Return to Index of Books Reviewed
P. Sabin:
· 25.729: P. Sabin, H. Van Wees, M. Whitby (edd.), The Cambridge history of Greek and Roman warfare. Reviewed by J. C. N. Coulston.
M. Sabottka:
· 22.772: M. Sabottka, Das Serapeum in Alexandria. Untersuchungen zur Architektur und Baugeschichte des Heiligtums von der frühen ptolemäischen Zeit bis zur Zerstörung 391 n.Chr. Reviewed by J. S. McKenzie.
P. Sabbatini Tumolesi:
· 3.310: P. Sabbatini Tumolesi, Epigrafia anfiteatrale dell’Occidente romano I; Roma; Reviewed by R. T. Scott.
A. Sadurska:
· 9.469: A. Sadurska and A. Bounni, Les sculptures funéraires de Palmyre. Reviewed by S. Downey.
I. Sælid Gilhus:
· 22.637: I. Sælid Gilhus, Animals, gods and humans. Changing attitudes to animals in Greek, Roman and Early Christian ideas. Reviewed by R. Gordon.
Z. Safrai:
· 11.669: Z. Safrai, The Jewish community in the Talmudic period. Reviewed by S. Dar.
M. M. Sage:
· 22.665: M. M. Sage, The Republican Roman army. A sourcebook. Reviewed by G. Davies.
C. Sagona:
· 18.436: C. Sagona, The archaeology of Punic Malta. Reviewed by N. C. Vella.
· 18.436: C. Sagona, Punic antiquities of Malta. Reviewed by N. C. Vella.
L. Saguì:
· 13.818: L. Saguì (ed.), Ceramica in Italia: VI-VII secolo. Reviewed by C. Wickham.
D. Sailor:
· 24.561: D. Sailor, Writing and empire in Tacitus. Reviewed by C. S. Kraus.
H.-L. Sainio:
· 21.410: K. Mustakallio, J. Hanska, H.-L. Sainio, V. Vuolanto, Hoping for continuity: childhood, education and death in antiquity and the Middle Ages. Reviewed by R. Laurence.
A. St. Clair:
· 18.745: A. St. Clair, Carving as craft. Palatine East and the Greco-Roman bone and ivory carving tradition. Reviewed by W. O. Stern.
P. Salama:
· 21.574: P. Salama, Promenades d’antiquités africaines. Scripta varia. Reviewed by C. Vismara.
· 5.408: L. Anselmino, M. Bouchenaki, A. Carandini, Ph. Leveau, D. Manacorda, C. Pavolini, G. Pucci, P. Salama, Il Castellum di Nador. Storia di una fattoria tra Tipasa e Caesarea (I-VI d.C.). Reviewed by D. J. Mattingly and J. W. Hayes.
A. Salihi:
· 21.696: U. Bellwald, M. al-Huneidi, A. Salihi, D. Keller, R. Naser, D. al-Eisawi, edited by I. Ruben, The Petra Siq. Nabataean hydrology uncovered. Reviewed by J. Patrich.
C. Saliou:
· 20.643: C. Saliou (ed.), Gaza dans l’antiquité tardive. Archéologie, rhétorique et histoire. Reviewed by L. Di Segni.
· 11.680: C. Saliou, Le traité d’urbanisme de Julien d’Ascalon. Droit et architecture en Palestine au VIe siècle. Reviewed by B. S. Hakim.
J.-Fr. Salles:
· 27.883: M.-Fr. Boussac, J.-Fr. Salles & J.-B. Yon (edd.), Autour du Périple de la Mer érythrée. Reviewed by R. Tomber.
G. Salmeri:
· 24. 787: B. Forsén & G. Salmeri (edd.), The province strikes back: imperial dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean. Reviewed by K. da Costa.
J. Salmon:
· 14.580: D. J. Mattingly and J. Salmon (edd.), Economies beyond agriculture in the classical world. Reviewed by R. Saller.
· 12.495: G. Shipley and J. Salmon (edd.), Human landscapes in classical antiquity. Reviewed by S. E. Alcock.
G. Saltini Semerari:
· 30.536: G. Saltini Semerari & G.-J. Burgers (edd.), Early Iron Age communities of Southern Italy. Reviewed by A. J. Nijboer
V. Sampaolo:
· 27.589: H. Meller, V. Sampaolo, L. Melillo (Hrgg.), Gladiator. Täglich den Tod vor Augen. Reviewed by M. Junkelmann.
F.-J. Sánchez-Palencia:
· 16.411: F.-J. Sánchez-Palencia and J. Mangas (edd.), El edicto del Bierzo: Augusto y el noroeste de Hispania. Reviewed by J. S. Richardson.
J. Sánchez Velasco:
· 33.950: J. Sánchez Velasco, The christianization of western Baetica: architecture, power, and religion in a late antique landscape. Reviewed by D. Fernández.
S. Sande:
· 7.339: S. Sande, Greek and Roman portraits in Norwegian collections. Reviewed by E. Bartman.
I. Sandwell:
· 20.595: I. Sandwell and J. Huskinson (edd.), Culture and society in later Roman Antioch. Reviewed by G. Brands.
R. Santangeli Valenzani:
· 20.469: R. Meneghini and R. Santangeli Valenzani (edd.), Formae Urbis Romae. Nuovi frammenti di piante marmoree dallo scavo dei fori imperiali. Reviewed by P. L. Tucci.
R. Santolini Giordani:
· 4.215: R. Santolini Giordani, Antichità Casali: la collezione di Villa Casali a Roma. Reviewed by C. Pavolini e G. Spinola.
S. Santoro:
· 18.723: M. Buora & S. Santoro (ed.), Progetto Durrës. L’indagine sui beni culturali albanesi della’antichità e del medioevo. Reviewed by H. R. Hurst.
C. Sapin:
· 16.710: C. Sapin (ed.), Archéologie et architecture d’un site monastique. Ve-XXe siècles. 10 ans de recherches à l’Abbaye Saint-Germain d’Auxerre. Reviewed by R. Hodges.
H. G. Saradi:
· 22.803: H. G. Saradi, The Byzantine city in the sixth century. Literary images and historical reality. Reviewed by L. Lavan.
A. Sarantis:
· 22.813: L. Lavan, E. Zanini and A. Sarantis (edd.), Technology in transition A.D. 300-650. Reviewed by J. P. Oleson.
