britt & R. Boustan, The Elephant Mosaic panel in the synagogue at Huqoq. Reviewed by B. D. Gordon & Z. Weiss.

·     31.513: K. Britt & R. Boustan, The Elephant Mosaic panel in the synagogue at Huqoq. Reviewed by R. Talgam.

·     31.509: K. Britt & R. Boustan, The Elephant Mosaic panel in the synagogue at Huqoq. Reviewed by Janine Balty.

P. Bowe:

·      18.612: P. Bowe, Gardens of the Roman world. Reviewed by K. R. Marino.

K. Bowes:

·      25.959: K. Bowes, Houses and society in the Later Roman Empire. Reviewed by P. Arthur.

G. W. Bowersock:

·      6.461: G. W. Bowersock, Hellenism in late antiquity. Reviewed by S. Swain.

K. Bowes:

·      24.851: K. Bowes, Private worship, public values, and religious change in late antiquity. Reviewed by L. Afonso.

·      20.679: K. Bowes and M. Kulikowski, Hispania in late antiquity. Current perspectives. Reviewed by S. Panzram.

A. K. Bowman:

·      18.663: A. K. Bowman & J. D. Thomas, The Vindolanda writing-tablets III. Reviewed by W. Eck.

·      15.511: A. K. Bowman, P. Garnsey and D. Rathbone (edd.), The Cambridge Ancient History vol. XI: The High Empire. Reviewed by G. W. Bowersock.

·      13.707: A. K. Bowman and E. Rogan (edd.), Agriculture in Egypt from Pharaonic to modern times. Reviewed by R. S. Bagnall.

·      1.197: A. K. Bowman, Egypt after the Pharaohs. Reviewed by R. S. Bagnall.

S. A. Boyd:

·      8.539: S. A. Boyd and M. Mundell Mango (edd.), Ecclesiastical silver plate in sixth-century Byzantium. Reviewed by C. Morrisson.

K. Bradley:

·      26.712: K. Bradley, Apuleius and Antonine Rome: historical essays. Reviewed by B. D. Shaw.

·      26.651: K. Bradley and P. Cartledge (edd.), The Cambridge world history of slavery, vol. I. The ancient Mediterranean world. Reviewed by J. S. Nikolaus.

M. Bradley:

·      27.578: M. Bradley (ed.) with K. Stow, Rome, pollution, and propriety. Reviewed by A. O. Koloski-Ostrow and S. E. Ostrow.

·      24.577: M. Bradley, Colour and meaning in ancient Rome. Reviewed by E. W. Leach.

I. Bragantini:

·      24.657: I. Bragantini (ed.), Atti del X Congresso int. pour la peinture murale antique (AIPMA), Napoli 2007. Reviewed by R. Ling.

·      23.567: I. Bragantini, R. de Bonis, A. Lemaire and R. Robert, Poseidonia-Paestum V. Les maisons romaines de l’îlot nord. Reviewed by J. Sewell.

G. Braithwaite:

·      23.643: G. Braithwaite, Faces from the past. A study of Roman face pots from Italy and the western provinces of the Roman Empire. Reviewed by M. J. Darling.

P. Brandizzi Vittucci:

·      16.521: P. Brandizzi Vittucci, Antium. Anzio e Nettuno in epoca romana. Reviewed by A. Pasqualini.

G. Brands:

·      7.329: G. Brands, Republikanische Stadttore in Italien. Reviewed by I. Kader.

C. Braun:

·      17.683: C. Braun, Römische Bronzebalsamarien mit Reliefdekor. Reviewed by A. Kaufmann-Heinimann.

D. Braund:

·      22.725: D. Braund and S. D. Kryzhitskiy, Classical Olbia and the Scythian world from the sixth century B.C. to the second century A.D. Reviewed by V. Kozlovskaya.

D. J. Breeze:

·      31.831: D. J. Breeze, Bearsden. The story of a Roman fort. Reviewed by R. Jones.

·      31.831: D. J. Breeze, Bearsden. A Roman fort on the Antonine wall. Reviewed by R. Jones.

·      30.691: D. J. Breeze, Hadrian’s Wall: a history of archaeological thought. Reviewed by E. L. Wheeler

·      29.825: D. J. Breeze (ed.), The first souvenirs: enamelled vessels from Hadrian’s Wall. Reviewed by K. Kassibry.

