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D. Valbelle:
· 16.725: D. Valbelle, J.-Y. Carrez-Maratray, Le camp romain du Bas-Empire à Tell el-Herr. Reviewed by M. Mackensen.
J.-P. Vallat:
· 6.367: J. P. Vallat, “Le paysage agraire du Piedmont du Massique” in G. Chouquer et al. Structures agraires en Italie centro-meridionale. Reviewed by E. Fentress.
· 2.182: G. Chouquer, M. Clavel-Lévêque, F. Favory and J.-P. Vallat, Structures agraires en Italie centro-méridionale: cadastres et paysage(s) ruraux. Reviewed by O. A. W. Dilke .
M. Vallerin:
· 23.780: J. Dentzer-Feydy, M. Vallerin, T. Fournet, R. and A. Mukdad, Bosra, aux portes de l’Arabie. Reviewed by K. E. T. Butcher.
T. van Andel:
· 9.458: M. H. Jameson, C. N. Runnels, T. van Andel, A Greek countryside: the southern Argolid from prehistory to the present day. Reviewed by J. L. Davis.
· 2.143: T. H. Van Andel and C. Runnels, Beyond the Acropolis: a rural Greek past. Reviewed by S. Dyson.
W. van Andringa:
· 32.556: S. Agusta-Boularot, S. Huber & W. Van Andringa (edd.), Quand naissent les dieux. Fondation des sanctuaires antiques: motivations, agents, lieux. Reviewed by C. J. Smith.
· 27.592: W. Van Andringa, H. Duday & S. Lepetz, Mourir à Pompei: fouille d’un quartier funéraire de la nécropole romaine de Porta Nocera. Reviewed by A. L. C. Emmerson.
· 23.614: W. van Andringa (ed.), Sacrifices, marché de la viande et pratiques alimentaires dans les cités du monde romain. Reviewed by M. MacKinnon.
· 19.585: W. van Andringa, La religion en Gaule romaine. Reviewed by G. Woolf.
· 15.541: W. van Andringa (ed.), Archéologie des sanctuaires en Gaule romaine. Reviewed by T. Derks.
J. van Dalen:
· 15.561: M. Gillings, D. Mattingly and J. van Dalen (edd.), Geographical information systems and landscape archaeology. Reviewed by J. F. Cherry.
A. van den Hoek:
· 27.937: A. van den Hoek & J. J. Herrmann, Jr., Pottery, pavements, and paradise: iconographic and textual studies on late antiquity. Reviewed by J. Spier.
I. van der Graaff:
· 32.714: I. van der Graaff, The fortifications of Pompeii and ancient Italy. Reviewed by S. Bernard.
H. vanderLeest:
· 19.725: S. T. Stevens, A. V. Kalinowski and H. vanderLeest, Bir Ftouha: a pilgrimage church complex at Carthage. Reviewed by E. Fentress.
S. van der Leeuw:
· 9.436: P. Brun, S. van der Leeuw, C. R. Whittaker (edd.), Frontières d’empire: nature et signification des frontières romaines. Reviewed by C. M. Wells.
L. Van der Meer:
· 10.326: L. Van der Meer, Interpretatio etrusca. Greek myths on Etruscan mirrors. Reviewed by S. J. Schwarz.
R. van de Noort:
· 25.788: R. van de Noort, North Sea archaeologies: a maritime biography, 10,000 BC to AD 1500. Reviewed by A. Rogers.
J. P. A. Van der Vin:
· 17.652: J. P. A. Van der Vin, Die Fundmünzen der römischen Zeit in den Niederlanden III.1. Nijmegen–Kops Plateau. Reviewed by J. Aarts.
P. van Dommelen:
· 23.459: P. van Dommelen and C. Goméz Bellard (edd.), Rural landscapes of the Punic world. Reviewed by N. C. Vella.
· 13.404: P. van Dommelen, On colonial grounds. A comparative study of colonialism and rural settlement in first millennium B.C. West Central Sardinia. Reviewed by D. Ridgway.
C. Van Driel-Muray:
· 10.513: C. Van Driel-Muray (ed.), Military equipment in context, proceedings of the 9th Int. Roman military equipment conference 1994. Reviewed by J. Magness.
F. van Haeperen:
· 33.729: F. van Haeperen, Dieux et hommes à Ostie, port de Rome. Reviewed by C. Pavolini.