P. Sarris:
· 22.800: P. Sarris, Economy and society in the age of Justinian. Reviewed by P. F. Bang.
M. Sartre:
· 32.927: A. Sartre-Fauriat & M. Sartre, Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie t. XIV. La Batanée et le Jawlan oriental, vols. 1-2. Reviewed by G. Reger.
· 19.682: M. Sartre, The Middle East under Rome. Reviewed by K. G. Holum.
A. Sartre-Fauriat:
· 32.927: A. Sartre-Fauriat & M. Sartre, Inscriptions grecques et latines de la Syrie t. XIV. La Batanée et le Jawlan oriental, vols. 1-2. Reviewed by G. Reger.
M. Sasel Kos:
· 17.689 and 699: M. Sasel Kos and P. Scherrer (edd.), The autonomous towns of Noricum and Pannonia vol. 1. Noricum. Reviewed by M. Buora and N. Christie.
G. Sassatelli:
· 20.393: G. Sassatelli and E. Govi (edd.), Culti, forma urbana e artigianato a Marzabotto. Reviewed by G. Cifani.
I. Sastre de Diego:
· 32.976: J. Martínez Jiménez, I. Sastre de Diego & C. Tejerizo García, The Iberian peninsula between 300 and 850. An archaeological perspective. Reviewed by M. Kulikowski.
E. Sauer:
· 28.889: E. W. Sauer, H. Omrani Rekavandi, T. J. Wilkinson & J. Nokandeh, Persia’s imperial power in late antiquity: the great wall of Gorgan and frontier landscapes of Sasanian Iran. Reviewed by W. E. Mierse.
· 12.682: E. Sauer, The end of paganism in the north western provinces of the Roman empire: the example of the Mithras cult. Reviewed by R. Gordon.
V. Sauer:
· 25.768: E. Olshausen and V. Sauer (Hrsg.), Die Landschaft und die Religion. Reviewed by R. Häussler.
D. Saunders:
· 30.557: U. Kästner & D. Saunders (edd.), Dangerous perfection. Ancient funerary vases from southern Italy. Reviewed by B. Peruzzi
R. Saupin:
· 28.908: L. Nehmé avec J. T. Milik & , Atlas archéologique et épigraphique de Pétra. Fascicule 1. Reviewed by J. Patrich.
G. Sauron:
· 22.466: F.-H. Massa-Pairault and G. Sauron (edd.), Images et modernité hellénistiques. Appropriation et représentation du monde d’Alexandre à César. Reviewed by R. Taylor.
· 20.505: X. Lafon and G. Sauron (edd.), Théorie et pratique de l’architecture romaine: la norme et l’expérimentation. Reviewed by A. Roth Congès.
· 15.416: G. Sauron, L’histoire végétalisée: ornement et politique à Rome. Reviewed by R. Cohon.
H. Savay-Guerraz:
· 9.502: A. Desbat, O. LeBlanc, J.-L. Prisset, H. Savay-Guerraz, D. Tavernier, La maison des dieux Océan à Saint-Romain-en-Gal (Rhône). Reviewed by M. George.
K. Sbonias:
· 15.561: J. Bintliff and K. Sbonias (edd.), Reconstructing past population trends in Mediterranean Europe. Reviewed by J. F. Cherry.
D. Scagliarini Corlàita:
· 22.621: A. Coralini and D. Scagliarini Corlàita (edd.), Ut natura ars. Virtual reality e archeologia. Reviewed by D. Favro.
V. Scarano Ussani:
· 26.610: P. G. Guzzo and V. Scarano Ussani, Ex corpore lucrum facere: la prostituzione nell’antica Pompei. Reviewed by T. A. J. McGinn.
P. Schäfer:
· 19.671: P. Schäfer (ed.), The Bar Kokhba War reconsidered. Reviewed by A. R. Birley.
E. Schallmayer:
· 12.675: E. Schallmayer et al., Der römische Weihebezirk von Osterburken I. Corpus der Beneficiarier-Inschriften. Reviewed by B. Rankov.
R. Schatzmann:
· 23.710: S. Martin-Kilcher and R. Schatzmann (edd.), Das römische Heiligtum von Thun-Allmendingen, die Regio Lindensis und die Alpen. Reviewed by C. Metzger.
J. Scheid:
· 27.653: S. Demougin & J. Scheid (edd.), Colons et colonies dans le monde romain. Reviewed by M. E. Hoskins Walbank.
· 15.499: J. Scheid and V. Huet (edd.), La colonne Aurélienne. Reviewed by R. Brilliant.
· 13.463: J. Scheid et al., Recherches archéologiques à la Magliana. Commentarii fratrum arvalium qui supersunt. Reviewed by P. Herz.
· 3.321. H. Broise and J. Scheid, Recherches archéologiques à la Magliana: le balneum des frères arvales. Reviewed by J. DeLaine.
W. Scheidel:
· 33.642: W. Scheidel (ed.), The science of Roman history. Biology, climate, and the future of the past. Reviewed by J. Cutright.
· 27.660: W. Scheidel (ed.), The Cambridge companion to the Roman economy. Reviewed by W. V. Harris.
· 15.558: W. Scheidel (ed.), Debating Roman demography. Reviewed by D. Rathbone.
· 9.389: W. Scheidel, Grundpacht und Lohnarbeit in der Landwirtschaft des römischen Italien. Reviewed by D. P. Kehoe.
P. Scherrer:
· 17.689 and 17.699: M. Sasel Kos and P. Scherrer (edd.), The autonomous towns of Noricum and Pannonia vol. 1. Noricum. Reviewed by M. Buora and N. Christie.
J. Schneider:
· 31.845: J. Schneider, Ländliche Siedlungsstrukturen im römischen Spanien. Das Becken von Vera und das Camp de Tarragona — zwei Mikroregionen im Vergleich. Reviewed by J. Bermejo Tirado.
R. Schick:
· 15.691: Z. T. Fiema, C. Kanellopoulos, T. Waliszewski and R. Schick, The Petra Church. Reviewed by J.-P. Sodini.
· 12.813: R. Schick, The Christian communities of Palestine from Byzantine to Islamic rule. Reviewed by H. Kennedy.
T. Schierl:
· 28.699: G. Grabherr, B. Kainrath, T. Schierl (Hsrg.), Verwandte in der Fremde? Fibeln und Bestandteile der Bekleidung als Mittel zur Rekonstruktion von interregionalem Austausch. Reviewed by M. Feugère.