·      23.651: D. J. Breeze, The Antonine Wall. Reviewed by R. Collins and M. Symonds.

·      23.651: [D. J. Breeze, ed.] Fourteenth edition of J. Collingwood Bruce, Handbook to the Roman Wall. Reviewed by R. Collins and M. Symonds.

J. N. Bremmer:

·       31.960: D. Boschung & J. N. Bremmer (edd.), The materiality of magic. Reviewed by A. T. Wilburn.

·      29.720: J. N. Bremmer, Initiation into the mysteries of the ancient world. Reviewed by R. Gordon.

A. Brent:

·      26.808: A. Brent, Cyprian and Roman Carthage. Reviewed by S. T. Stevens.

R. J. Brewer:

·      17.663: R. J. Brewer (ed.), Roman fortresses and their legions. Reviewed by B. Hoffmann.

·      16.631: R. J. Brewer (ed.), The Second Augustan Legion and the Roman military machine. Reviewed by J. J. Wilkes.

C. Briand-Ponsart:

·   27.819: C. Briand-Ponsart & Y. Modéran, Provinces et identités provinciales dans l’Afrique romaine. Reviewed by D. J. Mattingly.

L. Bricault:

·   29.726: L. Bricault and M. J. Versluys (edd.), Power, politics and the cults of Isis. Proc. Vth int. conference, 2011. Reviewed by A. Gavini.

·   26.503: L. Bricault and R. Veymiers (edd.), Bibliotheca Isiaca II. Reviewed by L. Mazurek.

·   21.515: L. Bricault, M. J. Versluys & P. G. P. Meyboom, Nile into Tiber. Egypt in the Roman world. Reviewed by A. Gavini.

Ph. Bridel:

·   29.849: Ph. Bridel, Le sanctuaire de la Grange-des-Dîmes à Avenches. Les temples et le péribole. Étude des architectures. Reviewed by A. Roth Congès.

T. Brigham:

·      24.664: R. Bluer, T. Brigham & R. Nielson, Roman and later development east of the Forum and Cornhill: excavations at Lloyd’s Register, City of London. Reviewed by D. Perring.

R. H. Brill:

·     24. 892: G. F. Bass, R. H. Brill, B. Lledó and S. D. Matthews, Serçe Limani. vol. II. The glass of an eleventh-century shipwreck. Reviewed by E. M. Stern.

R. Brilliant:

·      14.566: R. Brilliant, My Laocoön. Alternative claims in the interpretation of artworks. Reviewed by B. S. RIdgway.

D. Brinklow:

·      5.388: D. Brinklow et al.Coney, Street, Aldwark and Clementhorpe, minor sites and Roman roads (Roman York). Reviewed by S. P. Roskams.

T. Brindle:

·      32.742: M. Allen, L. Lodwick, T. Brindle, M. Fulford & A. Smith, New visions of the countryside of Roman Britain, vol. 2: the rural economy of Roman Britain. Reviewed by P. Booth.

·      32.742: A. Smith, M. Allen, T. Brindle & M. Fulford, New visions of the countryside of Roman Britain, vol. 1: the rural settlement of Roman Britain. Reviewed by P. Booth.

·      27.741: T. Brindle, The Portable Antiquities Scheme and Roman Britain. Reviewed by P. Wilson.

F. Briquel-Chatonnet:

·     29.989: F. Briquel-Chatonnet (éd.), Les églises en monde syriaque (989)Reviewed by J. Patrich.

K. Britt:

·     31.542: K. Britt & R. Boustan, The Elephant Mosaic panel in the synagogue at Huqoq. Reviewed by A. Erlich.

·     31.524: K. Britt & R. Boustan, The Elephant Mosaic panel in the synagogue at Huqoq. Reviewed by B. D. Gordon & Z. Weiss.

·     31.513: K. Britt & R. Boustan, The Elephant Mosaic panel in the synagogue at Huqoq. Reviewed by R. Talgam.

·     31.509: K. Britt & R. Boustan, The Elephant Mosaic panel in the synagogue at Huqoq. Reviewed by Janine Balty.

P. Brocato:

·     32.545 and 32.546: P. Brocato e N. Terrenato (a cura di), Nuovi studi sulla Regia di Roma. Reviewed by L. Chioffi and J. N. Hopkins.