F. Van Keuren:
· 10.334: F. Van Keuren, The coinage of Heraclea Lucaniae. Reviewed by P. Visonà.
P. van Nuffelen:
· 27.665: S. Mitchell & P. van Nuffelen (edd.), One god: pagan monotheism in the Roman empire. Reviewed by R. Gordon.
P. van Ossel:
· 29.664: P. van Ossel et A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets (textes rassemblés par), Archéologie des jardins. analyse des espaces et méthodes d’approche. Reviewed by K. M. Coleman.
A. Van Oyen:
· 30.716: A. Van Oyen, How things make history. The Roman empire and its terra sigillata pottery. Reviewed by P. Kenrick
J. Van Voorhis:
· 33.846: J. van Voorhis, Aphrodisias Bd. X. The sculptor’s workshop. Reviewed by E. K. Gazda.
· 20.583: R. R. R. Smith with S. Dillon, C. H. Hallett, J. Lenaghan and J. Van Voorhis, Aphrodisias II. Roman portrait statuary. Reviewed by B. E. Borg.
H. Van Wees:
· 25.729: P. Sabin, H. Van Wees, M. Whitby (edd.), The Cambridge history of Greek and Roman warfare. Reviewed by J. C. N. Coulston.
D. Vaquerizo Gil:
· 12.669: D. Vaquerizo Gil et al., La villa romana de El Ruedo. Decoración escultórica e interpretación. Reviewed by L. Stirling.
P. Varène:
· 7.383: P. Varène, L’enceinte gallo-romaine de Nimes. Les murs et les tours. Reviewed by M. Célié, P. Garmy and M. Monteil.
E. R. Varner:
· 18.631: E. R. Varner, Mutilation and transformation. Damnatio memoriae and Roman imperial portraiture. Reviewed by R. Brilliant.
I. Velázquez:
· 19.571: I. González Tascón y I. Velázquez, Ingeniería romana en Hispania. Reviewed by G. Fabre.
V. Vemi:
· 11.683: V. Vemi, Les chapiteaux ioniques à imposte de Grèce à l’époque paléochrétienne. Reviewed by M. Dennert.
L. Ventura:
· 23.510: D. Battaglia and L. Ventura, De rebus gladiatoriis, dal gymnasion al ludus attraverso i sepolcri. Reviewed by M. Junkelmann.
A. Verbanck-Piérard:
· 28.622: A. Barbet & A. Verbanck-Piérard (dir.), La villa romaine de Boscoreale et ses fresques. Vol. I. É. Dubois-Pelerin, Description des panneaux et restitution du décor. Vol. II. Actes du colloque international organisé du 21 au 23 avril 2010. Reviewed by E. K. Gazda and L. J. McAlpine.
K. Verboven:
· 31.639: K. Verboven & C. Laes (edd.), Work, labour and professions in the Roman world. Reviewed by C. Freu.
F. Verdin:
· 21.563: A. Bouet et F. Verdin (edd.), Territoires et paysages de l’âge du Fer au Moyen Âge. Mélanges offerts à Philippe Leveau. Reviewed by G. D. Woolf.
P. Verduchi:
· 3.245: C. F. Giuliani and P. Verduchi, L’area centrale del foro romano. Reviewed by T. P. Wiseman.
C. Vermeule:
· 3.286: C. Vermeule, The cult images of imperial Rome. Reviewed by R. A. Gergel.
F. Vermeulen:
· 27.618: C. Corsi & F. Vermeulen (edd.), Ammaia I: The survey. A Romano-Lusitanian townscape revealed. Reviewed by M. Millett.
· 26.640: F. Vermeulen, G.-J. Burgers, S. Keay and C. Corsi (edd.), Urban landscape survey in Italy and the Mediterranean. Reviewed by D. L. Stone.
· 17.716: J. Devreker, H. Thoen and F. Vermeulen, Excavations in Pessinus: the so-called Acropolis. From Hellenistic and Roman cemetery to Byzantine castle. Reviewed by C. Lightfoot.
B. Vernia:
· 24.855: B. Vernia, Leggere i muri. Analisi degli edifici di culto nella Ravenna del V secolo d.C. Reviewed by N. Christie.
M. J. Versluys:
· 33.618: M. J. Versluys, K. Bülow Clausen, G. Capriotti Vittozzi (edd.), The Iseum Campense from the Roman Empire to the modern age: temple — monument — lieu de mémoire. Reviewed by S. Pearson.