F. Schimmer:
· 24.747: F. Schimmer, Amphoren aus Cambodunum/Kempten: ein Beitrag zur Handelsgeschichte der römischen Provinz Raetia. Reviewed by S. Martin-Kilcher.
B. Schlick-Nolte:
· 11.421: E. M. Stern and B. Schlick-Nolte, Early glass of the ancient world 1600 B.C.- A.D. 50: Ernesto Wolf Collection. Reviewed by L. C. Kahn.
G. Schmid:
· 16.653: G. Schmid and B. Kolb, Petra – Ez Zantur II. Reviewed by J. P. Oleson.
A. Schmidt-Colinet:
· 28.881: A. Schmidt-Colinet, Waleed Al-As’ad (Hrsgg.), Palmyras Reichtum durch weltweiten Handel. Archäologische Untersuchungen im Bereich der hellenistischen Stadt. Bd. 1. Architektur und ihre Ausstattung. Bd. 2. Kleinfunde. Reviewed by T. Kaizer.
· 21.652: A. Schmidt-Colinet, Palmyra. Kulturbegegnung im Grenzbereich. Reviewed by T. Kaizer.
· 15.675: A. Schmidt-Colinet, A. Stauffer, K. Al-As’ad, Die Textilien aus Palmyra: Neue und alte Funde. Reviewed by J. P. Wild.
· 7.437: A. Schmidt-Colinet, et al., Das Tempelgrab Nr 36 in Palmyra. Studien zur Palmyrenischen Grabarchitektur und ihrer Ausstattung. Reviewed by S. Cormack.
A. Schmitt:
· 24.722: F. Laubenheimer et A. Schmitt, Amphores vinaires de Narbonnaise. Production et grand commerce. Création d’une base de données géochimiques des ateliers. Reviewed by D. F. Williams.
· 11.603: F. Mayet, A. Schmitt and C. Tavares da Silva, Les amphores du Sado (Portugal). Prospection des fours et analyse du materiel. Reviewed by D. Peacock and D. Williams.
C. Schneider:
· 19.437: U. Hackl, H. Jenni and C. Schneider, Quellen zur Geschichte der Nabatäer. Reviewed by S. G. Schmid.
R. M. Schneider:
· 1.110 and 3.264: R. M. Schneider, Bunte Barbaren. Orientalenstatue aus farbigem Marmor in der römischen Repräsentationskunst. Reviewed by R. Brilliant and R. Cohon.
G. Schneider-Hermann:
· 12.493: G. Schneider-Hermann, The Samnites of the fourth century B.C. as depicted on Campanian vases. Reviewed by A. Oliver, Jr.
A. Scholl:
· 31.665: A. Scholl, Katalog der Skulpturen in der Antikensammlung der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin. Band I – Griechische und römische Bildnisse. Reviewed by S. Dillon.
F. Schön:
· 3.407: F. Schön, Der Beginn der römischen Herrschaft in Rätien. Reviewed by H. Wolff.
D. N. Schowalter:
· 28.782: S. J. Friesen, S. A. James, & D. N. Schowalter (edd.), Corinth in contrast. Studies in inequality. Reviewed by M. E. Hoskins Walbank.
· 25.858: S. J. Friesen, D. N. Schowalter and J. C. Walters (edd.), Corinth in context: comparative studies on religion and society. Reviewed by K. W. Slane.
S. F. Schröder:
· 18.624: S. F. Schröder, Katalog der antiken Skulpturen des Museo del Prado in Madrid, Bd. 2. Reviewed by B. S. Ridgway.
· 4.222: S. F. Schröder, Römische Bacchusbilder in der Tradition des Apollon Lykeios. Reviewed by V. J. Hutchinson.
J. Schoevaert:
· 32.707: J. Schoevaert, Les boutiques d’Ostie. L’économie urbaine au quotidien. Reviewed by G. Mainet.
I. Schrüfer-Kolb:
· 19.607: I. Schrüfer-Kolb, Roman iron production in Britain. Reviewed by M. G. Fulford.
I. D. Schrunk:
· 4.378: S. McNally and I. D. Schrunk (edd.), Diocletian’s palace. American-Yugoslav excavations vol. 6. Reviewed by N. Duval.
A. Schütte-Maischatz:
· 20.602: Schütte-Maischatz and E. Winter, Dolichê — eine kommagenische Stadt und ihre Götter: Mithras und Iupiter Dolichenus. Reviewed by R. Gordon.
H.-J. Schulzki:
· 7.480: H.-J. Schulzki, Die Fundmünzen der römischen Strassenstation Flerzheim. Reviewed by R. Reece.
C. E. Schultz:
· 22.471: C. E. Schulz and P. B. Harvey jr. (edd.), Religion in Republican Italy. Reviewed by A. Nice.
· 20.413: C. E. Schultz, Women’s religious activity in the Roman Republic. Reviewed by S. Treggiari.
L. Schumacher:
· 16.577: L. Schumacher, Sklaverei in der Antike. Reviewed by W. Scheidel.
E. Schwertheim:
· 21.610: G. Petzl & E. Schwertheim, Hadrian und die dionysischen Künstler. Drei in Alexandreia Troas neugefundene Briefe des Kaisers an die Künstlervereinigung. Reviewed by W. Slater. Doukellis.
L. Schwinden:
· 3.415: W. Binsfeld, K. Goethert-Polaschek and L. Schwinden, Katalog der römischen Steindenkmäler des Rheinischen Landesmuseums Trier. I. Götter und Weihedenkmäler. Reviewed by P. Herz.
M. Sciallano:
· 11.571: M. Sciallano, Poissons de l’antiquité. Reviewed by R. I. Curtis.
V. Score:
· 29.812: V. Score, Hoards, hounds and helmets. A conquest-period ritual site at Hallaton, Leicestershire. Reviewed by J. V. S. Megaw.
A. Reynolds Scott:
· 22.489: A. Reynolds Scott, Cosa: the black-glaze pottery 2. Reviewed by V. Jolivet.
M. Scott:
· 25.535: M. Scott, Delphi and Olympia: the spatial politics of panhellenism in the archaic and classical periods. Reviewed by N. Purcell.
S. Scott:
· 17.615: S. Scott and J. Webster (edd.), Roman imperialism and provincial art. Reviewed by M. C. Sturgeon.