L. R. Brody:

·      29.818: L. R. Brody and G. L. Hoffman (edd.), Roman in the provinces: art on the periphery of empire. Reviewed by G. Sauron.

G. P. Brogiolo:

·      20.685: G. P. Brogiolo and A. Chavarría Arnau, Aristocrazie e campagne nell’Occidente da Costantino a Carlo Magno. Reviewed by K. Bowes.

H. Broise:

·      26.810: C. Balmelle, A. Bourgeois, H. Broise, J.-P. Darmon et M. Ennaïfer, Carthage, colline de l’Odéon. Maisons de la Rotonde et du Cryptoportique (recherches 1987-2000). Reviewed by J. Freed.

·      20.397: H. Broise and V. Jolivet, Musarna 2. Les bains hellénistiques. Reviewed by E. Papi.

·      16.545: H. Broise and X. Lafon, La Villa Prato di Sperlonga. Reviewed by E. Fentress.

·      3.321. H. Broise and J. Scheid, Recherches archéologiques à la Magliana: le balneum des frères arvales. Reviewed by J. DeLaine.

A. E. Brown:

·      11.613: A. E. Brown (ed.), Roman small towns in Eastern England and beyond. Reviewed by P. Booth.

P. Brown:

·      30.916: P. Brown, The ransom of the soul. Afterlife and wealth in early western Christianity. Reviewed by J. Conant

·      29.975: P. Brown, Treasure in heaven. the holy poor in early Christianity. Reviewed by K. Harper.

·      28.936: P. Brown, Through the eye of a needle. Wealth, the Fall of Rome, and the making of Christianity in the West, 350-550 AD. Reviewed by K. G. Holum.

·      27.899: P. Brown, Through the eye of a needle. Wealth, the fall of Rome, and the making of Christianity in the West, 350-550 AD. Reviewed by J. Howard-Johnston.

S. Brown:

·      7.325: S. Brown, Carthaginian child sacrifice and sacrificial monuments in their Mediterranean context. Reviewed by H. R. Hurst.

H. Bru:

·      23.741: H. Bru, F. Kirbihler and S. Lebreton (edd.), L’Asie Mineure dans l’antiquité: échanges, populations et territoires. Reviewed by C. P. Jones.

R. Brulet:

·      20.418: J. Poblome, P. Talloen, R. Brulet and M. Waelkens (edd.), Early Italian sigillata: the chronological framework and trade patterns. Reviewed by S. Rotroff.

·      20.556: M. Reddé, R. Brulet, R. Fellmann, J.-K. Haalebos, S. von Schnurbein, L’architecture de la Gaule romaine: les fortifications militaires. Reviewed by Paul Bidwell.

J.-P. Brun:

·      27.880: H. Cuvigny (ed.), J.-P. Brun, A. Bülow-Jacobsen et al., Didymoi. Une garnison romaine dans le désert oriental d’Égypte. Praesidia du désert de Bérénice IV, vol. II — Les textes. Reviewed by A. Bowman.

·      1.153: J.-P. Brun, L’oléiculture antique en Provence. Les huileries du département du Var. Reviewed by D. J. Mattingly.

·      11.597: M.-C. Amouretti and J.-P. Brun (edd.), La production de vin et de l’huile en Méditerranée. Reviewed by J. J. Rossiter.

P. Brun:

·     31.916: P. Brun, L. Cavalier, K. Konuk & F. Prost (textes réunis par), EUPLOIA. La Lycie et la Carie antiques. Dynamiques des territoires, échanges et identités. Reviewed by A. Landskron.

·      9.436: P. Brun, S. van der Leeuw, C. R. Whittaker (edd.), Frontières d’empire: nature et signification des frontières romaines. Reviewed by C. M. Wells.

C. Bruun:

·       30.630: C. Bruun & J. Edmondson (edd.), The Oxford handbook of Roman epigraphy. Reviewed by M. Mayer i Olivé

·      17.589 and 18.621: C. Bruun and A. Gallina Zevi (edd.), Ostia e Portus nelle loro relazioni con Roma. Reviewed by C. Pavolini and by S.T. A. M. Mols.

·      9.395: C. Bruun, The water supply of ancient Rome: a study of Roman imperial administration. Reviewed by R. H. Rodgers.

B. Bruno:

·      20.519: B. Bruno, L’arcipelago maltese in età romana e bizantina: attività economiche e scambi. Reviewed by A. Bonanno.