· 29.726: L. Bricault and M. J. Versluys (edd.), Power, politics and the cults of Isis. Proc. Vth int. conference, 2011. Reviewed by A. Gavini.
· 28.641: M. Pitts & M. J. Versluys (edd.), Globalisation and the Roman world. World history, connectivity and material culture. Reviewed by A. Van Oyen.
· 16.505: M. J. Versluys, Aegyptiaca romana. Reviewed by R. Tybout.
· 21.515: L. Bricault, M. J. Versluys & P. G. P. Meyboom, Nile into Tiber. Egypt in the Roman world. Reviewed by A. Gavini.
F. J. Vervaet:
· 31.630: F. J. Vervaet, Thehigh commandin the Roman Republic: the principle of the ‘summum imperium auspiciumque’ from 509 to 19 BCE. Reviewed by T. A. J. McGinn.
H. Vetters:
· 2.347: M. Kandler and H. Vetters, Der römische Limes in Österreich: ein Führer. Reviewed by J. J. Wilkes.
R. Veymiers:
· 33.599: V. Gasparini & R. Veymiers (edd.), Individuals and materials in the Greco-Roman cults of Isis. Agents, images, and practices. Reviewed by A. Gavini.
· 32.602: P. P. Iossif, Fr. de Callataÿ, R. Veymiers (edd.), Typoi. Greek and Roman coins seen through their images. Noble issues, humble users? Reviewed by M. Backmann.
· 26.503: L. Bricault and R. Veymiers (edd.), Bibliotheca Isiaca II. Reviewed by L. Mazurek.
P. Veyne:
· 31.745: P. Veyne, La Villa des Mystères à Pompéi. Reviewed by R. Ling.
· 29.924: P. Veyne, Palmyra. Requiem für eine Stadt. Reviewed by T. Kaizer.
C. Vibert-Guigue:
· 21.734: C. Vibert-Guigue and G. Bisheh, Les peintures de Qusayr ‘Amra. Un bain omeyyade dans l a Bâdiya jordanienne. Reviewed by G. W. Bowersock.
A. Vignot:
· 9.447: M. Clavel-Lévêque, I. Jouffroy et A. Vignot (edd.), De la terre au ciel I. Paysages et cadastres antiques. Reviewed by J.-L. Fiches.
N. Villaverde Vega:
· 15.703: N. Villaverde Vega, Tingitana en la antigüedad tardía (siglos III-VII). Reviewed by E. Papi.
F. Villedieu:
· 22.560: F. Villedieu et al., La Vigna Barberini II. Domus, palais impérial et temples. Stratigraphie du secteur nord-est du Palatin. Reviewed by M. Royo.
F. Villeneuve:
· 13.796: C. Castel, M. Al-Maqdissi and F. Villeneuve (edd.), Les maison dans la Syrie antique. Reviewed by C. Foss.
R. Villicich:
· 22.651: R. Villicich, I complessi forensi nei centri minori della Cisalpina romana. Reviewed by P. Gros.
V. Vincenti:
· 23.455: V. Vincenti, La Tomba Bruschi di Tarquinia. Reviewed by J. M. Turfa.
C. Virlouvet:
· 25.599: C. Virlouvet, La plèbe frumentaire dans les témoignages épigraphiques. Reviewed by C. Machado.
A. Viscogliosi:
· 11.529: A. Viscogliosi, Il tempio di Apollo “in Circo” e la formazione del linguaggio architettonico augusteo. Reviewed by G. Sauron.
C. Vismara:
· 22.715: C. Vismara (ed.), Uchi Maius 3. I frantoi. Miscellanea. Reviewed by D. J. Mattingly.
· 16.599: C. Vismara and M. L. Caldelli, Epigrafia anfiteatrale dell’Occidente romano V. Reviewed by G. Chamberland.
F. Vistoli:
· 21.426: F. Vistoli (ed.), Emergenze storico-archeologiche di un settore del suburbio di Rome: La Tenuta dell’Acqua Traversa. Reviewed by C. J. Smith.
Z. Visy:
· 20.565: Z. Visy, The Ripa Pannonica in Hungary. Reviewed by M. Mackensen.
· 6.403: E. Toth, in M. Hainzmann and Z. Visy, Instrumenta inscripta latina – das römische Leben im Spiegel der Kleininschriften. Reviewed by M. C. W. Still.