F. B. Sear:
· 21.489: F. Sear, Roman theatres: an architectural study. Reviewed by E. R. Gebhard.
· 18.593: P. M. Allison & F. B. Sear, Casa della Caccia Antica (VII 4, 48). Reviewed by R. Ling.
G. Sears:
· 25.781: R. Laurence, S. Esmonde Cleary and G. Sears, The city in the Roman West, c.250 BC–c.AD 250. Reviewed by J. Sewell.
· 23.799: G. Sears, Late Roman African urbanism: continuity and transformation in the city. Reviewed by R. Miles.
M. Segard:
· 23.700: M. Segard, Les Alpes occidentales romaines. Reviewed by C. Vismara.
M. Sehlmeyer:
· 13.434: M. Sehlmeyer, Stadtrömische Ehrenstatuen der republikanischen Zeit. Reviewed by T. Späth.
S. Seidel:
· 23.603: M. Buora and S. Seidel (edd.), Fibule antiche del Friuli. Reviewed by M. Feugère.
B. Seidensticker:
· 28.523: S. Kansteiner, K. Hallof, L. Lehmann, B. Seidensticker & K. Stemmer (edd.), Der Neue Overbeck: Die antiken Schriftquellen zu den bildenden Künsten der Griechen, Bd. I-V. Reviewed by M. Squire.
G. Seidmann:
· 3.261: G. Seidmann, “Nathaniel Marchant” in The Walpole Society 53 (1987). Reviewed by M. Henig.
E. H. Seland:
· 30.828: J. C. Meyer, E. H. Seland & N. Anfinset (edd.), Palmyrena: city, hinterland and caravan trade between Orient and Occident. Reviewed by L. Gregoratti
G. Sena Chiesa:
· 11.524: G. Sena Chiesa (ed.), Augusto in Cisalpina. Ritratti augustei e giulio-claudi in Italia Settentrionale. Reviewed by D. Boschung.
J. R. Senseney:
· 25.602: J. R. Senseney, The art of building in the classical world: vision, craftsmanship, and linear perspective in Greek and Roman architecture. Reviewed by P. Scotton.
F. R. Serra Ridgway:
· 12.476: R. E. Linington and F. R. Serra Ridgway, Lo scavo del Fondo Scataglini a Tarquinia. Reviewed by V. Jolivet.
· 12.476: F. R. Serra Ridgway, I corredi del Fondo Scataglini a Tarquinia. Reviewed by V. Jolivet.
E. Setari:
· 19.381: A. Bottini e E. Setari, La necropoli italica di Braida di Vaglio in Basilicata. Reviewed by J. C. Carter.
S. Settis:
· 22.762: C. Gallazzi, B. Kramer and S. Settis (edd.), Il papiro di Artemidoro (P. Artemid). Reviewed by T. Renner.
· 3.290: S. Settis (ed.), La colonna traiana. Reviewed by J. C. N. Coulston.
J. Sewell:
· 26.498: J. Sewell, The formation of Roman urbanism, 338-200 B.C.: between contemporary foreign influence and Roman tradition. Reviewed by S. L. Dyson.
J. L. Seydl:
· 23.561: V. C. Gardner Coates and J. L. Seydl (edd.), Antiquity recovered: the legacy of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Reviewed by N. Monteix.
C. Sfameni:
· 21.479: C. Sfameni, Ville residenziali nell’Italia tardoantica. Reviewed by R. J. A. Wilson.
S. Shadrake:
· 23.510: S. Shadrake, The world of the gladiator. Reviewed by M. Junkelmann.
I. Shahîd:
· 16.742: I. Shahîd, Byzantium and the Arabs in the sixth century vol. II part 1. Reviewed by C. Foss.
B. D. Shaw:
· 26.910: B. D. Shaw, Sacred violence. African Christians and sectarian hatred in the age of Augustine. Reviewed by J. Conant.
E. J. Shepherd:
· 23.475: E. J. Shepherd, G. Capecchi, G. De Marinis, F. Mosca and A. Patera (edd.), Le fornaci del Vingone a Scandicci. Reviewed by S. Menchelli..
J. D. Shepherd:
· 13.733: A. G. Poulter, R. K. Falkner and J. D. Shepherd, Nicopolis ad Istrum. The pottery and glass. Reviewed by M. Beckmann.
· 13.736: J. Shepherd, The Temple of Mithras. Excavations at the Walbrook. Reviewed by R. Gordon.
A. N. Sherwood:
· 13.476: J. W. Humphrey, J. P. Oleson and A. N. Sherwood, Greek and Roman technology. A sourcebook. Reviewed by G. W. Houston.
G. Shipley:
· 12.495: G. Shipley and J. Salmon (edd.), Human landscapes in classical antiquity. Reviewed by S. E. Alcock.
S. Shpuza:
· 31.876: S. Shpuza, La romanisation de l’Illyrie méridionale et de la Chaônie. Reviewed by D. R. Hernandez.
H. Sichtermann:
· 8.421: H. Sichtermann, Die mythologischen Sarkophage, Teil 2: Apollon, Ares, Bellerophon, Daidalos, Endymion, Ganymed, Giganten, Grazien. Reviewed by M. Koortbojian.
S. Sidebotham:
· 24.799: S. E. Sidebotham, Berenike and the ancient maritime spice route. Reviewed by J. Whitewright.
· 22.759: S. E. Sidebotham and W. Wendrich (edd.), Berenike 1999/2000. Report on the excavations at Berenike, including excavations in Wadi Kalalat and Siket, and the survey of the Mons Smaragdus region. Reviewed by D. P. S. Peacock.
· 13.698: S. Sidebotham and W. Wendrich (edd.), Berenike ’94, ‘95 and ’96. Reviewed by V. Maxfield.
D. Sider:
· 19.493: D. Sider, The library of the Villa dei Papiri at Herculaneum. Reviewed by W. A. Johnson.
P. Sillières:
· 30.724: M. A. Magallón Botaya & P. Sillières (edd.), Labitolosa (La Puebla de Castro, province de Huesca, Espagne). Une cité romaine de l’Hispanie citérieure. Reviewed by M. Vickers.
· 23.681: S. Dardaine, M. Fincker, J. Lancha and P. Sillières, Belo VIII. Le sanctuaire d’Isis. Reviewed by L. Bricault.