D. Bruno:

·      22.527: A. Carandini with D. Bruno, La Casa di Augusto dai “Lupercalia” al natale. Reviewed by T. P. Wiseman.

M. Bruno:

·      30.778: M. Bruno & F. Bianchi, Marmi di Leptis Magna. Reviewed by G. Mazzilli

H. Brunsting:

·      11.542: W. J. Th. Peters with E. M. Moormann, T. L. Heres, H. Brunsting, S. L. Wynia, La casa di Marcus Lucretius Fronto a Pompei e le sue pitture. Reviewed by Y. Perrin.

A. Z. Bryen:

·      29.906: A. Z. Bryen, Violence in Roman Egypt. a study in legal interpretation. Reviewed by M. Parker.

S. Buccioli:

·      11.404: M. P. Bini, G. Caramella, S. Buccioli, I bronzi etruschi e romani (Materiale Tarquinia XIII). Reviewed by F. R. Serra Ridgway.

G. Buchner:

·      9.302: G. Buchner and D. Ridgway, Pithekoussai I. Reviewed by B. d’Agostino.

H. Buchwald:

·     29.982: H. Buchwald, Churches EA and E at Sardis. Reviewed by R. Ousterhout.

R. J. Buck:

·      10.598: A. M. Small and R. J. Buck, The excavations of San Giovanni di Ruoti I. The villas and their environment. Reviewed by P. Arthur.

S. Bucking:

·      26.929: S. Bucking, Practice makes perfect. P. Cotsen-Princeton 1 and the training of scribes in Byzantine Egypt. Reviewed by D. Frankfurter.

M. Buchholz:

·      23.788: A. Arjava, M. Buchholz and T. Gagos, The Petra papyri III. Reviewed by R. Ast.

G. Buchner:

·      9.302: G. Buchner and D. Ridgway, Pithekoussai I. Reviewed by B. d’Agostino.

P. C. Buckland:

·      5.388: P. C. Buckland, The environmental evidence from the Church Street Roman sewer system (Roman York). Reviewed by S. P. Roskams.

S. L. Budin:

·     31.559: S. L. Budin & J. M. Turfa (edd.), Women in antiquity. Real women across the ancient world. Reviewed by L. Caldwell.

K. Bülow:

·      33.618: M. J. Versluys, K. Bülow Clausen, G. Capriotti Vittozzi (edd.), The Iseum Campense from the Roman Empire to the modern age: temple — monument — lieu de mémoire. Reviewed by S. Pearson.

M. Buhagiar:

·      22.822: M. Buhagiar, The Christianisation of Malta. Catacombs, cult centres and churches in Malta to 1530. Reviewed by S. T. Stevens.

A. Bülow-Jacobsen:

·      27.880: H. Cuvigny (ed.), J.-P. Brun, A. Bülow-Jacobsen et al., Didymoi. Une garnison romaine dans le désert oriental d’Égypte. Praesidia du désert de Bérénice IV, vol. II — Les textes. Reviewed by A. Bowman.

·      23.773: A. Bülow-Jacobsen (ed.), Mons Claudianus, ostraca graeca et latina, vol. IV. The quarry-texts O. Claud. 632-896. Reviewed by J. C. Fant.

M. Buora:

·    31.714: M. Buora & S. Magnani (edd.), Le iscrizioni con funzione didascalico-esplicativa. Committente, destinatario, contenuto e descrizione dell’­oggetto nell’ instrumentum domesticum. Reviewed by W. V. Harris.

·    23.603: M. Buora and S. Seidel (edd.), Fibule antiche del Friuli. Reviewed by M. Feugère.

·    21.741: M. Buora (ed.), Le gemme incise nel Settecento e Ottocento. Continuità della tradizione classica Reviewed by M. Henig.

·      18.723: M. Buora & S. Santoro (ed.), Progetto Durrës. L’indagine sui beni culturali albanesi della’antichità e del medioevo. Reviewed by H. R. Hurst.

·      17.699: M. Buora (ed.), Miles romanus dal Po al Danubio nel tardo-antico. Reviewed by N. Christie.

·      17.699: M. Buora and W. Jobst (edd.), Roma sul Danubio. Da Aquileia a Carnuntum lungo la via dell’ambra. Reviewed by N. Christie.