M. Vitale:
· 30.805: A. Kolb & M. Vitale (herausgegeben von), Kaiserkult in den Provinzen des römischen Reiches. Organisation, Kommunikation und Repräsentation. Reviewed by S. Mitchell
P. Vitti:
· 30.792: P. Vitti, Building Roman Greece: innovation in vaulted construction in the Peloponnese. Reviewed by N. Karydis
R. Vollkommer:
· 27.589: R. Rea & R. Vollkommer (Hrgg.), Gladiatoren und Kolosseum. Helden und Architektur im Dienst der Machtigen. Reviewed by M. Junkelmann.
K. Vössing:
· 19.484: K. Vössing, Mensa Regia. Das Bankett beim hellenistischen König und beim römischen Kaiser. Reviewed by W. Slater.
A. Vokaer:
· 26.864: A. Vokaer, La Brittle Ware en Syrie. Production et diffusion d’une céramique culinaire de l’époque hellénistique à l’époque omeyyade. Reviewed by P. Kenrick.
G. Volpe:
· 22.825: G. Volpe and M. Turchiano (edd.), Paesaggi e insediamenti rurali in Italia meridionale fra tardoantico e altomedioevo. Reviewed by P. Arthur.
G. von Bulow:
· 26.904: G. von Bulow und H. Zabehlicky (edd.), Bruckneudorf und Gamzigrad. Spätantike Paläste und Grossvillen im Donau-Balkan-Raum. Reviewed by A. H. Chen.
H. von Hesberg:
· 21.542: B. Borg, H. von Hesberg, A. Linfert, Die antiken Skulpturen in Castle. Howard Reviewed by E. Bartman.
· 13.559: H. Mielsch and H. von Hesberg, Die heidnische Nekropole unter St. Peter in Rom. Die Mausoleen E – I und Z – Psi. Reviewed by H. Nagy.
· 12.561: D. Boschung, H. von Hesberg & A. Linfert, Die antiken Skulpturen in Chatsworth. Reviewed by M. Koortbojian.
H.-M. von Kaenel:
· 1.170: H.-M. von Kaenel, Münzprägung und Münzbildnis des Claudius. Reviewed by W. E. Metcalf.
H.-H. von Prittwitz und Gaffron:
· 8.340: G. Hellenkemper Salies (ed.), H.-H. von Prittwitz und Gaffron, and G. Bauchhenß, Das Wrack der antike Schiffsfund von Mahdia. Reviewed by B. S. Ridgway.
S. von Reden:
· 25.759: S. von Reden, Money in classical antiquity. Reviewed by M. Fanello.
P. von Rummel:
· 29.959: J. Lipps, C. Machado, P. von Rummel (edd.), The sack of Rome in 410 AD: the event, its context and its impact. Reviewed by R. van Dam.
A. von Saldern:
· 19.429: A. von Saldern, Antikes Glas. Reviewed by E. M. Stern.
S. von Schnurbein:
· 22.674: M. Reddé and S. von Schnurbein (sous la direction de), Alésia et la bataille du Teutoberg. Un parallèle critique des sources. Reviewed by C. M. Wells.
· 20.556: M. Reddé, R. Brulet, R. Fellmann, J.-K. Haalebos, S. von Schnurbein, L’architecture de la Gaule romaine: les fortifications militaires. Reviewed by P. Bidwell.
· 17.631: M. Reddé and S. von Schnurbein, Alésia. Fouilles et recherches franco-allemandes sur les travaux militaires romains autour du Mont-Auxois. Reviewed by M. Feugère.
K. T. von Stackelberg:
· 25.564: K. T. von Stackelberg, The Roman garden: space, sense, and society. Reviewed by V. Jolivet.
C. Vorster:
· 29.628: K. Knoll und C. Vorster (Hrgg.), Skulpturensammlung, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. Katalog der antiken Bildwerke III. Die Porträts. Reviewed by E. Bartman.
C. Vout:
· 32.592: C. Vout, Classical art. A life history from antiquity to the present. Reviewed by B. S. Ridgway.
· 27.707: C. Vout, Sex on show. Seeing the erotic in Greece and Rome. Reviewed by J. R. Clark.
· 22.625: C. Vout, Power and eroticism in imperial Rome. Reviewed by J. R. Clarke.
V. Vuolanto: · 21.410: K. Mustakallio, J. Hanska, H.-L. Sainio, V. Vuolanto, Hoping for continuity: childhood, education and death in antiquity and the Middle Ages. Reviewed by R. Laurence.