F. Silvestrelli:
· 31.584: F. Silvestrelli & I. E. M. Edlund-Berry (edd.), The Chora of Metaponto 6. A Greek settlement at Sant’Angelo Vecchio. Reviewed by A. M. Small.
· 14.632: F. D’Andria and F. Silvestrelli (edd.), Ricerche archeologiche Turche nella Valle del Lykos. Reviewed by S. Mitchell.
A. Simmonds:
· 23.633: A. Simmonds, N. Márquez-Grant and L. Loe, Life and death in a Roman city. Excavation of a Roman cemetery with a mass grave at 120-122 London Road, Gloucester. Reviewed by H. R. Hurst.
B. Simmons:
· 22.693: B. Simmons and P. Cope-Faulkner, The Car Dyke: past work, current state and future possibilities. Reviewed by I. Longhurst.
· 22.693: B. Simmons and P. Cope-Faulkner, The Car Dyke. Reviewed by I. Longhurst.
E. Simon:
· 20.388: N. T. De Grummond and E. Simon, The religion of the Etruscans. Reviewed by P. G. Warden.
· 3.271: E. Simon, Augustus. Kunst und Leben in Rom um die Zeitenwende; Reviewed by E. Bartman.
A. Simon Stefan:
· 21.589: A. Simon Stefan, Les guerres daciques de Domitien et de Trajan. Architecture militaire, topographie, images et histoire. Reviewed by A. Diaconescu.
T. A. Sinclair:
· 6.467: T. A. Sinclair, Eastern Turkey: an architectural and archaeological survey, vol. I. Reviewed by O. Nicholson.
F. Sinn:
· 5.297 and 1.115: F. Sinn, Stadtrömische Marmorurnen; Reviewed by D. Boschung and by E. Kleiner.
J. Sipilä:
· 26.925: J. Sipilä, The reorganisation of provincial territories in light of the imperial decision-making process: later Roman Arabia and Tres Palaestinae as case studies. Reviewed by W. Eck.
K. Warner Slane:
· 32.854: K. Warner Slane, Corinth XXI. Tombs, burials, and commemoration in Corinth’s northern cemetery. Reviewed by M. Steskal.
H. Slim:
· 19.525: H. Slim, P. Trousset, R. Paskoff et A. Oueslati, Le littoral de la Tunisie. Reviewed by A. I. Wilson.
· 12.777: C. Dulière and H. Slim, Corpus des mosaïques de Tunisie III. Thysdrus Fasc. 1. Reviewed by D. Parrish.
J. Slocum:
· 32.801: J. Slocum & D. Sonneveld, Romano-Celtic mask puzzle padlocks. A study of their origin, design, technology and security. Reviewed by C. Andrews.
D. Slootjes:
· 22.643: O. Hekster, G. de Kleijn and D. Slootjes (edd.), Crises and the Roman empire. Reviewed by H. W. Dey.
A. M. Small:
· 26.750: A. M. Small (ed.), Vagnari / il villaggio, l’artigianato, la proprietà imperiale. Reviewed by E. Fentress.
· 10.598: A. M. Small and R. J. Buck, The excavations of San Giovanni di Ruoti I. The villas and their environment. Reviewed by P. Arthur.
J. P. Small:
· 11.565: J. P. Small, Wax tablets of the mind; cognitive studies of memory and literacy in classical antiquity. Reviewed by N. Horsfall.
· 8.330: R. D. De Puma and J. P. Small (edd.), Murlo and the Etruscans. Reviewed by J.-R. Jannot.
A. Smith:
· 32.742: M. Allen, L. Lodwick, T. Brindle, M. Fulford & A. Smith, New visions of the countryside of Roman Britain, vol. 2: the rural economy of Roman Britain. Reviewed by P. Booth.
· 32.742: A. Smith, M. Allen, T. Brindle & M. Fulford, New visions of the countryside of Roman Britain, vol. 1: the rural settlement of Roman Britain. Reviewed by P. Booth.
A. M. Smith II:
· 28.905: S. T. Parker & A. M. Smith II, The Roman Aqaba Project. Final report, vol. 1 – the regional environment and the regional survey. Reviewed by S. Sidebotham.
C. J. Smith:
· 31.573: P. S. Lulof & C. J. Smith (edd.), The age of Tarquinius Superbus. Central Italy in the late 6th century B.C. Reviewed by S. Bernard.
· 21.379: C. J. Smith, The Roman clan. The gens from ancient ideology to modern anthropology. Reviewed by G. Farney.
J. T. Smith:
· 13.572: J. T. Smith, Roman villas: a study in social structure. Reviewed by J. J. Rossiter.
R. R. R. Smith:
· 33.648: R. R. R. Smith with F. Gigante, J. Lenaghan & M. Melfi, Antinous: boy made god. Reviewed by C. Vout.
· 30.875: R. R. R. Smith & B. Ward-Perkins (edd.), The last statues of antiquity. Reviewed by C. H. Hallett
· 30.864: R. R. R. Smith & B. Ward-Perkins (edd.), The last statues of antiquity. Reviewed by C. Mattusch
· 28.787: R. R. R. Smith, The marble reliefs from the Julio-Claudian Sebasteion (Aphrodisias VI). Reviewed by C. B. Rose.
· 20.583: R. R. R. Smith with S. Dillon, C. H. Hallett, J. Lenaghan and J. Van Voorhis, Aphrodisias II. Roman portrait statuary. Reviewed by B. E. Borg.
A. M. Snodgrass:
· 2.143: A. M. Snodgrass, An archaeology of Greece: the present state and future scope of a discipline. Reviewed by S. Dyson.
J.-P. Sodini:
· 26.941: A. Borrut, M. Debié, A. Papaconstantinou, D. Pieri et J.-P. Sodini (edd.), Le Proche-Orient de Justinien aux Abbassides. Peuplement et dynamiques spatiales. Reviewed by J. Magness.
P. Sommella:
· 22.578: P. Sommella (ed.), Tabula Imperii Romani. Foglio K-32, Firenze. Reviewed by F. de Angelis.
M. Sommer:
· 21.635: M. Sommer, Roms orientalische Steppengrenze. Palmyra – Edessa – Dura-Europos – Hatra. Eine Kulturgeschichte von Pompeius bis Diocletian. Reviewed by M. Konrad.