·      12.793: M. Buora (ed.), I soldati di Magnenzio. Scavi nella necropoli romana di Iutizzo Codroipo. Reviewed by R. Reece.

M. Buonocore:

·      19.739: M. Buonocore, Theodor Mommsen e gli studi sul mondo antico. Dalle sue lettere. Reviewed by J. Linderski.

·      17.611: M. Buonocore, L’Abruzzo e il Molise in età romana. Reviewed by G. Alföldy.

A. N. Burandt:

·      32.619: B. A. N. Burandt, Die Ausrüstung der römischen Armee auf der Siegessäule des Marcus Aurelius in Rom. Reviewed by M. Beckmann.

G.-J. Burgers:

·      30.536: G. Saltini Semerari & G.-J. Burgers (edd.), Early Iron Age communities of Southern Italy. Reviewed by A. J. Nijboer

·      26.640: F. Vermeulen, G.-J. Burgers, S. Keay and C. Corsi (edd.), Urban landscape survey in Italy and the Mediterranean. Reviewed by D. L. Stone.

P. Burgunder:

·      26.473: P. Burgunder (ed.), Etudes pontiques. Histoire, historiographie et sites archéologiques du bassin de la mer Noire. Reviewed by V. Kozlovskaya.

G. Burleigh:

·    31.827: R. Jackson & G. Burleigh, Dea Senuna. Treasure, cult and ritual at Ashwell, Hertfordshire. Reviewed by V. Hutchinson Pennanen.

A. Burnett:

·      20.531: C. Howgego, V. Heuchert and A. Burnett (edd.), Coinage and identity in the Roman provinces. Reviewed by W. E. Metcalf.

·      13.584: A. Burnett, M. Amandry and I. Carradice, Roman provincial coinage vol. 2: from Vespasian to Domitian. Reviewed by W. E. Metcalf.

·      8.348: A. Burnett, M. Amandry and P. P. Ripollès, Roman provincial coinage volume 1: from the death of Caesar to the death of Vitellius (44 BC – AD 69). Reviewed by W. E. Metcalf.

·      3.449: R. Bland and A. Burnett (edd.), The Normanby hoard and other Roman coin hoards. Reviewed by H. Huvelin.

B. C. Burnham:

·      11.613: B. C. Burnham and J. Wacher, The small towns of Roman Britain. Reviewed by P. Booth.

R. Burns:

·      33.861: R. Burns, Origins of the colonnaded streets in the cities of the Roman East. Reviewed by M. Waelkens.

·      20.611: R. Burns, Damascus, a history. Reviewed by C. Foss.

B. Burrell:

·      18.635: B. Burrell, Neokoroi. Greek cities and Roman emperors. Reviewed by M. Carter.

A. Bursche:

·      12.672: A. Bursche, Later Roman-barbarian contacts in Central Europe: numismatic evidence. Reviewed by L. Okamura.

P. J. Burton:

·      27.532: P. J. Burton, Friendship and empire: Roman diplomacy and imperialism in the Middle Republic. Reviewed by G. Davies.

A. W. Busch:

·      31.730: A. W. Busch, J. Griesbach & J. Lipps (Hrsg.), Urbanitas — urbane Qualitäten. Die antike Stadt als kulturelle Selbstverwirklichung. Reviewed by P. Gros.

J. Bussière:

·      30.767: J. Bussière & J. C. Rivel, Répertoire de fleurons sur bandeaux de lampes africaines type Hayes II. Reviewed by J. Lund

·      26.805: J. Bussière, Lampes antiques d’Algérie I. Reviewed by H. Williams.

·      26.805: J. Bussière, Lampes antiques d’Algérie II. Lampes tardives et lampes chrétiennes. Reviewed by H. Williams.

K. Butcher:

·    29.742: K. Butcher and M. Ponting, The metallurgy of Roman silver coinage: from the reform of Nero to the reform of Trajan. Reviewed by W. E. Metcalf.

·      18.726: K. Butcher, Roman Syria and the Near East. Reviewed by M. Sommer.

A. Butterworth:

·    21.447: A. Butterworth and R. Laurence, Pompeii, the living city. Reviewed by P. W. Foss.

T. V. Buttrey:

·      15.611: A. S. Robertson (R. Hobbs and T. V. Buttrey, edd.), An inventory of Romano-British coin hoards. Reviewed by W. E. Metcalf.

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