D. Sonneveld:
· 32.801: J. Slocum & D. Sonneveld, Romano-Celtic mask puzzle padlocks. A study of their origin, design, technology and security. Reviewed by C. Andrews.
S. Sophie-Amans:
· 19.549: S. Sophie-Amans, Topographie religieuse de Dougga. Reviewed by S. Ritter.
D. Soren:
· 16.545: D. and N. Soren, A Roman villa and a late Roman infant cemetery. Excavation at Poggio Gramignano. Reviewed by E. Fentress.
· 9.495: M. A. Alexander, A. Ben Abed, D. Soren, M. Spiro, Corpus des mosaïques de Tunisie II.4. Thuburbo Majus. Reviewed by S. Gozlan.
N. Soren:
· 16.545: D. and N. Soren, A Roman villa and a late Roman infant cemetery. Excavation at Poggio Gramignano. Reviewed by E. Fentress.
S. Lund Sørenson:
· 30.805: S. Lund Sørensen, Between kingdom and koinon. Neapolis/Neoklaudiopolis and the Pontic cities. Reviewed by S. Mitchell
J. Sorrell:
· 33.966: J. Sorrell & M. Sorrell, Alan Sorrell. The man who created Roman Britain. Reviewed by M. L. Stewart & R. Hingley.
M. Sorrell:
· 33.966: J. Sorrell & M. Sorrell, Alan Sorrell. The man who created Roman Britain. Reviewed by M. L. Stewart & R. Hingley.
P. Southern:
· 11.657: P. Southern and K. R. Dixon, The Late Roman army. Reviewed by J. W. Eadie.
E. Southworth:
· 7.339: J. Fejfer and E. Southworth, The Ince Blundell Collection of Classical Sculpture: 1: the female portraits. Reviewed by E. Bartman.
R. Spadea:
· 19.375: R. Belli Pasqua e R. Spadea (edd.), Kroton e il suo territorio tra VI e V secolo a.C. Reviewed by D. Ridgway.
T. Spagnuolo Vigorita:
· 24.555: T. Spagnuolo Vigorita, Casta domus. Un seminario sulla legislazione matrimoniale augustea, 3rd edn. Reviewed by S. Treggiari.
A. J. S. Spawforth:
· 28.774: A. J. S. Spawforth, Greece and the Augustan cultural revolution. Reviewed by J. Stoop.
· 4.231: P. Cartledge and A. Spawforth, Hellenistic and Roman Sparta: a tale of two cities. Reviewed by J. J. Wilkes.
M. A. Speidel:
· 24.758: M. A. Speidel and H. Lieb (edd.), Militärdiplome. Die Forschungsbeiträge der Berner Gespräche von 2004. Reviewed by P. Sänger & K. Sänger-Böhm.
K. Speller:
· 22.696: W. S. Hanson with K. Speller, P. A. Yeoman and J. Terry, Elginhaugh: a Flavian fort and its annexe. Reviewed by R. H. Jones.
D. Sperber:
· 13.779: D. Sperber, The city in Roman Palestine. Reviewed by L. Di Segni.
J. Spier:
· 21.741: J. Spier, Late antique and Early Christian gems. Reviewed by M. Henig.
J.-M. Spieser:
· 13.825: J.-M. Spieser, Die byzantinische Keramik aus der Stadtgrabung von Pergamon. Reviewed by P. Armstrong.
G. Spinola:
· 26.543: P. Liverani e G. Spinola, Le necropoli vaticane. La città dei morti di Roma. Reviewed by E. M. Steinby.
· 26.543: P. Liverani e G. Spinola, The Vatican necropoles. Rome’s city of the dead. Reviewed by E. M. Steinby.
M. Spiro:
· 9.495: M. A. Alexander, A. Ben Abed, D. Soren, M. Spiro, Corpus des mosaïques de Tunisie II.4. Thuburbo Majus. Reviewed by S. Gozlan.
N. Spivey:
· 4.193: N. Spivey and S. Stoddart, Etruscan Italy, an archaeological history. Reviewed by J.-R. Jannot.
· 3.225: N. J. Spivey, The Micali painter and his followers. Reviewed by B. Ginge.
M. Spoerri-Butcher:
· 21.595: M. Spoerri-Butcher, Roman provincial coinage vol. VII.1. Province d’Asie. Reviewed by W. E. Metcalf.
D. Srejovic:
· 9.553: D. Srejovic (ed.), Roman imperial towns and palaces in Serbia. Reviewed by J. W. Eadie.
J. W. Stamper:
· 19.386: J. W. Stamper, The architecture of Roman temples. Reviewed by P. L. Tucci.
N. C. Stampolidis:
· 14.629: N. C. Stampolidis and L. Parlama (edd.), The city beneath the city: finds from excavations for the Metropolitan railway of Athens. Reviewed by S. Leigh.
L. Stanco:
· 28.893: L. Stanco, Greek gods in the East. Hellenistic iconographic schemes in central Asia. Reviewed by A. J. M. Kropp.
P. E. Stanwick:
· 17.543: P. E. Stanwick, Portraits of the Ptolemies. Greek kings as Egyptian Pharaohs. Reviewed by S.-A. Ashton.
C. G. Starr:
· 2.331: C. G. Starr, The influence of sea power on ancient history. Reviewed by M. Reddé.
M. Staub Gierow:
· 15.445: M. Staub Gierow, Casa della Parete Nera (VII 4, 58-60) und Casa delle Forme di Creta (VII 4, 62-63). Reviewed by R. Ling.
A. Stauffer:
· 22.787: A. Stauffer, Antike Musterblätter. Wirkkartons aus dem spätantiken und frühbyzantinischen Ägypten. Reviewed by A. Schmidt-Colinet.
· 15.675: A. Schmidt-Colinet, A. Stauffer, K. Al-As’ad, Die Textilien aus Palmyra: Neue und alte Funde. Reviewed by J. P. Wild.
C. Steckner:
· 12.782: W. Martini and C. Steckner, Das Gymnasium von Samos. Das frühbyzantinische Klostergut. Reviewed by G. Brands.
A. S. Stefan:
· 29.770: A. S. Stefan, La colonne trajane: édition illustrée avec les photographies exécutées en 1862 pour Napoléon III. Reviewed by M. Beckmann.
G. Stefani:
· 9.344: G. Stefani, Pompei. Vecchi scavi sconosciuti. La villa rinvenuta dal Marchese Giovanni Imperiali in località Civita (1907-1908). Reviewed by R. Ling.
· 6.285: A. Comella and G. Stefani, Materiali votivi del santuario di Campetti a Veio. Reviewed by B. Ginge.
D. Stefanou:
· 20.572: D. Stefanou, Darstellungen aus dem Epos und Drama auf kaiserzeitlichen und spätantiken Bodenmosaiken. Reviewed by K. M. D. Dunbabin.
R. Stein:
· 28.707: R. Stein, The Roman water pump. Reviewed by J. P. Oleson.
E. M. Steinby:
· 26.513: E. M. Steinby, Edilizia pubblica e potere politico nella Roma repubblicana. Reviewed by S. G. Bernard.
· 16.540: E. M. Steinby (ed.), Lexicon Topographicum Urbis Romae V. Reviewed by W. V. Harris.
· 14.539: E. M. Steinby (ed.), Lexicon Topographicum Urbis Romae vols. III and IV. Reviewed by W. V. Harris.
· 10.383 and 10.389: E. M. Steinby (ed.), Lexicon topographicum Urbis Romae vol. II D-G. Reviewed by W. V. Harris and by C. Bruun.
· 6.391: E. M. Steinby, Indici complementari ai bolli doliari urbani (CIL XV, 1). Reviewed by J. A. Bodel.
· 8.365: E. M. Steinby (ed.), Lexicon topographicum Urbis Romae vol. 1, A-C. Reviewed by W. V. Harris.
E. Stein-Hölkeskamp:
· 19.484: E. Stein-Hölkeskamp, Das römische Gastmahl. Reviewed by W. Slater.
U. Steinklauber:
· 17.689: U. Steinklauber (ed.), Das Spätantike Gräberfeld auf dem Frauenberg bei Leibnitz, Steiermark. Reviewed by M. Buora.
T. Stek:
· 24.533: T. Stek, Cult places and cultural change in Republican Italy. Reviewed by E. Isayev.
M. S. Stella:
· 30.610: A. Laidlaw & M. S. Stella, The House of Sallust in Pompeii (VI, 2, 4). Reviewed by K. Dicus.
K. Stemmer:
· 28.523: S. Kansteiner, K. Hallof, L. Lehmann, B. Seidensticker & K. Stemmer (edd.), Der Neue Overbeck: Die antiken Schriftquellen zu den bildenden Künsten der Griechen, Bd. I-V. Reviewed by M. Squire.
A. E. Stephens:
· 31.748: J. F. Stephens & A. E. Stephens, Pompeii. A different perspective. Via dell’Abbondanza: a long road, well traveled. Reviewed by K. Dicus.
J. F. Stephens:
· 31.748: J. F. Stephens & A. E. Stephens, Pompeii. A different perspective. Via dell’Abbondanza: a long road, well traveled. Reviewed by K. Dicus.
E. M. Stern:
· 26.867: E. Stern, with contributions by A. Erlich, R. Rosenthal-Heginbottom and C. Herrmann, Excavations at Dor. Figurines, cult objects and amulets, 1980-2000 seasons. Reviewed by M. Fischer.
· 15.671: E. M. Stern, Roman, Byzantine, and Early Medieval glass, 10 BCE – 700 CE. Ernesto Wolf Collection. Reviewed by A. Oliver, Jr.
· 11.421: E. M. Stern and B. Schlick-Nolte, Early glass of the ancient world 1600 B.C.- A.D. 50: Ernesto Wolf Collection. Reviewed by L. C. Kahn.
· 11.421: E. M. Stern, The Toledo Museum of Art, Roman mold-blown glass: the first through sixth centuries. Reviewed by L. C. Kahn.
K. B. Stern:
· 32.939: K. B. Stern, Writing on the wall. Graffiti and the forgotten Jews of antiquity. Reviewed by R. S. Bagnall.
W. O. Stern:
· 23.736: W. O. Stern and D. H. Thimme, Kenchreai, eastern port of Corinth, vol. VI: ivory, bone and related wood finds. Reviewed by J. Rife.
M. Sternini:
· 21.423: M. Sternini, La romanizzazione della Sabina Tiberina. Reviewed by H. Patterson.
· 16.545: M. Sternini (ed.), La villa romana di Cottanello. Reviewed by E. Fentress.
· 4.385: M. Sternini, Una manifattura vetraria di V. secolo a Roma. Reviewed by D. Whitehouse.
M. Steskal:
· 23.746: M. Steskal and M. La Torre, Das Vediusgymnasium in Ephesos. Reviewed by D. Parrish.
D. Steuernagel:
· 23.618: C. Bonnet, S. Ribichini and D. Steuernagel (edd.), Religioni in contatto nel Mediterraneo antico. Modalità di diffusione e processi di interferenza. Reviewed by A. Gavini.
S. T. Stevens:
· 19.725: S. T. Stevens, A. V. Kalinowski and H. vanderLeest, Bir Ftouha: a pilgrimage church complex at Carthage. Reviewed by E. Fentress.
A. Stewart:
· 19.457: A. Stewart, Attalos, Athens and the Akropolis. The Pergamene ‘Little Barbarians’. Reviewed by E. Perry.
L. S. Stewart:
· 21.750: C. Lyons, J. K. Papadopoulos, L. S. Stewart & A. Szegedy-Maszak, Antiquity & photography. Early views of Mediterranean sites. Reviewed by F. Barry.
P. Stewart:
· 22.601: P. Stewart, The social history of Roman art. Reviewed by R. Ling.
· 19.479: P. Stewart, Statues in Roman society. Reviewed by M. Fullerton.
P. Stinson:
· 30.802: P. Stinson, with a contribution by U. Outschar, Aphrodisias VII. The Civil Basilica. Reviewed by L. Cavalier
L. Stirling:
· 30.891: T. M. Kristensen & L. Stirling (edd.), The afterlife of Greek and Roman sculpture. Reviewed by S. Barker
S. Stoddart:
· 33.502: C. N. Popa & S. Stoddart (edd.), Fingerprinting the Iron Age: approaches to identity in the European Iron Age. Integrating south-eastern Europe into the debate. Reviewed by K. Lockyear.
· 9.330: C. Malone, S. Stoddart, Territory, time and state. The archaeological development of the Gubbio Basin. Reviewed by L. Sensi.
· 4.193: N. Spivey and S. Stoddart, Etruscan Italy, an archaeological history. Reviewed by J.-R. Jannot.
H. Stöger:
· 27.575: H. Stöger, Rethinking Ostia. A spatial enquiry into the urban society of Rome’s imperial port-town. Reviewed by A. Kaiser.
S. C. Stone:
· 31.774: S. C. Stone, Morgantina Studies vol. VI. The Hellenistic and Roman fine pottery. Reviewed by D. Malfitana.
J. Stoner:
· 33.746: J. Stoner, The cultural lives of domestic objects in late antiquity. Reviewed by K. Cassibry.
A. Storchi Marino:
· 18.482: E. Lo Cascio & A. Storchi Marino (edd.), Modalità insediative e strutture agrarie nell’Italia meridionale in età romana. Reviewed by E. Fentress.
V. M. Strocka:
· 17.645: M. Khanoussi and V. M. Strocka (edd.), Thugga Bd. 1. Grundlagen und Berichte. Reviewed by S. Polla.
J. Strubbe:
· 29.642: C. Laes and J. Strubbe, Youth in the Roman empire. The young and the restless years? Reviewed by E. Jewell.
C. Strube:
· 30.930: C. Strube, mit Beiträgen von G. Ateș & P. Knötzele, Al Andarin, das antike Androna. Oberflächenbefunde und Grabungsergebnisse: die Umfassungsmauern und das Kastron. Reviewed by M. Whiting
· 18.756: C. Strube, Baudekoration im nordsyrischen Kalksteinmassiv Bd. II. Reviewed by B. Bavant.
· 13.796: C. Strube, Die ‘Toten Städte’, Stadt und Land in Nordsyrien. Reviewed by C. Foss.
M. Struck:
· 16.635: J. Pearce, M. Millett and M. Struck (edd.), Burial, society and context in the Roman world. Reviewed by S. T. Stevens.
K. Strutt:
· 21.437: S. Keay, M. Millett, L. Paroli & K. Strutt, Portus. An archaeological survey of the port of Imperial Rome. Reviewed by M. Heinzelmann.
M. C. Sturgeon:
· 19.637: M. C. Sturgeon, Corinth IX. part III. Sculpture. The assemblage from the Theater. Reviewed by M. Fuchs.
D. Stuttard:
· 25.947: S. Moorhead & D. Stuttard, AD 410: the year that shook Rome. Reviewed by M. R. Salzman.
A. U. Stylow:
· 12.649: A. U. Stylow et al., Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum. II Editio Altera Pars VII. Reviewed by J. Edmondson.
R. D. Sullivan:
· 7.447: R. D. Sullivan, Near Eastern royalty and Rome, 100-30 BC. Reviewed by K. Butcher.
A. B. Sumpter:
· 5.388: A. B. Sumpter and S. Coll, Interval Tower SW5 and the south-west defences: excavations 1972-75 (Roman York). Reviewed by S. P. Roskams.
· 5.388: M. Carver, S. Donaghey and A. B. Sumpter, Riverside structures and a well in Skeldergate and buildings in Bishophill (Roman York). Reviewed by S. P. Roskams.
P. J. Suter:
· 18.704: P. J. Suter et al., Meikirch. Villa romana, Gräber und Kirche. Reviewed by R. Ling.
C. H. V. Sutherland:
· 1.170: C. H. V. Sutherland and R. A. G. Carson, The Roman imperial coinage vol. I. revised edition. from 31 BC to AD 69. Reviewed by W. E. Metcalf.
J. Swaddling:
· 24.523: J. Swaddling & P. Perkins (edd.), Etruscan by definition. The cultural, regional and personal identity of the Etruscans. Reviewed by N. de Grummond.
· 20.388: L. Bonfante and J. Swaddling, Etruscan myths. Reviewed by P. G. Warden.
S. Swain:
· 23.622: S. Swain, S. Harrison and J. Elsner, Severan culture. Reviewed by J. Frakes.
M. Swetnam-Burland:
· 29.605: M. Swetnam-Burland, Egypt in Italy. Visions of Egypt in Roman imperial culture. Reviewed by L. A. Mazurek.
E. Swift:
· 31.709: E. Swift, Roman artefacts and society: design, behaviour, and experience. Reviewed by H. E. M. Cool.
K. Swift:
· 32.574: J. C. Carter and K. Swift, The Chora of Metaponto 7. The Greek sanctuary at Pantanello, vols. 1-3. Reviewed by A. M. Small.
· 31.584: E. Lanza Catti & K. Swift, The Chora of Metaponto 5. A Greek farmhouse at Ponte Fabrizio. Reviewed by A. M. Small.
M. Swetnam-Burland:
· 32.666: D. Y. Ng & M. Swetnam-Burland (edd.), Reuse and renovation in Roman material culture. Functions, aesthetics, interpretations. Reviewed by T. M. Kristensen.
R. M. Swoboda:
· 2.353: R. M. Swoboda, Die spätrömische Befestigung Sponeck am Kaiserstuhl. Reviewed by Y. Le Bohec.
N. Sykes:
· 28.704: N. Sykes, Beastly questions: animal answers to archaeological issues. Reviewed by M. MacKinnon.
R. Syme:
· 11.659: R. Syme, edited by A. R. Birley, Anatolica: studies in Strabo. Reviewed by D. Potter.
M. Symonds:
· 30.923: R. Collins, M. Symonds & M. Weber (edd.), Roman military architecture on the frontiers: armies and their architecture in late antiquity. Reviewed by S. T. Parker.
C. Szabó:
· 33.817: C. Szabó, Sanctuaries in Roman Dacia: materiality and religious experience. Reviewed by C. Moser.
W. Szaivert:
· 1.170: W. Szaivert, Moneta imperii romani 2 und 3. Die Münzprägung der Kaiser Tiberius und Caius (Caligula); and 18. Die Münzprägung der Kaiser Marcus Aurelius, Lucius Verus und Commodus (161/192). Reviewed by W. E. Metcalf.
A. Szegedy-Maszak:
· 21.750: C. Lyons, J. K. Papadopoulos, L. S. Stewart & A. Szegedy-Maszak, Antiquity & photography. Early views of Mediterranean sites. Reviewed by F. Barry.
S. G. Szidat:
· 12.596: S. G. Szidat, Teile eines historischen Frieses in der Casa de Pilatos in Sevilla. Reviewed by G. Koeppel.